Oh the things you find on the way to looking for other things.
Remember the politiqueros who helped Erin Hernandez Garcia wrest victory from certain defeat against Yolanda Begum with their hauling in of voters from the adult day care centers and their manipulation of the mail-in votes?
A trove of evidence was delivered to the appropriate authorities and we are still waiting to see what they will do with it now that they are apparently done with crooked Abel Limas and Austin Moneybags attorney Marc Rosenthal.

So here you have a confession on how a known politiquero hired by the Hernandez was sent to disrupt the election process by admitting that his sole purpose was to make a confrontation between Letty Perez-Garzoria and himself.
As we said before, he is the father of Cori Elizondo, girlfriend (wife) of Joey Garza. His purpose was not to make sure elections ran smoothly but get Letty kicked out to open the door to not have Yolanda Begum a fair representation.

Then on top of that you have a police officer Dee Garcia (female) that is not only best friends with commissioner Jessica Tetrau-Kalifa, but also friends with the Hernandezes posting that they WILL get him elected. Just because she said she can't elaborate on the times she has interacted with the challenger, it is abundantly clear that she now has favoritism against Letty if the police officers are called again.
Villarreal has sought to distance himself from these characters before, with limited success. There is something unsavory about police officers and politiqueros joining forces. Not only because is it not a good combination, but also because the Hernandez machine actors now believe that they now have a free hand to continue perfecting the art of deception of the elderly and impaired to harvest votes.
We patiently wait for the wheels of justice to turn. Justice will bring the obliteration of the corrupt ring that continues to rot our city and county.
San Anthony, San Anthony Justice has been lost and it needs to be found.
San Anthony, San Anthony Justice has been lost and it needs to be found.
Give Ralphie, Joey their well deserved.
Someone warn Letty of that Cop chick. She has a history of being passed around at BPD and tends to be off her rocker. Scary combination.
Is that Angie "Dick"enson woman speaking for all the Brownsville Police Officers or is she just kissing pretty boy Johns flat ass?
John Villarreal is not tapping into the class and respect his father has from the community. He makes a good kid and one day may grow up and develop the steel backbone to be a city commissioner. Le Falta Mucho. He is better suited as an alter boy than he is standing up to the Kingdom of Mayor Tony Martinez. We have no time for followers. Brownsville has more going for it than the ignorance found on this city commission. Time for real leadership. Letty your time is now.
Ay Juanito, your blog gets worse every day. Stick to the facts and maybe you can regain some credability. Where are the checks and balances for Garzoria, Begum, and their CAVA cult? There are photos and public information that prove they are harvesting votes and petition signatures from the high rise on St. Charles. Garzoria and that pendejo Rigo Bocanegra should just get a room there por que no salen de ahi along with the pot-smoking, fake identity-giving Mary Helen. Provide your readers proof instead of making it obvious you are getting a check from these scumbags.
These idiots are so full of themselves that they can't stop talking about how they steal votes. They Love the praises and brag about how they get people elected that pay them and how the elected officials owe them favors for doing so. I hope the FBI is reading this and taking these posts for their files as they are buid up their case against Ernie and Norma Hernandez. These unfair harvesting of votes is illegal. I hope they get what is coming to them. Yolanda Begum should have won and Letty Gorzora should win because her heart is in the right place and we already know where is John Villareal hear is... it is in the palm of the Hernandez and they squeeze it real hard when he doesn't do what they tell him.
Mary Ester Garcia is the only person that works that that court. God knows the judge does not. She has taken more days off than anybody. What a shame we elect this people and paid them well and they don't even show up for work.
To the 11.01
Obviously you are a Hernandez, maybe Norma, you know who goes to the high rise because that is your harvesting Place, and there is a huge difference between going block walking at the high rise or anywhere else to meet people and talk to them About your platform or lie to them and get their mailing ballots under false pretense. You know damn well that you and your politiqueras told them Begum was a republican that wanted to take away their benefits if they voted for her, when in fact Begum was running as a Democrat and as a JP there is no power to remove any bodies. Benefits. The director or manager is a city employee even if she is your causin, she had no business calling you to report who is block walking there.
