Wednesday, February 6, 2013


"Judge Highlights BISD Chess Program in His Ruling"
In his landmark school finance decision on Monday, February 4, Judge John Dietz used the history of Brownsville ISD’s chess program as a stirring example of education’s power to unlock student potential. Citing Brownsville’s economic challenges, Judge Dietz explained the origins of the district’s chess program which began in 1989 at Russell Elementary School with Teacher JJ Guajardo. Twenty-four years later, the success of thousands of BISD students has made Brownsville a nationally recognized chess powerhouse and has inspired our hometown university, UT Brownsville, to have one of the top chess teams in the country. Read Judge Dietz’s remarks.


Anonymous said...

But, unfortunately the BISD dropout rate and inability to teach children to read and write in two languages sort of minimizes the achievements in the chess program (although a great program). A minority of kids participate in chess....while a majority can't read and write.

Anonymous said...

Lopez HS had a great soccor team too, but does that mean BISD, as a whole, is doing its academic job. just means a few guys (some of whom probably never graduated) were proficient enough in one sport to win. Chess teams also represent individual abilities....not quality of education in BISD.

Anonymous said...

There is a huge difference when you LIVE in Brownsville,pay taxes in Brownsville and attend the meeting yourself in Brownsville or were just born in Brownsville moved elsewhere and now want to tell the Citizens of Brownsville how to run the city from Austin,TX as an outsider. Oh yeah you must pay up to the Fat Bastard Erasmo who hasn't worked a day in his life and is 46 years old. He has made himself sooo fat to scam the goverment out of taxpayers money by claiming to be disabled but yet won't do anything about it but milk the system for every tax payers hard working cent. He is a bum and a scammer always seeking how to earn cash at other peopls expense. Who is he to say the commissioners is Corrupt? He and his sister live off Medicaid and Welfare and scam the poor and gullible ignorant people. Your time is coming Fat Bastard

Anonymous said...

Gullible and ignorant people !!!
He found a lot of them in Brownsville. Like the Lord said:
Ya me voy y aqui los deho, para que el mas vivo viva del mas pendejo...

Anonymous said...

It that you Catita posting at 10:58 on 02/07/13?
