The New York Times
THE 2012 presidential race in Texas might as well have been in Mexico, so little did the Democrats campaign for the state’s 38 electoral votes,
Yet during a fund-raising swing on a sweltering July day, President Obama let a political secret out of the bag for his rich donors. “You’re not considered one of the battleground states,” he said, “although that’s going to be changing soon.”
Democrats are champing at the bit to turn Texas blue. “People are now looking at Texas and saying: ‘That’s where we need to make our next investment. That’s where the next opportunity lies,’ ” one Democratic state senator told Politico. There’s even optimistic chatter of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s capturing the state in 2016 if she runs for president.
But it’s going to take more than money or a Clinton. The only constant in politics may be change, but turning Texas blue — or even purple — is going to be a lot harder than most folks imagine. It will require hard work, political infrastructure and a vision of Hispanic voters that goes beyond immigration reform.
Texas was reliably Democratic for more than a century, from Reconstruction through the Lyndon B. Johnson years. Johnson ably — albeit cynically and sometimes illegally — harnessed the Hispanic vote to keep his more reactionary opponents off balance in primaries.

In 1994, Mr. Bush’s son George pushed that indomitable Texas Democrat, Ann W. Richards, from the governor’s office, after which his consigliere, Karl Rove, engineered a generation of Republican domination. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, though strong in southern Texas and in some cities, withered as a statewide organization.
Now, though, Democrats are hopeful that the immovable object — the overwhelmingly male, conservative Republican power structure — is about to meet the unstoppable force: demography. Texas is home to 9.5 million Hispanics, about 38 percent of the population, just seven points behind the non-Hispanic white population. In 2020, Hispanics will begin to surpass the white population and will outright dwarf it in 2030.
But the Hispanic vote is not monolithically Democratic, nationally or in Texas. In 2004, 40 percent of Texas Hispanics backed George W. Bush for re-election. In 2010, Rick Perry got almost 40 percent of the Hispanic vote statewide, and nearly half in South Texas, the purported base for Democratic growth.
Then there is the problem of Democratic infrastructure: there hasn’t been one for years. In 1995, Ron Kirk, forged a coalition of Hispanics and African-Americans to become the first black mayor of Dallas, but he could not do the same statewide; he lost a Senate race to John Cornyn in 2002.
That same year, the millionaire oilman Tony Sanchez, a Democrat running for governor, had money, a Mexican heritage and an ability to appeal to Mexican-American voters. For it, he still lost 35 percent of the Hispanic vote to Mr. Perry, who claimed the governor’s mansion.
But the biggest problem is voter participation. Only about half of eligible Hispanic voters show up nationwide; this edged up slightly in 2012 to 53 percent. In Texas, just 4.1 million Hispanics are registered to vote, and only about half of them make it to the voting booth.
Why? There are a variety of explanations, including cultural ones. It’s pretty easy to feel disenfranchised by a political system that talks about you as an “immigrant” or, worse, an “alien.”
The Democrats have a few things working for them. The national Republican Party and its immigrant-bashing tendencies is one, of course. And it has hitched its outreach wagon to two senators — Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas — who are Cuban-American, a difference that may seem minor to non-Hispanics but that significantly diminishes their appeal to Texas’ Latinos, who are primarily of Mexican heritage. (Indeed, the Canadian-born Mr. Cruz actually got fewer Hispanic votes last year than Mr. Cornyn did in 2008.)
It may be that the demographic wave makes all this beside the point, and that increasing turnout among Hispanics just a little might make a big difference.

That also assumes that Republicans continue on their present, self-destructive course. If they moderate their anti-immigrant message, they might cut into the gains that optimistic Democrats are taking for granted.
Aside from get-out-the-vote efforts and pro-immigrant posturing, the Democrats need to develop a better understanding of Texas Hispanics as more than just immigrants. Their No. 1 issue: jobs. Polling and focus groups by the University of Texas political scientist Daron Shaw suggest that economic themes — including education and entrepreneurship — may draw Hispanics to vote in greater numbers. But as long as both parties see voters as mere immigrants, he said, “Hispanics are going to look at the candidate as just another politician.”
It has been 36 years since the Democrats last captured Texas in a presidential election. It could well happen again. But to make it happen, they have to look beyond demographics and start focusing on the hard, long road of party building first.
Richard parker writes for McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.
Anonymous said...
If Eva Arambula is MarinArambula's sister?
They why would Enrique Escobedo not abstain when giving her the RVG MultiBank Small Dollar Lending?
Is it because Martin Arambula had already voted at the Port to give Enrique Escobedo the 3million security system contract?
Eva Arambula-Woodfin
Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation
Small Dollar Loan Coordinator
Ted Cruz. What an asshole. You know the Cubanos go Republican because they dont' have to worry about getting deported like Mexicanos and they always think that they are better than us. Banana eating pendejos. Can't stand the way they talk.
And what have the Democrats done for the RGV and immigrants lately....NADA! Why are Hispanics in Texas loyal to a political party that is all rhetoric and promises and yet over the decades has done little for Hispanics or the poor in Texas or the US. We have more poor people in the US than ever...yet the Democrats in every election promise to end poverty. The Democratic Party has created a welfare culture because so many millions who vote for Democratic candidates just sit on their thumbs waiting for a handout. Most of those are uneducated or undereducated and don't seem willing to work to change their situation. Time for Hispanics and the poor to wake up and smell the bullshit that the Democratic Party is spreading.
If you want to complain about the City, County, BISD, Port just do a complain at:
To file a complaint form:
You got to be patient, these entities take a few years to gather evidence, or stop by the Brownsville FBI office and ask for the
This is how they got AL Capone,
when all else fails IRS is the Key.....
Controlling the “Narrative” is incumbent upon the party currently in power and all we hear is how no one in Washington is willing to compromise. No one has been better at controlling the Narrative than Obama and his team and many people have bought into the idea that Washington is broken and can’t get anything done. In 2010 a wave of Republicans were voted into office, not just in Washington, but all over the United States, most people believe that this was due to the fact that voters got tired of the of the Narrative that was coming out of Washington, they saw Obama’s change and did not seem to like it. The way that Washington works is supposed to hard, it should be difficult, not impossible, but difficult to change the way things are done.
Stop listening to what Washington is saying and look at what is happening, you decide if it is what you want, don’t let someone make up your mind for you because you are uninformed.
“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them”. Thomas Jefferson
If Democrats really educated voters, those voters would vote Republican\Conservative almost every time. This immigration garbage are just lies spread by Democrats and you know it. Last election, the only one with a smart immigration policy was Perry - unfortunately that's all he had. Bottom line, Texas can turn blue. But it will only happen if Democrats take their tactics of vote stealing they have in the valley state-wide. Possible? You bet! They did in Ohio and Florida. Plus, they have the media backing them up. If I were part of the turf organization Battleground Texas, I'd start by hiring the valley Politiqueras. Provide them a van and start kissing the ass of all the old folks in the retirement homes. That's how they win in the valley. You know this. It certainly isn't because they 'educate' voters.
Why is enrique escobedo like Ernie Hernandez getting their security company, Printing company, Landscaping contracts, Vending Machine CONTRACTS AWARDED from their friends at the Port, County, BISD, City? Is this a conflict of interest?
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