With the public effectively silenced in their opposition to the giveaway and the majority of the city commission in lockstep behind Mayor Tony Martinez, six members of the Brownsville City Commission voted to give away 76 acres of public property to the third wealthiest university system in the nation to entice it to stay in downtown Brownsville.

The UT System has said it needs at least 300 acres to establish a campus here, but Martinez, undeterred that he does not even have one-fifth of that amount if the 17.4 -acre tract that belongs to the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife is not acquired in a land swap with the federal government, persuaded commissioners Estela Chavez-Vasquez, Melissa Zamora, Rose M. Gowen, Ricardo Longoria and Ricardo Villarreal to go along with his plan.
In fact, Zamora made the motion to give away the land to the UT System.
Only one, Jessica Kalifa-Tetreau, abstained.
Kalifa-Tetreau's abstention drew this remark from an onlooker: "Jessica didn't want the controversy to damage her chances with the city voters. It would have been better for her to vote against the motion. That way, if the deal doesn't go through, she could say she didn't vote for it. By abstaining she effectively deprived the voters ion her district of a voice."
They were not the only ones.
When Martinez was elected, everyone thought he would overturn the gag rule that was imposed on the public by the former Pat Ahumada administration on the advice of contract attorney Mark E. Sossi. Ostensibly to protect the city and the commissioners from getting sued for defamation, Sossi's advice came after comments were directed against him for his performance as the city commission's legal counsel.

Additionally, he said that the donation was in the best interests of the downtown commercial community and the "interest of TSC."

"No one told him that he could speak on their behalf," he said. "I think they spoke for themselves before when they voted not to give away any community college assets to the UT System like (UTB President) Juliet Garcia was proposing."

Additionally, the East Brownsville Little League is located at the park. Did anyone ask them if they wanted to give up their playing field?
But with one fell swoop, Martinez and the other five city commissioners (six, because Tetreau's vote is inconsequential) have promised the land to the UT System with no public input into the matter. Likewise, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife tract has yet to be negotiated.
"They don't even know if the state and federal governments are going to go along with this plan of theirs," said an opponent at the meeting. "Do they know what they're doing?"
They are a humiliating bunch.
Sometimes it seems that these people think that because they meet downtown, that the rest of us live down there. They need to accept the fact that the City of Brownsville has moved North and they have been left behind in Little Matamoros....and not a place most of us want to frequent.
"Jessica is facing re-election in May and she didn't want the controversy to damage her chances with the city voters."
- said a dumbass that doesn't know how to count 4-year terms.
You have three pictures of ladies who are good on their knees except that Kalifa cunt! Her nose stabs at you when she is knobbing up and down!
There has been a shift in the city's center of gravity to the North, and the consistent failure to clean up, let alone "restore" the cesspool known as downtown does not bode well for the future. No reasonable University is going to locate in the decrepit center of a border town which consistently underperforms in relation to its neighbors and peers.
Where is the mayor planning to move Lincoln park to?? How much money will it take to re-build a comparable park?? Who is going to pay for it-----THE TAXPAYORS!!!!!!
with the exception of utsa, most texas universities are located in or adjacent to poor areas, or what were once poor unwanted downtowns. texas tech, u of h, st. mary's, etc. these universities have created the vitality that is around them. even utsa, which started outside of town, now has a downtown campus.
an urban campus that is designed as a walkable community in a downtown setting would be a showpiece for a university system like ut. most urban planners and university planning departments would agree. what these commissioners need to ask is why hasn't the land across from rancho viejo ever developed. is it because it is served solely by the east rio hondo water company who had, or still has a moratorium on development? they have been unable to serve water or sewer to this area in the past. at least to a level that provides fire protection..which is a basic necesity to most businesses. whoever wants to develop there will probably have to invest tens of millions of dollars to build new water and sewer plants for the erhwsc. even if pub were able to service that area, it would cost pub ratepayers millions. i guess the cardenas figure that by giving land to ut, someone will have to extend utilities to the area, and then the cardenas can piggyback off those utilities and make something of their worthless land
i hope the mayor and city commissioners just give the whole town to ut system that way i dont have to pay my taxes any more i cant afford them anyway. getr done mayor asap, todo o nada
It's fun to be mayor!
all you elected people know it all so give it all away way.
just mailed my compalin to the texas attorney general putz lets see what he says, my bet the city cannot give the land away, any takers? monkey
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