It took the guests at Enrique Escobedo's fundraiser at Joe Kenney's Cobbleheads by surprise when they heard the announcement.

That brings us back to Sotelo, the civil cases administrator at the same district clerk's office that has been at the center of the judicial corruption trial of disgraced (and convicted) 404th District Court Judge Abel Limas, former State Rep. Jim Solis, and others.
During the course of the probe into the judicial corruption, we learned that Sotelo had been interviewed at least three times by federal agents probing into the claims by Solis that he had "someone" at the district clerk's office who wold make sure the high-yield wrongful death and railroad accident cases were steered to Limas.
Has Sotelo, by announcing her candidacy now be signalling that she has been given a clean bill of political health by the feds? And does this mean that De la Garza, by not announcing her own candidacy for the position, have forgone seeking the office she has held for the past three decades have traded not running in exchange for not getting charged in the case?
Most Cameron County residents have been wondering how it was that De la Garza has managed to survive so many controversies including the embezzlement conviction of her son Joey from Sunshine Haven hospice, the alleged obstruction of justice in the case involving her clerk at the child support payment collection office, etc.
If the feds have cut a deal that lets her walk in exchange for not running and given Sotelo a green light to run for her cooperation, that will leave many observers scratching their heads at this new twist in the dispensation of justice in good ol' Cameron County.
Thugs, ONE and ALL !
She's delusional to think anyone would vote for her. Let's have someone from outside the snake pit, please.
Cat in the hat oops cat outta the bag should i say. I really think we need a new person not the same stinky old corruption folks that are already there at the courthouse i mean if thats the case them let aurora just stay in, same old, same old, SOC, same old crapola. I mena it its really a time for a chaneg, gresh arir, spring break etc etc etc a bottle of febreeze. el 3401 isndNexmonkey
juan looks like luis saenz already got a sweet deal for tia aurora right, she turns federal witness, gets immunity and get to keep her retirement pension from the county , cuz could be that if she gets charged and convicted there is a possibility she could or would have to forfeit her county retirement of 34 years wow, that would really hurt. just saying. aguila
Rosie and Aurora the same caca nomas que rebolcada?
Ernie introduce Rosie at Enrique's (not really a doctor party), now Ernie and Enrique are amigos de conveniencia?
Pinche vieja, si la dejamos que gane nos va sacar mas sangre? Leeches
Anonymous said...
Zamora's efforts in the DA's office present an illusion of good works....there is little or no real evidence that anything in the DA's office has changed, except the person sitting in the chair. If Melissa's job is to promote the DA, then she is doing that. The DA is advertising, but is he really doing anything? Has anything changed in that office? Has the prosecution of criminals been taking place? We don't know, because all the money is being spent promoting the man, and we hear nothing about effectiveness of his role. To me its all a big smoke give the impression of action, but not really showing evidence of action. This smoke screen means that all sorts of "old" crap continues, while Saenz takes his moustache out in the breeze for these promotions. And, how much is this smoke screen created by Zamora costing us???? And which of her friends, allies or business interests are benefiting from our tax dollars??????? Will we ever be able to trust anyone in the Cameron County Courthouse?????? No
Bymmbanon-If Eva Arambual is MarinArambual's sister?
Then why would E Scoo be doo not abstain when giving her the RVG MultiBank Small Dollar Lending?
Is it because Martin had already voted at the Port to give Enrique the 3 million plus security system contract to Enrique and his Brother?
Eva Sonia Arambul-Woodfin
Rio Grande Valley Multibank Corporation
Small Dollar Loan Coordinator
El united way es puro pedo,
Is is just another front for Tracy Wicket to squeeze the Brownsville turnip?"
Does Otis takes his hunting trips seriously because there where he arranges his deals??
Does Enrique "NOT a Doctor" have financial problems and that is why he is making more fundraisers?
La Nerva "Let's check ALL her tow trucks and see what they transport??
Is Chirinos still doing his shenanigans with his princessas aka “Las cuchi, cuchis” and his Storaged supplies??
same old shit, sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos sos ok so is it save our ship , save our shit, or same old shit, you decide el monkey
Rosie is a nice lady, but she is tainted by her service to Aurora de la Garza. While they may want to let Aurora ride off into the sunset, the plague that she has rendered on the Cameron County Courthouse is such that Rosie had to have known what was going on. As was said, time to clean house and get some new blood. One report weeks ago had Aurora's daughter running for her mother's slot. She surely has the girth to fit her mom's chair. Aurora de la Garza, sort of like the Kardenas Klan, has infected everything she has touched and we can't trust anyone who has been loyal to Aurora....including Rosie Sotelo. I am sure the lawyers in town and maybe the judges would be happy if Rosie got the job....hoping that nothing would change. Time for change!!!!!!!
Rosie is a turd, like her stupid tax owing son-in-law.
If she is related to Chris Valadez or anyone he is associated with, she is not worth a vote. Chris has burned more bridges than the Nazis did in world war II.
I think we all agree that we need new blood in our Court system instead of the usual suspects. Enough of these people all ready!
La misma mierda.Que Aurorita que nada.....mas como AUROROTA.... Pinches viejas pedoras que no tienen madre....las rateras.
That is if her ass, Aurora and the rest of the Crooks don't get indicted and put in jail first.
To the person that says Rosie is a nice lady, I agree with you. We need change. Start with getting a new County Judge.
