We know that despite whatever evidence we may present to the contrary, there will be some quarters where no amount of persuasion will convince them that while Brownsville Independent School District trustee Catalina Presas-Garcia was chair of the budget committee, the district's finances got put back on an even keel.

Yet, in those two years, the committee presented two balanced budgets without the use of the fund balance, as was the practice when former BISD superintendent Brett Springston and his former board majority were running roughshod over the district's finances.
And when these same quarters were spreading rumors that the one-time $1,200 stipend for district employees was just a switch-and-bait election tactic by the trustees Presas-Garcia, Lucy Longoria, Christina Saavedra and Enrique Escobedo that would be forgotten as soon as the voting was done, they were proven wrong. The employees got their stipend.
There are still revenue shortfall measures in place to meet decreased state revenues and new time and attendance system in place to make that process more effective. With the early notification of the voluntary resignation incentive program in place, longtime district employees have the choice of leaving on their own terms and receiving compensation while freeing the BISD to employ entry-level workers and stretch the district's resources.
If you must argue, argue over this: For the first time in 2011-2012, cost-saving strategies put into place at the committee's recommendations resulted in revenues exceeding expenditures for the first time in recent memory. Student have also gained some things during this time. The athletic program now includes power-lifting as a sport, a crucial component for physical development and the bandwidth capabilities in the district have been greatly enhanced.
Oh, yeah, and by the way, property taxes have not been increased and the rampant abuse of overtime in the Transportation Department have gone down dramatically to the tune of some $10,000 less per month.
You know the department, that's the one that new trustee Hector Chirinos ran like a generous Mrs. Havisham (the benefactor) to his underlings. Need we bring up the fact that it will be Mr. Chirinos who will replace Ms. Presas-Garcia as budget committee chair, no doubt based on his credentials as a financial manager.
Did Catalina have a Sex Change? That is a Man 100%. Her features are manly.
Damn, if she's so good send her to Washington to fix our nations woes. She will not be missed here.
So, what is your point? Cata is out. No use in crying over spill milk?
Remember now Enrique BBF Chief Garcia and his 900,000 annual overtime?
I am surprised it tiki you so long to defend her ignorant ass. The fact is she is losing her power and does not know how to handle her defeat gracefully because she is an ignorant tyrant. Now that you have praised her, tell your readers how she moved certain administrators and teachers because they did not go along with her ideas. Tell thn how she raised the delinquent tax rate by more than five percent. Tell them about the shady Healthsmart deal. And th list goes on and on. She is pathetic and thinks she is invincible. His is just e beginning of the end for her.
People should stop writing about how physically unattractive Cata is and comment on her positive qualities. There's....,what about her....,oh yes she can..... Awe shit, write whatever you want.
All three anonymous are so stupid, who cares what she looks like, it is getting old, every time seone mentions Caty you say she looks like a men, don't be childish! and the other 2 don't give a dam that the BISD is going fr bad to worst and that if someone did a good job and is being replaced by someone who is notorious for a terrible job and all you can come up With are stupid dismissive commentaries, there is no wonder our community is so poor. What is most disturbing though is that these comments are made by the other board members, and it reiterates their stupidity, and these are the people thAt hold the future of the education of our children in their hands. JESUS
I don't think the blog's author is crying over spilled milk. In a way, he should be glad Chirinos is taking over as budget chair. The incompetence we're sure to experience will keep him very, very busy!
Blah, Blah Blah! Get over Cata - you are history. You only make yourself look all the more pathetic. "Woman" up and move on.
Enrique, Otis, Minerva and Hector, you have been reported to IRS, FBI, TEA, US ATTY GEN,etc, etc, etc,,,,
Yeah, the negative bloggers are the soar losers that don't give a damn about the district nor know shit about the district including clueless Carl Montoya.
One of the simplest cliches: what goes around, comes around.
Cata, you simply burned too many bridges while making your rounds.
Caty has more balls than Enrigue and Otis put together.
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