Erin remember when you your mom and your politiqueras attacked yolanda and took credit for the food she donated to the people of the high rise, you accused her that she was there to get mail in ballots when in reality you got all the mail ins from the high rise and yolanda did not get one from there, you are just a bunch of shameless crooks
reply AY JUANITO....se ve que tu eres uno o una de esos pendejos politiqueros que quieren reventar a un candidato, quiero que sepas que ahora no se va a poder hacer chingaderas como lo hicieron con la begun,los federales van a estar checando como los hicieron con el caso limas este pedito va a continuar para acabar con todos estos corruptos como tu, Y PARA FINALISAR JUAN MONTOYA SIGA USTED ESCRIBIENDO NO LE AFLOJE NO LE HAGA CASO A ESTOS COMENTARIOS PENDEJOS....
Just because people know one another does not mean they are kissing one another's asses. Maybe friends support one another. Does not them corrupt,bad, nor untrustworthy . After all this same group who once endorsed John is now supporting Letty ... Hmmmm. Who's the unstable,untrustworthy party here? As for that police lady friend you seem so interested in,seems like The perfect scapegoat for your BS! I know exactly who you are by your ignorance in those words you speak describing her..it's clearly out of spite. Careful what you blurt out .
To the 11.01
I agree with 4.50 anonymous, nobody talks like you but the crude Hernandezes, I went block walking with Letty , Mary Helen did not go, it. Was Rigo Letty and I and we never mention mailing ballots for us but they volunteered itheir experience with you and your politiqueras. Yo lied to them. Most of them did not fill in the ballot, and the few that did were under the your warning hat begum was going to take away their benefits. Anything to win and be on the county's tit, right Norma?
Give it up...Dnt be a sore loser.
You people need to throw your focus on the "personalities" of our political figures out the window and take a look at the real issue at hand, the structure of our local politics. Ignorance speaks for itself when it comes to civic engagement in Brownsville. We need to invest more in educating our community in order to learn to elect people who will actually bring change to our community.
speaking o fmamones, juan what happen to those 2 huge salary mf of pistoal pete and david garcia, pues no que they were going to get fired or laid off cuz they make too much dinero? Puro pedo verda? monkey
Pinched vieja idiota primero aprenda a escribir "begun" jajaja se escribe "Begum" jajaja pinche vieja sonsa
reply ...begun o begum, sabes que....TU CHINGAS A TU MADRE P U T O
you are so obviously concerned about anybody going to the high rise, how stupid can you be, denouncing someone for campaigning there, you probably feel you already marked your territory and nobody else has the right to talk to the residents, I remember how Herminia Becerra and other politiqueras went to the high rise telling people not to go the court that summoned them, how you and Erin and your politiqueras got furious and attacked Yolanda and did not even let her eat with the residents the food she donated, instead there are pictures of all of you sitting shamelessly eating the food and taking credit for the donation. Those are facts!!
Ouch! Who pissed in your Cheerios! You sound like an angry,bitter, butt hurt ex. Look at you jumping at the first chance at vengeance for your self instilled heartache while your engaged to someone else. If your so in tune with this lady cop's history, you'd know that dating two cops in sixteen years does not constitute "passed around". That's what single people do,they date. It's perfectly healthy. I'm sure you can relate to "brotherhood". We all know who you are. She's moved on and so should you.
This lady officer is a true hero and she does not advertise or pose for pictures to receive recognition. It's part of her job and a true reflection of her values and upbringing. Shame on you for hiding behind a computer and delivering a low blow to a true lady and one of Brownsville's finest.
To March 20, at AM
Who in their right frame of mind would be bitter to to get rid of that fat ugly bitch.
There are true heros in the police department but of course do not get recognized "whereas", they are not best friends with Tetro, the wierd commissioner.
This woman does not deserve respect, since she does not respect herself. Going out with two police officers is two too many. She should respect herself and not date her co-workerS and also respect the department.
Doesn't she have a child from a police officer. THEY WERE NOT EVEN MARRIED, Y SE ECHARON A LA VACA.
Her and Tetro are one of a kind, reason she got recognized by the idiot commissioner.
By the way she does not have to send any photos of herself, she gives herself away in person., in the flesh. Ugh!!!!
A bitch always a bitch.
does d stands for highway?
Is d a cave?
Is d aka angie DickINson?
How sad that an innocent child has to be dragged into this nonsense. That is low class of anyone to even bring that into this blog. Who cares who this lady cop has dated or who's she's friends with. This is America the land of the free. I work in the ER and date a nurse myself.. we are getting married this year. You sick people loose the focus of the issue at hand. You seemed more worried about trashing a woman's image. Who in there right mind would even dishonor a police officer who puts there life on his or her life on the line for us.
If only there was more hard working citizens like me and EARTHCHILD out there and less ignorant, ungrateful people out there who comment unnecessary trash. