Remember when Erasmo Castro – the self-proclaimed Head Cheese of Cheezmeh – use to threaten his detractors that "we are a Legion and we are 20,000 strong?"
Well, after an underwhelming response to his call to arms where he asked the "Cheezenation to send emails and the black and white shirts to attend and protest at the City Hall for the meeting," he couldn't help but to spew his spite at his lukewarm band of followers.
"I thought we had more than five friends/subscribers," Erasmo lamented on his Internet page from Austin, his home. "At least tell me to go f__k myself."
These are bitter words from a would-be social media page politiquero when things don't go his way.
After saying that he thought the board of the school district was the "stupidest governmental body in our community," he lashed out at the city commission for going along with Mayor Tony Martinez and voting to donate 76 acres of land to the UT System.
Some of us who grew up in the Midwest remember sayings like "don't burn your bridges," and "you can attract more flies with honey than you can with vinegar," advice apparently lost on Erasmos who fancied himself a Super Politiquero allied with the likes of Ernie Hernandez and daughter Erin.
But now that he has called the mayor (pictured with the Head Cheez above) and commissioners corrupt and inept, it is doubtful that illusion will come to pass.
Perhaps the dwindling fortunes of the politiqueras aligned with Erin and Ernie will become obvious as the next round of elections in May for city commission approaches.
Damn Tony, you dare take a picture with a convicted felon? Maybe what they say is true then about you!
Tony is a lawyer, he has taken lots of pictures with convicted felons....his clients.
Tony had to take the photo.....Fat Boy threatened to eat him if Tony refused!
Actually, Erasmo is a fantastic cook. I am sure he could make even that sorry sack of shit delectable and double delicious.
Ok so stop and take a deep breath of
fresh air.....
no matter if the UT system accepts
the smell or a bad plant nearby,
is the mayor and the city commis
going to pub to clean it's shit up
clean up the shit smell for the
ordinary voters of southmost . . .
or do they just do what is the only
thing they have done for the past
10 years.....
live with the shit smell because the mayor and the city commis
dont give a dammm.....
hey mayor and city commis.... how about a special pachanga at the corner of hwy 77 before los tomates
bridge entrance.....
"only you gotta to hold your nose and leave your mouth open......"
"you get use to the special taste
in the air"
you shit heads..... make pub clean
the shit smell.....
Fat Bustard cannot even get his underwear to support him. Maybe he should go back to worrying about lost cats and bad parking.
What do "they" say?
alcade AGUAS despues de la sonrisa viene la mordida.
Commissioner Atkinson was the thorn in the side of those who took advantage of the city. He didn't care to call out these leaches who sell out our city. Thanks Erasmo for going against Atkinson. Now we do have an attack dog to sniff out all the corruption.
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