Pursuant to Chapter 551, Title 5 of the Texas Government Code, the Texas Open Meetings Act,
notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Brownsville, Texas, in accordance
with Article V, Section 12, of the Charter of said City, will convene an Executive Session and a
Regular Meeting, on Tuesday, February 05, 2013, at 5:10 P.M., and at 6:00 P.M. in the
Commission Chambers, on the Second Floor of the Brownsville City Hall, located at 1001 East
Elizabeth Street, Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, 78520.

Resolution No. 2013 – 015
A Resolution of the City Commission of Brownsville, Texas, authorizing the donation of land to the University of Texas System for a downtown campus, designating signatories for the transaction, and dealing with related matters.
Whereas, the City of Brownsville has the opportunity to donate a 55.43‐acre parcel of land to the University of Texas System for a downtown campus; and Whereas, this donation is conditioned upon the University of Texas System’s selection of a downtown location for its campus.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Brownsville, Texas:
1. That the City of Brownsville will donate a 55.43‐acre parcel of land, to be legally described later, to the University of Texas System upon the system’s selection of a downtown location for its Brownsville campus.
2. That the City Manager, Deputy City Manager, and Assistant City Manager are each authorized to execute any documents necessary or appropriate to the closing of this transaction."
Now, did Mayor Tony Martinez or Rose Gowen ask the citizens of Brownsville whether they agree to give away city property to the University of Texas System? And if the donation of the land is meant to lure the university to stay and it doesn't, does this mean the land reverts back to the city in case there isn't a substantial construction of a university?
Perhaps the mayor didn't hear the likes of Frank Yturria and other leading members of the community when they gave a thumbs down to UT-B President Juliet Garcia as she was trying to ram a $200 millon "donation" of the TSC campus and its buildings, bank deposits and other assets to the UT System.
A majority of the trustees of TSC (Adela Garza, Trey Mendez, Kiko Rendon and Noe Torres) heeded the people's desires to save the community college. Will the citizens of Brownsville have to make it loud and clear that they want to be consulted when doling out the community's resources to a system that obviously doesn't need a handout from one of the poorest communities in the state and country.
It is simply illegal for the city to "donate" land to the UT SYstem. If there is an exchange of "value for value"that is not a donation. It is simply illegal for the city to "donate" land to the UT System. Does the city not have an attorney on board? Or is the mayor doing what the mayor wants to do ---- "the law be damned".
The city charter protects their immoral actions!
thats very right a city is not allowed to give land away, it can sell it at a bid offering only an edc can give it away
Tony Martinez, Rose Gowan and all who vote for this illegal action do so as pimps for Juliet Garcia. Ask yourself, if you had a college age daughter, would you want her to attend evening classes in downtown Brownsville?? Where is this property and what is it being used for now??? Why is the public not on the agenda for the consideration of this action??? It is obvious Tony Martinez will never run for public office again; and as such he, like his hero Obama, are using their "lame duck" tenure to "do what they want to do"....regardless. Not sure Tony has ever read the City Charter...and as an autocrat he would not. Then too...he has Sossi supporting him and we all have read about what a "stand up" attorney he is. And, whatever happened to the goal to develop and City Ethics Policy....obviously not something high in Tony's "bucket list". Tip O'Neill, as Speaker of the House wrote that "All politics is local" if that is true, with what is going on locally, we should understand why Washington is so screwed up.
What Lola wants, Lola gets
Juliet wanted TSC to "give" all its assets to TSC...a major reason for the end of her partnership (since she was at the head of both UTB and TSC, she was partners with herself). Now she wants; and Tony seems to be willing to support her, the citizens of Brownsville to provide land on which UT will build something....or, as we saw with a few other assets of UTB, sold to fund what Juliet wants and where she wants it. Seems that everyone but Tony believes UTB should move out of downtown and move to where more students would want to go (close to the greater population, and safer than downtown). Next time we see Tony he may be in his pimp clothes and driving a pimp-mobile for Juliet.
What a Prick
File a lawsuit against this guy martz
He has no shame and could care less
for the voters of brownsville.
call the city, call martz law office call the city manager . . .
ut dont need any free money from
thumbs down during the parade this year to each and every city commis
riding in a car....
thumbs down to the mayor when he rides in the parade this year . . .
thumbs down mayor.... means no no no
thumbs down means no no no mayor......
thumbs down means no no no mayor....
Donations and gifts are not of City Charter stuff. It is State law.
Oye Juanito, eres pendejo o te haces? Tu sabes muy bien que el alcalde no tiene que pedirle permiso a nadie. Nada mas se tiene que considerar con los comisionados y lo que votan es lo que es. Ellos son los que elijimos para representarnos. Si no les gusta, corran para esa posicion. Pero hasta entonces, que te valga grillo!
Ratas, they perform marriages, donate our land that is not theirs, hire their relatives.
Why are we not rebelling?
taxpayer asked is it ok for mayor and gowana to give away land that belongs to the taxpayers, i say NOT, mayor and gowan i fyou want to give ut free land give them your land not ours. bola de cool aids or arrows.
I don't understand the outrage when you PENDEJOS keep voting for the MAMONES PARTY los democRATAS!
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