George Gavito was telling everyone around him at the Escobedo Party that Rosie was getting indicted. That the Feds interviewed her. I hear the same thing, but of George Gavito. this guy is single the one responsible for Luis Saenz first lose with all the shenanigans he did while working for Luis. It doesn't sound right George,...telling people that someone is dirty when you are covered in shit. Haven't changed George, are still a pathetic loser.
Assignment of Civil cases to district judges was and is Rosie's job. That includes all the assignments to the former court of Abel Limas. Does her, about 4 year old, car tell you anything?
Dose Rosie forget about Commissiser T.V. From Hrg. We have the pictures apartment 141 Brandy Wine Love is in the air.
We stil have the pictures of Rosie and Commissioner T.V. From Hrg Apartment 141 Brandy Wine do you want all this to come out or you don't care ,like you didn't then.
wht do u need to run for that position?? i would run if im qualify and if u are going to vote for me!!" we need a change in this makes me really mad how they are..o work for county had applied in so many positions..yes they call me gor interviews but thats dicen vamos a tener una segunda entrevista y sopas al siguiente dia ya andan diciendo a kien temian enmemte....pendejos no saben k yo de todo me doy cuente..como kiciera demandarlos nada kiero checar k las viejas k agarron tenian la experiencias k ellos kerian....puro pedo hay meten a los familaries nada mas.condado desgraciado...
I heard that from Chris Valadez that he an Rosie had gone to the grand jury who else would known that.....and que se la pelaron Los putos. Why dose Carlos have a guy like that working there
I remember when George Gavito was caught with a certain woman in the honey dale trailer park,.....TE ACUERDas George??? You cried like a little bitch when the husband showed up. Pictures at 11.
George ES UN PENDEJO,....he opens a wa wees every time catch him fucking a secretary.....
Rosie had an AFFAIR with county com. T.V.from Bro Brandy Wine Apt.141 ......ASK HIS WIFE. She has the pic to
A QUE George, go make some tortillas canijo. And the one that said QUE TE la pelaron was you....did you shave the rest of your brain when you shaves your bigote Gavito? Were you the one making the arrangements with someone at the Clerks office to make cases go to Limas' Court George? Makes worked for Solis and Rosenthal......Makes perfect sense now...but you say your clean...right! Compared to what? A port- a -potty after sombrero fest?...HA HA HA !
Who the hell T.V. .?
Chris Valadez is the son-in- law ? She lost ! He is so ful of shit.
Why is Rosie running she helped Jim Soils an others Ray !
Chris came to my table an told us the same shit about Rosie an him .and that his boss Carlos had taken care of it.why would Carlos do that.
George Gavito and Aurora de la Garza are good friends. When George got married for the ump-teenth time, he did it with the law partner of Convicted Lawyer from Austin Mark Rosenthal. People say he got married at the request of Rosenthal so he Would have protection from prosecution. George has been known by many as a law-man that did not walk the straight and narrow,...dirty if you will. He was the person that started the controversies for Luis Saenz back when he lost to Yolanda De Leon. The Feds had many tape recordings with a Lady that that worked for The D.A.'s office, and George was all too willing, or to stupid to blab out stupidities that would sink him and Luis Saenz deeper and deeper.George did all this and he was Offthe public tit until he resurfaced at the port. A place where disgraced lawmen go to die. A place that not even a caveman could screw up,.....they never met George Gavito!...this guy likes that Kind of challenge. Well he was relieved of his duties for being caught with his pants down once again and now George opensnupmanother WOW WEE restaurant. George is up to his ears in the Rosenthal trial. H has been mentioned in transcripts that he took up to 20 thousand dollars. He likes to spread vicious rumors about people to benefit his good friend Aurora De La Garza,.... He likes to write and discredit people on blogs like he is doing here,mbut always anonymously.....big man George Gavito,....big man.
The guy (Chris) that wrote that crap about Mr. Gavito is the same one that owes thousands of dollars in taxes! Speaking of "pathetic losers" That what you are si tienes Huevos write you name to your claim... asshole... Puto
Gavito is not running or working for any one .Chris you are but you don't give a Fuck about your job keep it up.......
Gavito has only being married one time you can't get that right assholewas that your mother at the trial park.......or at Brandy wine.............
The guy that started all these negative comments was Lawman George Gavito,....speaking of signing names Geoge, sign yours PENDEJO! Picking a fight with a VIEJA,....
Remember when they caught you at trailer park on honey dale George? You member, cried like a little bitch! You were running with only your CHONES! And what about San Miguel De Allende....we're you to wacked out to remember your vowes? Big law man George Gavito...still playing all sides and talking shit about long have you been posting anonymous Choche? How many other people have you tried to "quemar" like you like to wanted this story....don't be threatening anyone George....we are reall easy to find....
All these BABOSOS writing negative things about Mr. Gavito... are you jealous or complianing??? Write or speak where he fucked your wife/mother last and if you liked it say nothing C/S... Putos
There hasn't been one positive comment said about La Roise.Chris are all this Gavitos or they don't like her or you Gavito not running she is,say something good about her if you can
twenty five comments from george gavito against rosie sotelo. why do you hate her so much george? because she won't direct cases to the courts your buddies want? rosie is a liked person in this community george gavito..unlike you! you are disliked even by your own family. ponte a trabajar george,...and stop picking fights with women you coward. now everyone knows that you are a bigger piece of shit than they thought!
If Rosie is connected to Chris Valadez then she will not be getting votes from the majority of Brownsville. She will have to win her race with votes from outside of Brownsville.
There's 45 comments if 25 are Gavitos that means 20 people that hate her or you
We didn't know that Rosie direct cases to courts .now we do!
They all eat shit an Chris is an ass hole
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