One by one they lined up to give Abel Limas his due.
If it wasn't one attorney it was another.
Limas would hand out ad litem appointments and everyone involved knew that there was a quid pro quo expected. You want a favor? Grease Abel's palm and see the magic work. You get a few thousands, Abel wanted some back.
Whether it was Ray Marchan, Joe Valle, Eddie Trevino, Michael Young, Oscar de la Fuente, ad nauseum...
At the other side of the second floor of the Cameron County judicial wing, federal prosecutors said that former DA Armando Villalobos was also wheeling and dealing and trading favors for cash.
Whether it was a favor to his former partner Eddie Lucio that allegedly netted him and Limas thousands for letting a murderer walk, or for admitting defendants them to a first-offender program after they plunked down their $500, business was booming.
One DA investigator even settled for a bicycle from an escaped murder suspect in Matamprs to give him a status report on his case.

And the saying that blood is thicker than mud takes on new meaning when we learn that Brownsville native Jesse Mata testified for the government that he got a piece of the pie when he agreed to provide false testimony in a lawsuit involving a railroad accident after his cousin Gilbert Benavides, who worked for Rosenthal, enticed him with a cool $10,000. All he had to do was soil his pants at the right place and at the right time.
The DA, judges, district court clerks and employees, DA office investigators, were all there with their hand out willing to take while the giving was good because everyone else was doing it. There were even judges playing one side against the other as when District Judge Migdalia Lopez asked Limas to arrange a meeting with Rosenthal at the old 77 Restaurant to see if she could play one side against the other and wring some campaign money from freewheeling Rosenthal. She had already gotten some from the opposing side in a lawsuit, coincidentally, those representing the railroad. The hat was being passed around indiscriminately and everybody was giving...and taking.
And when Elia Cornejo Lopez beat Limas, Leonel Alejandro was only too willing to have the big-money cases to his "friendly" court so the cash cow could continue to be milked. We're sure it was on the basis of his friendship with Abel, of course.
There are probably people in prison who don't deserve to be there, murderers loose who should be behind bars, and a disillusioned citizenry who was disabused of the notion that when you walked into the courtroom you were walking into a level playing field.
And judging by the people on the federal and defense witness list, there are many more people in the county who had a hand in the cookie jar, some of them groping for mere crumbs.
Solis, Limas, Robles,Young, Trevino, etc...
Today it was Rosenthal. Tomorrow, who will it be?
There are more honest lawyers than are crooked ones. It just that the bad ones stick out more, just like any profession, cops, doctors, etc.
It starts at the top with the county.
Where is the so called auditor all this time ?
The county judges in the past always let it be known who was to be hired....
of course hire the mayor of combs
of course hire the cousin of rio hondo commis
of course hire the connected from port isabel
on and on and on
where was the county auditor ?
the judges hire the favorite people
from the law offices to make sure
the campaign money never stops.....
the judges hire the baliff who is
the d/a ask the judges to hire
this guy this woman.....
where is the county auditor ?
the commiss... hire only the real
connected, who cares about qualifications...
who cares about the voters....
where is the county auditor ?
who is the county auditor connected
to at the courthouse ?
the answer: you said it; one of the judges who gets elected then loses then gets elected then loses
It starts at the top......
Why has former Judge Daniel Robles not been indicted? Is he the "Deep Throat" for the Feds? This guy and Jim Solis did a dog and pony show in County Court 3. Every lawyer knows this. All ad litem appointments were given to "prison bound Jimbo". And now this Bozo has announced his intention to run for Judge Alejandro's vacant bench in the 357th District Court! NO! NO! NO! DO NOT SUPPORT THIS IDIOT. Este vato no vale verga! Es compadre de Jim Solis! Cuidado con este culero.
Anonymous said...
If Eva Arambula is MarinArambula's sister?
They why would Enrique Escobedo not abstain when giving her the RVG MultiBank Small Dollar Lending?
Is it because Martin Arambula had already voted at the Port to give Enrique Escobedo the 3million security system contract?
