After we were unceremoniously rebuffed by the Brownsville Public Utility Board and its high-priced counsel to get a gander at the agreement between electric-power supplier Tenaska and the city-owned utility, we have learned that others have also requested details of the agreement.
The lawyers said it would take at least two months before we could expect the Texas Attorney general's opinion htye requested before we learn what the PUB and city officials have committed us t ay over the span of the agreement, however long that might be.
That agreement - as far as we have been led to believe - will result in PUB financing an 800 megawatt capacity electric producing plant fueled by natural gas at an estimated cost of some $200 million to be paid by rate hikes of utility users.
That agreement, according to what little was told to residents at the mediafest press conference, will give PUB a one-quarter stake in the plant and the production of electricity, city and PUB officials said. However, they did not specify whether any "incentives" like tax abatements or special considerations will be going to the private energy company in return.
In fact, there was never any mention on how the taxation scheme will work if the city owns one-quarter of the plant and the private utility the other third.

Enter Sebastian Krynski, an expert who develops risk assessment and risk management models for a variety of clients, including the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and is responsible for development of short- and long-term electric demand forecasting models at ICF, a firm that specializes in analytics from research and analysis through implementation and improvement in the energy industry since 1969.
Krynski, on the ICF webpage, is described as being an expert at analyzing "electric power market modeling and power asset valuation for private equity and power plant developers. He develops risk assessment and risk management models for a variety of clients, including the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and he is responsible for development of short- and long-term electric demand forecasting models at ICF.
Mr. Krynski has an M.S. in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Virginia."
His latest paper delivered during a presentation in January was titled "The Future of U.S. Electric Demand Growth," a "webinar" he delivered with his wholesale power expert partner Judah Rose and discussed the current electric demand outlook in key U.S. markets in light of long-term declining electric demand growth trends, the changing relationship between economic activity and electric demand growth, recent weather patterns, and growth in energy efficiency programs.
Critical issues discussed in this "webinar" included:
*Recent electric demand growth patterns
*The impact of economic activity and weather on peak demand and energy growth
*The impact of demand side management on electric growth
*Prospects for future electric demand growth in light of demographic and economic forecasts
*Recent electric demand growth patterns
*The impact of economic activity and weather on peak demand and energy growth
*The impact of demand side management on electric growth
*Prospects for future electric demand growth in light of demographic and economic forecasts
We have reached out to Krynski hoping he can enlighten us on the veracity of the PUB/Tenaska agreement before we swallow the bait of the $200 million deal reached without any type of meaningful input from the ratepayers. If he's interested in this, we'd love to know what he thinks of the arrangement.
We'll keep you posted if we hear from Mr. Krynski on his take of this apparent sweetheart deal reached between PUB and its electric-energy provider.
Was Eva Arambual martin's sister got the job purposely para hacer trampa?
Riddle me these?
--GBCDC got the Grant initially?
--Somebody pulled a Sossi and borrowed and still owes 1kool million.
--To cover the hole, Eva Arambula-Woodfin becomes RGV Multibank Corporation
Small Dollar Loan Coordinator.
Award: $56,500 technical assistance grant
Type: Multibank CDC
Contact: Mr. Don Currie - (956) 541-4955
Greater Brownsville Community Development Corporation (GBCDC) was incorporated in April of 1995 to promote
develop and improve economic conditions in the four county South Texas border region. GBCDC is a for-profit
multi-bank CDC that provides loans to low-income persons and non-profit organizations. The technical assistance
award will be used for computer networking strategic planning target market research new loan product development
and development of a capitalization strategy.
montoya, the city of brownsville also has some 'FAVORITIES' contractors that do the under 35000 contracts, let me give some of this characters, luis torres[BROTHER OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR] david ivory[matador,rascaespaldas,cargador de maletas]
los escobedo bros que todo hacen.
this needs to be investigated. also the sport park audit is coming soon, a lot off shit is comming .
Anonymous said...
Yeah this guy are the worst. Just think for a while is it possible that marcelino ibarra son just came out if jail for drug smuggling and he was still at the halfway house and he was already working at the county.......wh*#'" f#$@k
Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation has a location in Brownsville, TX. Active officers include Yvonne Guerra, Raymond Cisneros, Don Curry and Allen Shields. Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation filed as a Domestic For-Profit Corporation on Monday, April 03, 1995 in the state of Texas and is currently active. The company's line of business includes Lending Services.
Why is Enrique agrees to give loans without getting quotes from other businesses?
Is it because one of the Employees is Martin arambual's sister, the same martin that gave Enrique and his Brother the Port Security System contract?
