Brownsville Independent School District trustee Otis Powers showed his true colors Tuesday when he told those opposing his motion to appoint Edinburg attorney Gus Acevedo as the district's interim legal counsel that there was "a new majority" on the board.

After he was rebuffed by the other trustees on hiring Acevedo, he then mentioned rehiring Walsh-Anderson which drew comments of disbelief from others on the board and in the audience.
That firm was BISD legal counsel when the district was sued and had to settle with former Special Needs Director Art Rendon, the former Superintendent Hector Gonzales and former CFO Tony Juarez. All three are now back at the district after returning them their employment was part of their settlement packages.
When Powers could not muster a majority to hire Acevedo or to hire Waslh Anderson, he went along with the majority to retain Thompson Horton pending a new Request For Qualifications for new counsel. Yet, Otis, the quintessential horse trader, went along with the "new majority" and voted to give Montoya a new one-year extension of his contract and a $12,000 bonus.
Waiting in the wings is the potential for a payback for Otis' wife, Sandra Powers, to get an appointment as a new assistant Athletic Director. Clueless Minerva Peña is there to look after the interests of Rachel Peña and her followers. Trustee Hector Chirinos sits on the board not to represent the interests of the district's voters, but rather to protect the position of former Asst. Superintendent Rachel Ayala's daughters and his coterie of followers at the Transportation Department. Escobedo, who had supported Acevedo for interim legal counsel, also has to look out for the interests of his brother Jaime, who is bidding for the schools' security surveillance contract.
Well, we're back to the Good Old Days, aren't we?
Otis Powers is a self-serving DICK! Unfortunately, he has fooled a lot of voters. If our kids grow up to be like him, they too will be DICKs.
Walsh was removed before the law suits mentions got to court.
Juan, you left out the most important reason why he wanted Thompson's firm fired! He yelled out because they had fired Mike Saldana and Looney the insurance consultant!! Can you believe that stupidity? I'm so glad Ms. Longoria told him it was all political and pay back.
Otis belongs behind bars for conspiracy and having illegal meetings and negotiating. What a dumb ass.
Who is Rachel Pena? Do yo mean Raquel Ayala? Or does Minerva have a Rachel in her family?
When have we ever had a team of 8? It has always been a majority of so to so, binding together to line their pockets or serve their purposes. In fact, a team of 8 is exactly what we need on our board, just like we need it in Congress.
The above posts were written By Catalina Presas.
Oh my God! I can't believe that Caty Would be writting these things! Look in the mirror Catita before you make statements of who should be behind bars. Remember everywhere you spend money is traceable, and you do not have a job mijita. You say you work for Victoria Secret's...por favor don't fit in any of the outfits lonjuda!
How do you know she doesn't work and where she spends her money? Could it be you are stalking her?? This must be Rick or Minerva you both are obessed with this poor woman.
Get a life, move on. Start doing your duties which is to save the district not destroy it by doing things to fill your pockets.
Way to go Otis, only been on board and already gives the supt a raise and extends his contract. What about the rest of us? Are you giving us a 15,000 raise across the board? How dare you give him another raise without consideration of the rest of us. Otis, Escobedo, Minerva and Chirinos are pathetically a disgrace to society.
Montoya is going to be their puppet. Sandra, mary tolman will be promoted, Mirta will become principal, Sylvia will be terminated, Dora Sauceda will be hired, Rita will be in C&I, Enrique will get contracts for his brother, consultant, agent of records and loss control all to his buddies. Don't believe that, just watch.
How sickening.
Ay Catita, no body is stalking you mijita! NI quien se ocupe lonjuda WOW YOU ARE SO FULL OF YOURSELF.We know that you do not have a job because you are always telling vendors that you are broke so you can get money out of them. I can not believe you are a real piece of work mijita...i will pray for you.
Pinche MR, MP,RC, RZ,OP,you all will get your time in court for abusing Brownsville, the City, the County and the brownsville Navigation.