Eva Arambula-Woodfin
Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation
Small Dollar Loan Coordinator
Thank you for uncovering and bringing to light what many know who practice law or are around it. When in the valley you need a local counsel for each and every court. Corrupt as sin. From Home healths to the courtroom the Valley needs to be cleaned up and several need to go to prison to straighten things out. Rosenthal looks like he is the one soiling his pants now and his lawyer Kratzig is no criminal lawyer. I can tell you that. AWFUL. He hired the wrong guy.
February 20, 2013 at 11:31 PM
The above poster is none other than Mr. 20% Pat Lehman.
Aurora. Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.Aurora.
Compadrismo is alive and well in the Town of Brown, and in the County of Cameroon!
Is the Jesse Mata that gave the false testimony Commissioner Sofia Benavidez's Son? I think she has a son that has the same name and I'm sure if that is him.
Como dicen..los abogados son como los platanos, no hay uno derecho.
Arriba Rey Ramon! Arriba Del Panson! (D.J. Lerma in the yesterday...Dan Sanchez in the today)! Quite fitting!
Let's hope that Aurora de la Garza is the next to be indicted. In order for "special" cases to get to the courts of Able Limas and Alejandro, Aurora had to be a player.
As far as the comment that there are more "honest" lawyers than corrupt lawyers....well, if that is true, the "honest" lawyers allow the system to exist because they lack the balls, or the moral courage to shake up the corrupt system. Any "honest" lawyers (an oxymoron for many) seem to accept the corruption, or try to stay out its way...why, to stay in the good favor of the corrupt system.
Bottom line....indict Aurora de la Garza.
Im sure that there are lot more attorneys and other judges who are involved in this mess that have not been named. Its seems the whole judicial system is involved with the Limas scandal. This scandal is making the Duval County scandal with Judge Parr look small compared to Cameron County's scandal. Why hasn't Magallanes, Hinojosa, Eddie Trevino, Judge Leonel Alejandro, Judge Danny Robles, Judge Arturo Nelson, Judge Migdalia Lopez, Trey Martinez, Aurora de la Garza, Rosie Sotelo, Jesse Mata, Michael Young, George Gavito, and all the other people that are involved in this mess and have been named as being involved been indicted? It seems that the statute of limitations will expire soon for the feds and these people will never see justice prosecute them for the crimes they committed. Remember this case has been going on since 2008 and its almost five years since the crimes were committed. It will be a shame if these people get away with facing the law as all other criminals have for stupid minor things. Aurora, Rosie and Joey de le Garza should be the first ones to be prosecuted because they are getting paid with our tax dollars. Get them off the county payroll. They should have already investigated Auroras campaign reports and see how much money she got from these attorneys for assigning cases to "friendly" courts. The feds should also investigate to see what she has done with all the money she has raised for the last 8 to 12 years, the amount of years that she had an opponent. I know for sure some of that campaign money went to pay off bank loans for the loan she got to pay off Joey de la Garzas restitution. That should be looked at. She might end up with an additional charge besides the charges in the Limas mess..... Way to go Cameron County voters for being the biggest idiots and voting these bastards to county offices! Now it comes out that our Pesado from Southmost (Pete Benavides) our saint, our colonia hero also got his share of the pie in the Limas scandal. Shame on him... Sue Sofia Benavides for the money her husband got as a pay off or donate it to needy children.... That would be the best thing to do Sofia..
TODAY IS ROSENTHAL TOMORROW,pues mr. montoya,por donde quiere empezar. por el condado pues ay un chingo empezando por ciertos commisinados, luego por la cuidad hay otro chingo, no hay lugar ni en huntsville par meter a tanto cabron al bote,por ultimo que paso con el caso del tal willy gonzalez.
Feb. 21, 2013 at 10:59AM:
Yes, he is the son of the present County Commission Sofie Ben!!!!
Dirt Bag
We have "spill over" violence from Mexico and we have "spill over" corruption from Mexico. It is a Mexican thing.
Make you proud to be brown doesn't it?
All you good lawyers get off your collective asses and fire up the CAMERON COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION.
When have they ever done anything?
Isn't that how you clean your ranks of trash?
