By now we have all heard the rumor that Cameron County Asst. Administrator David Garcia – the Do-Nothing $186,000-man – has decided to flip over on Pct. 2 commissioner Ernie Hernandez on the ongoing investigation into the illegal hiring of his brother-in-law Robert Cadriel in violation of the civil service process.

For a very long time Garcia has been flying under the county radar as he and his boss County Administrator Pete Sepulveda held down two jobs, one with the county and the other with the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority.
The county pays out these two gentlemen from at least four department budgets and the CCRMA pitches in with a nice $75,000 stipend annually for their troubles. That's not bad for part-time work. In fact, that's more than the individual county commissioners and the county judge get paid.
About the only ones getting paid anywhere the $75,000 are county tax assessor-collector Tony Yzaguirre, District Clerk Aurora de la Garza, Sheriff Omar Lucio, and perhaps Auditor Martha Galarza.

Someone who would like that to remain that way is Pct. 3 commissioner David Garza, who has been allowed to substitute for judge Carlos Cascos on those trips to Austin and beyond. If you thought former commissioner John Wood was a happy traveler, we are looking into reports that compared to Garza, he is a definite homebody.
In the abeyance of Cascos hooking up with his bods in Austin in the stable of Gov. Rick Perry, Garza and Garcia have been rubbing elbows with the Gov's boys as representatives of Cameron County and Republican Carlos Cascos.
But we understand that may soon be a thing of the past. With Garza's tracks all over the favored hiring of Pct. 1 Constable Horacio Zamora even after he did not meet the qualifications and the job description had to be changed to accommodate his candidacy for the position, Garza stepped in to save the day. After the new qualifications were posted and a HR committee selected five finalists, guess what? That's right, Zamora still didn't make the cut.
So, at Garza's insistence, Zamora was also included in the finalists' round and then chosen to be the new Parks Department Police Chief.
Now we understand that he is now trying to pull the same stunt in the selection of the County's Public Works new chief. His candidate? Would you believe a persons who works in the same construction company as does Garza's son? That man, someone named Tirubio, is said to be waiting in the wings while Garza makes the necessary arrangements to facilitate his coming on board with the county.
It is bad enough that the company his son works for is already the recipient of several contracts with the CCRMA – where his overpaid ally Garcia is licking up the gravy – but now it appears that the commissioner want to have his cake and eat it, too.
Will the county judge and the rest of the commissioners let him? And if Ernie has come under the microscope for for allegedly fixing it so that his brother-in-law could get a nice cushy gig by skirting the civil service employment process, isn't what commissioner Garza is up to somewhat similar in nature?
Are city of brownsville salaries comparable to county when it comes to county administrator and assistant???
next time the county advertise new position for ranger or whatever, make a note or requirment. que diga..SI TE VEZ COMO PENDEJO CON SOMBRERO Y LOS LEVIS TE QUEDAN APRETADOS COMO PUTO NO CALIFICAS...y este sonso no hubiera calificado.
I have brought this matter to the attention of Cameron County legal department only to be rebuked that he is worth every penney to the County. This man's salary is an embarrassment and a slap in the face to every Cameron County working stiff who earns an hourly wage. But you know what? it is not David's fault that he is being paid such an outrageous salary, it is the fault of the County Commissioners that they have knowingly allowed this abuse of County resources to continue. We need to Vote Cascos out of office. We need vote Benavides out of office. THROW THE BUMS Out!
How many times do you have to publish this story? These guys deserve every penny they make. Get over it already! Why not write and look into the Ernie Hernandez and Cadriel hiring scandal.
is turibio, the former txdot engineer?
Turibio is the former TxDOT engineer that "retired" about a year ago, and came to work for the same company that Comm. Garza's son works for.
Turibio and Comm. Garza are long time buddies. Just like Comm. Garza and the parks department rangers chief, H. Zamora.
Has anyone ever mentioned that Comm. Garza really puts on a "I'm pure and clean and also holier than thou" persona?
David Garcia will bend over backwards for the judge and the commissioners for whatever they want even if it is illegal. Even if it includes spending tax payer money.... For instance take a look at all the driveways in the recent construction done at Cameron park. All the constituents had to do was complain to Ernie's office and it would get done. As per David Garcia
Ernie Hernandez is a worthless crook. His scandal is way bigger and cannot be compared to that of David Garza. The county needs to get rid of Ernie.,
so juan they passed the smell test last week at the county comission agenda and meeting and they are still there? Well what a joke and its time to change the current judge and county commissioners all of them need to be out in the streets and replaced period. thats all i have to say about that. monkey
juan so now Pete and David se la estan mamando a comm garza so they can keep their jobs? cool
Whatever happened with Ernie Hernandez hiring his relative, anything come out of that?
Shit no it's under the table now.
Yea they passed the smell test, nothing was done to them and to top it off they hired an accountant to assist them, starting salary for their accountant $65,000.00 huummm I wonder who he is related to David or Pete???? These guys have no shame
so how many applicants juan do we really have that meet the minumu requirements for the public qorks job thats been posted since october 2012? now is the county commissioners going to throw out a curve balll so the camarada turibio del comm garza gets this job like they did with the park ranger jefe el zamora? Sofie can i kiss your buttocks like forest gumps says, so i can get this job? and i will carry votes for your daughter for the jp post she wants too. el monkey
REPLY 2.23PM... good question, yo creo que luis saez se esta haciendo pendejo.
luis saenz asendo pendejo #7.03am? No way he is a changed man. now se la pela con la isquerda instead of la derecha. he is not going to push anything against the ernie hernandez clan or his tia aurora de la cacadoodle do.
y marmar y marmar, maramar y maramar, el rey de los invicibles david garcia knows how to do it and keep under the radar too. se te va aquabar david muy pronto
reply luis saenz se hace pendejo los federales van a entrar como el caso limas,y se va hacer otro pedo,al bote todos los corruptos de la cuidad de brownsville[CABLER,GONZALEZ,LUNA,SOSSI]y luego van a seguir con todos estos cabrones del condado empezando con los hernandez,el pedito de las politiqueras se va acabar no puede seguir.y los contratos arreglados edte pedo se va acabary al bote los oficiales como los contratistas que dieron lana.
A changed man, Luis Saenz, you got to be kidding me. Hope he does not let Ernie and his clan get away with this one.
Yes he earns his money by bringing millions to his pockets, a stupid statement to make, how many millions has he brought this year. -$22500 his paycheck!
6:59p.m. ..I agree get rid of all the crooks, starting with Ernie Hernadez and Cris Valadez...
Don't think it's under the table now, word is Ernie Hernandez hired an attorney. GUILTY
The rat Chris Valadez is next. Word is he is pushing Mardel Souza and Alex Pena for lucrative county contract. Why would Cascos have someone like that working for him?
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