WOW, so obvious that post February 7, 2013 at 1:11 PM is non other than Cata Presas-Garcia. She just like who she dislikes and who she likes. It is apparent she only likes Sylvia Atkinson. Spooky!
WOW, people really hate this Cata Presas-Garcia Trustee!
They hate Ms. presas because she speaks the truth. She's not a two=face back stabbing corrupt individual like Minerva and her other male losers.
Way to go Caty, give them hell!
I agree with you (Feb. 7 11:11),...that is Caty the employee at Victoria's top secret. She wants everyone behind bars but she is the biggest crook! I wish the other trustees would not fall for her theatrics,...when she pretended to cry at the meeting pft! Please lonjuda...WOW the things she would do to keep the law firm that was recommended by Carlos Quintanilla!
Mike Saldana (Walsh Anderson) and Powers were part of Zayas & Cortez' CONSPIRACY to fire Gonzalez and Juarez. So blame them for the settlements.
To fire Thompson & Horton because they fired Mike Saldana this is Powers opinion?? What a dumbass, I hope T&H sues his ass for being so stupid.
I love Lucy, she's great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with Anony
byrr-Anonymous said...
Way to go Otis, only been on board and already gives the supt another raise and extends his contract. What about the rest of us? Are you giving us a 15,000 raise across the board? How dare you give him another raise without consideration of the rest of us. This is the second raise in a fiscal year the Superintendent gets from Otis, Escobedo, Minerva and Chirinos who are pathetically a disgrace to society.-
Why would otis, chirinos, minerva & enrique want an attorney that's been fired from all valley districts? Not a smart move, guess ms. Garcia is right this guy acevedo is willing to bend the laws to appease their personal interests? What a disappointment, thank god I didn't vote for these guys.
I guess Minerva pena isn't what she protrays to be, she's the total opposite, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.
Get a job least tapale el OJO al macho when you write comments! WOW! You are sooooo predictable lonjuda. You want to keep the attourney that your good friend and Lucy's lover recommended...WOW! How much money are they giving you mijita? Be careful Catita.....they are following the money trail.....
Mary Rae you and your lover Rick are soar losers. The paper trail is going to lead up to all of you.
It's Mary Rey PENDEJA , and I am not the one that let Rick touch her thighs flusie!
Es Maria Del Pozo Concepcion Rey na de San Nicolas de los Garza de donde son los narcos y el Cartel.
Otis sure isn't wasting anytime, already asking to promote his buddy Martin Arambula AND commit BISD to a Loan company owned by Martin's sister.
What about the rest of us? Are we all getting promoted? Getting a raise? Get BISD TO COMMIT WITH ALL LOAN COMPANIES?
Patrick Hammes, is this one of the four that are suppose to save BISD??? What a big mistake!#=/+? :-(
"Anonymous said...
I guess Minerva pena isn't what she protrays to be, she's the total opposite, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt.
February 9, 2013 at 9:43 PM"
The above comment is by none other that Cata Presas-Garcia. She is sooooo Jealous of Minerva Pena. This is obvious in the manner in which she treats and makes ugly faces at Minerva Pena at every board meeting. Cata Presas-Garcia could never and will never live up to Minerva Pena's positive impact on this Community. Cata Presas-Garcia has nothing to fall back on because she has spend an entire life being a hateful individual. Que Triste para Cata Presas-Garcia. Esres una persona bien tonta!!!!!
Minerva is s total fake. She a two=face back stabbing bitch. If she cares so much about the employees why did she vote to give the sorry looking superintendent a pay raise before giving teachers and employees a raise.
She was also ready to Martin Arambula a pay increase. This guy doesn't deserve shit he's never at work and if he is, he's taking care of Port business.
Post February 22, 2013 at 1:08 AM is none other than Cata La Rata!
Hear Cata is working at Forever 21 in McAllen. Thought she sold houses for a living? Guess market is bad and she needs a job. Oh well, a job is a job.
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