About a month ago, a friend who lives in the Rio Viejo area of town was commenting to me about the number of turnkey vultures circling overhead.
"It's been days that they've been there," said Bob, a shrimp-boat capitan, pointing out the birds flying on thermals above. "It gives me the creeps. There must be something dead somewhere."
After he told me and I saw them, I was more attentive to the skies above Brownsville and I told him that not only were they flying over his hood, but also over many city areas, including the neighborhoods by the Valley International Country Club, the downtown area and over west on Boca Chica Blvd.
Now we come to understand that the Audubon Society is saying that this is an annual event and that the vultures, fleeing the snows and blizzards of the frigid north, are just wintering here until conditions improve further up and they can sup on roadkill that doesn't have the consistency of cold granite.

"Maybe they can see from up there that Mayor Tony Martinez's proposal to give 76 acres of public land to the UT System so they can keep the UTB downtown is Dead On Arrival," quipped a city employee walking to get his lunch at Isabel's Restaurant.
"Or maybe they see UTB President Juliet Garcia's empire dying a slow death and the stench is already reaching them up there," said a parent of a college student. "It also could be they can tell that my wallet is bone dry from paying the high tuition to keep her farting though silk on her $350,000 salary."
"You're wrong," said another. "Can't you see that they are circling Market Square? Ever since the city bought the properties and evicted all the cantinas there the place is dead. Now all we have downtown is empty segundas, closed business and a handful of museums to remember dead people."
"What about the crackhead viejas and borrachines who hang out at Ernie's Sportsmen Lounge and La Frontier?" countered another.
"Oh, you mean the walking dead," countered his partner. "That proves my point exactly."
"I tell you what, if I was one of those buzzards, I wouldn't tangle with those babes," said the other. "They're more like catanes. If you show them a dollar bill, they'll bite you hand off at the wrist."
"Well," said the other, "maybe they have seen the killing that the mayor's friends made in selling their properties downtown to the city at a premium. Anyone would fly in circles for that feast."
"It could be that they're seeing the death of legal reputations of the crooked lawyers and judges resulting from the Limas case," said another.
"Yeah," retorted his friend, "but that's going on in Corpitos, not here."
"I hear that vultures have a keen sense of smell and the wind is blowing from the north, you know," said his friend as he reached the doors to City Hall. "Or maybe they see the city commissioners playing dead as Mayor Martinez buries the city in debt."
Hmm..must be all the candidates for county judge. The list continues to grow. David Betancourt, Sylvia perez garza, Dan sanchez, martin arambula, john wood, Eddie trevino & the quien sabe cuantos mas.
The buzzards are smarter than most of Cameron County and Brownsville politicians. They sense the smell of death and failure.
Eh, HO-TOH!!! Ponte a trabajar, lambiscon
Anon. 11:57 Have you talked to the persons on your list, because I see one name that i understand is not in the running for Co. Judge.
Yea....haven't spoken to the "Quien sabe cuantos mas"
the dead are the voters of browntown.
the dead are the voters of tsc...
the dead are the voters of county...
the dead are the voters of bisd.....
the smell comes from commis pete
benevidez turning in his grave....
the smell comes from mayor emilio
hrdz turning in his grave.....
the smell comes from jp judge ..
wtf is his name.. the gambler turning in his grave....
the smell comes from former commis
rooooosenfill turing in his ....
no just turning and walking the other way.....
the smell comes from former port
director raul besterio pausing from
counting his millions.... and farting.....to take a breather that
he never got caught....
It's crazy that the old market is now the deadest place in town. not even the walking dead pass through
puros cool aids none of them cant win no matter what now even people doubt cascos now since the county has gone to shit under his leadership, im disapointed to say the least, your honner. same old same old especially those two high paid changos david el $190k and pete el $250k now thats a little too damn much for cameron county and then they have the huevos to say the county is broke, raise the taxes again. what a bunch of putos, thats a FTP as george lopez says all the time. lets see if anyone else comes out as candiadte fo county judge, i will wait till then to see who i support and vore for. pacencias, Chief
THE END IS COMMING SOON.... FOR ALL OF YOU 'RATAS' FOR COUNTY, CITY THE END IS NEAR. as soon the limas deal finish in corpous, you high ranking officials you will get a visit from the federales, so when you go to huntsville dont drop tjhe soap.
If Eva Arambula is MarinArambula's sister?
They why would Enrique Escobedo not abstain when giving her the RVG MultiBank Small Dollar Lending?
Is it because Martin Arambula had already voted at the Port to give Enrique Escobedo and his brother the 3million security system contract?
Eva Arambula-Woodfin
Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation
Small Dollar Loan Coordinator.
Why is enrique escobedo like Ernie Hernandez getting their security company, Printing company, Landscaping contracts, Vending Machine CONTRACTS AWARDED from their friends at the Port, County, BISD, City?
Is this a conflict of interest?
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