I thought that Jesse Mata was the son of commissioner Benavidez. He worked with Aurora's office a few years back along with his wife Jessica and sister Mary Ester. I wonder if he was still working in her office when he gave his false testimony? No conicidence he was so eager and willing to be bought he was so use to seeing Aurora and his mom and step father doing the same thing. How Come a bigger deal isn't being made about the fact that he's the commissioners son?? Corrupition runs deep in Cameron County. THey all know what the other one is doing...when in rome do as the romans...ratas
The County Auditor is appointed by the District Judges so they do not have to answer to the Co. Judge or commissioners and can be independent. Two Auditors back got charged with a crime because he got to be so independent that he started illegally letting and extending contracts that were the legal responsibility of the Commissioner court. He negotiated himself out of any jail time. The Auditor that followed him got caught with his hands on some of the female employees and resigned to avoid charges. The current auditor does whatever the County Judge tells her to do, right, wrong or whatever fit his fancy. The relationship between the Auditor and the County Judge is highly suspect. She could give a sh-- what the District judges say, but when the Co. Judge says jump, she asks how high. So to answer " Where is the Auditor" she is wherever the Co. Judge wants her to be at that moment. If the Co. judge does not complain to the District judges, she keeps her very lucrative job to be a YES person.
"I thought that Jesse Mata was the son of commissioner Benavidez. He worked with Aurora's office a few years back along with his wife Jessica and sister Mary Ester." Is this true? Do they not have a nepotism clause in the County HR regs? How can multiple family members of a commission work for the county? and in the same area for that matter????
But no one does anything . . .
The voters and I am one of them are
helpless now
It will be another year and this will all be forgotten or old news
Sofi, the Judges, auorita - chickita, the supervisors who knew
and went along,
what are we voters to do ?
Maybe now, in the future they will be better, the seconud time around.......
after all the elected are only humans ......
Hey Danny Robles! You obviously lied to the public about stepping down and wanting to spend more time with family? YOur a short fucking liar! Sounds like your right in the middle of this corruption scandal according to testimony? I wonder now if you're thinking that making a big stink about a parking space was worth the headache? Where do you park now, you stupid little alleged corrupt liar!
I would be willing to bet that the Bar ignored many, many complaints. The Bar is all about covering up legitimate complaints. Somebody ought to subpeona bar records, then again they are so totally corrupt and dishonest that they would never give an honest document production. The feds should tap into the phone lines of the bar lawyers.
and th eband plays on, the good lawyers rurn a blind eye, because they can control what goes on at the county courthouse no amtter what they do, they dont have a choice, yes its takes one rotten apple (in this case many bags full) in a barrel to spoil th erest, and all you fufis attorneys (gilbert, trevino, magallanes etc etc etc ) who think you have gotten away? do you sleep comfortable at night? all you elected officials who took part in this aurora, rosie, jesse mata do you all sleep well at night? only time will tell if you get arrested or not or in case of some they will not be cuz they turned witness for the prosecution in return for immunity. God will be your final judge. chief
Folks listen up, there is a New law firm in town, name?
Dowe, Cheatum & Howe. these are my compadres, they are all corrupt so if you need legal advie or serives i whole heartly recommend them. chief
The Feds need to dig deeper into he local agencies that receive millions of dollars from State and Federal funds. There they will find the rotten core of the Democratic Political Machine.
Go after some of these corrupt elected City and County officials as well, not just the judges!
Rotten core and corrupt political machine opertivies, juan magallenas and gilberto hinojosa plus the whole gang at the cameron county courthouse
All this ad litme attorneys that asked for outrages fees for no work and they just sat on there fat asses deserve to go to jail and refund those monies back!!!!
MAYOR OF BROWNSVILLE CITY COMMISIONERS, WERE IS THE AUDIT YOU ORDER FOR THE SPORTS PARK, 'FEDERALES' [ya no le hagan al pedejo y entrel a este pedito] there is no way the city spend 37,ooo,ooo. how the past commisioners and the mayor prove the 37,000,000 they spend in this so call SPORTS PARK.
Why is enrique escobedo like Ernie Hernandez getting their security company, Printing company, Landscaping contracts, Vending Machine CONTRACTS AWARDED from their friends at the Port, County, BISD, City?
Is this a conflict of interest?
Yes, but it had to be Rosenthal, he is the perfect idiot for this type of shit, arrogant, corrupt, stupid, stubborn, and a fucking pervert
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