From: Alan Roberts
RE: Hearings on a south Texas university

Dr. Juliet Garcia and Chancellor Cigarroa and others are asking you to support a merger between UTBrownsville & UTPanamerican. We don't feel the timing of this vote is appropriate.
First, Dr. Juliet Garcia of UTBrownsville is currently asking the legislature for $151.6MM bond to "build a new UTBrownsville 21st Century Campus" (as written & commented by Dr. Garcia), in case you don't support the merger. This request occurs nearly at the same time that she is supporting changing the structure that dissolves UTBrownsville via merger.
Second, as you know a positive merger vote would subject disbursements from the Texas PUF fund. Such funds could be used to purchase such buildings. However, the combined transfers of PUF money plus the $151.6MM would cause what we believe is an unnecessary burden on Texas.Please consider the impact to the local economy which will cause more debt to be burdened by taxpayers.
Third, if a positive merger vote occurs and the $151.6MM request is approved, the funds will be available but not for the originally intended institution -- UTBrownsville. Your vote may not result in a transparent fiduciary outcome; an outcome that you may not have intended. The ethical optics may not be look very favorably.
Specifically, we ask that you postpone the vote until the outcome of the $151.6MM is dediced-upon. Many taxpayers already support a community college (Texas Southmost College) plus UTBrownsville. Voters are anxious to the upcoming separation of both due to perceived mis-executions of the Agreement — and its accompanying double local taxation.
As a past Texas Governor background once said, "Let us not get married to the new spouse until we get a divorce from the current one."
Thank you for your consideration. I welcome any comments or questions you may have, individually or in-confidence.
Alan Roberts
montoya, the city of brownsville also has some 'FAVORITIES' contractors that do the under 35000 contracts, let me give some of this characters, luis torres[BROTHER OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR] david ivory[matador,rascaespaldas,cargador de maleta}
los escobedo bros que todo hacen.
this needs to be investigated. also the sport park audit is coming soon, a lot off shit is comming .
February 19, 2013 at 4:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah this guy are the worst. Just think for a while is it possible that marcelino ibarra son just came out if jail for drug smuggling and he was still at the halfway house and he was already working at the county.......wh*#'" f#$@
Dr. Juliet Garcia is far too political to be a college president. The UT regents should realize this, and move to replace her, prior to making any decisions on the future of higher education in the Rio Grande Valley.
She has muzzled our local newspaper from allowing any criticisms of her plans, which include the elimination of UT Brownsville.
At the very least, you should hold private and confidential meetings in Brownsville, the hear from our local teachers, professors, administrators, etc, and find out for yourselves their true thoughts about this subject. The identity of your witness's should be confidential, as all fear her retribution.
Such a fact finding mission should be made, prior to spending millions more on ever more buildings, where they are not needed nor wanted.
Great Letter. Hopefully similar can be made to the Senate finance comittee voting on the $151.6MM. Great posting!
Speaking of higher education in Brownsville; today I heard some "rrun rrun" that I surely hope is not true. I heard that Tony Zavaleta, Ph.D. (pile it high and deep) may be jumping ship at UTB to go to TSC. If this is true, it is likely because his wife got her pink slip at UTB and he hopes to get into a position at TSC to "give" her another job for which she isn't qualified. Tony was chastised by Juliet for trying to use his influence to get his latest wife tenure....which didn't happen and Juliet interceded. Tony Zavaleta is not the man to lead TSC....he is just another version of Juliet and would use his size and big mouth to intimidate. We need new blood at TSC, not old recycled blood who should be retiring. We need new ideas at TSC, not recycled ideas that Tony has been using for too many years. Going from Juliet to Tony Zavaleta is not a change and would not be a new start for TSC....just an old retread.
If Eva Arambula is MarinArambula's sister?
They why would Enrique Escobedo not abstain when giving her the RVG MultiBank Small Dollar Lending?
Is it because Martin Arambula had already voted at the Port to give Enrique Escobedo the 3million security system contract?
Eva Arambula-Woodfin
Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation
Small Dollar Loan Coordinator
The Anonymous who wrote about Tony Zavaleta does not know what he/she is talking about. Dr. Zavaleta did not try to get tenure for his wife. His wife was not seeking tenure. Furthermore, his wife has a master's degree in the subject she was teaching and was an excellent classroom teacher. Her students gave her the highest of evaluations for her teaching. Apparently, teaching ability in the classroom has no value for the UTB/TSC administrators. If you want further proof of that, look at who is getting terminated/"retired" at the end of May at UTB---Mills, Medrano, etc.---professors who have received awards for their excellence in classroom teaching.
Why does it always seems like Dr. Garcia is trying to take advantage of almost any situation?
dr garcia es una mamona thats all and she will play her cards right and at the end of the day make out like a bandit, thief whatever you want to call her. es mamadora la girlfriend.
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