It is just amazing that local officials would be so secretive about a "deal" which brings higher service costs to the citizens of this community. It would cause controversy to inform people that a deal will increase consumer costs over a period of years...but its obviously easier to conclude the project before the people hear about it and just apply the new taxes, after the fact. This type of autocratic leadership is all too common since Tony Martinez became mayor and started to follow the Kardenas Klan/Juliet Garcia dictatorial management style....and I hate to call it a "management style"....because it isn't, its just "their way or the highway". So, PUB has kicked the can down the road farther, rather than to inform the public about the depth and costs of this new power plant and power arrangement.
More of the S.O.S. (same old shit) from this city administration.
The other night I heard on a local TV station that McAllen was one of the most progressive and fast growing cities in the United States. Brownsville has, historically, been the largest city in the RGV....and also the poorest. The growth of McAllen over the last 20 years has been amazing. McAllen has attracted business and investment while Brownsville seems to be swirling down the toilet economically. What is the difference??? Why is Brownsville lacking?? Is it the lack of leadership; the corruption; the welfare mentality and the unwillingness of citizens to invest in their own community? What is it that makes McAllen; and now even Harlingen more attractive to business and investment??? The Brownsville motto is "La Jaiba Rules" and that bodes poorly for us.
Matamoros gets embarrased, (from today's El Bravo)
Our lack of jobs and economic developement is hurting our sister city, with whom we are co dependant.
En pobreza extrema casi 45 mil familias
De acuerdo a las estimaciones de pobreza municipal del Centro Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo Social (Coneval) en los municipios de Matamoros, Reynosa y Altamira se concentran más de 45 mil familias en extrema pobreza y las cuales están en un alto nivel de marginación social, dio a conocer ayer en esta ciudad el delegado federal de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Sedesol), Edgar Melhem Salinas.
Reveló que por estas condiciones de alta marginación social, la ciudad de Matamoros se incluyó entre los 400 municipios seleccionados -entre 2 mil 456 que hay en el país- que contempla la Cruzada Nacional contra la Pobreza Extrema y la Carencia Alimentaria que inició el gobierno federal -el 21 de enero pasado- para contrarrestar la situación vulnerable en las que están miles de familias en el país.
Entre los 400 más
pobres del país
El delegado de la Sedesol federal destacó que entre los factores por los que se incluyó a Matamoros entre esos 400 municipios en el país son por las condiciones de hambre de numerosas familias, alto índice de desnutrición infantil, sueldos bajos, pobreza extrema, falta de oportunidades, desempleo, abandono de los jefes de familia, entre otras circunstancias difíciles.
Especificó también que entre los sectores de este municipio en donde se aglomeran la mayor parte de la familias que están en situación de extrema pobreza, son, además de los sectores rurales, las colonias que se localizan en los alrededores de la calle Benjamín Gaona, en el sur- oriente de esta ciudad, entre estas se encuentran Las Bermudas, La Estrella, El Cambio, Agrícola Oriental, El Alto, Praderas del Sur, Condesa, José Tejada, Juan C. Bonilla, Los Ángeles, El Roble, Luis Donaldo Colosio, Esperanza y Reforma, entre muchas otras.
Viven de
la basura
Las familias que habitan en estos asentamientos humanos -de los cuales la mayoría no son irregulares- y que se localizan en uno de los sectores que especifica la delegación federal de la Sedesol, viven en condiciones de hambre, centenares de familia viven en casas de madera y techos de lámina.
Muchas de las familias de algunas colonias de este sector, -como Las Bermudas y La Estrella- llevan el sustento a sus familias con lo que les deja la recolección de basura, no tienen servicio de suministro de agua potable y drenaje, la mayoría de las calles no están pavimentadas, por lo que el servicio de recolección de basura y transporte público es escaso y limitado.
Sólo algunas personas
entrarán a programas
Melhem Salinas, delegado federal de la Sedesol, detalló que a partir del 16 de marzo de este año se abrirán dos ventanillas -una de estas en la Presidencia Municipal- para que las personas busquen un lugar dentro de los programas sociales especificó, entre estos el de apoyo a los adultos mayores -antes "70 y más"- y el del seguro de vida para los hijos de las madres jefas de familia.
En lo que respecta al programa que busca apoyar a los adultos mayores de 65 a 69 años de edad con una pensión, el delegado federal especificó que se pretende beneficiar a 10 mil personas de ese grupo poblacional que no cuentan hasta ahora con apoyo del gobierno.
If you want to complain about the City, County, BISD, Port just do a complain at:
To file a complaint form:
You got to be patient, these entities take a few years to gather evidence, or stop by the Brownsville office and ask for the
This is how they got AL Capone,
when all else fails IRS is the Key.....
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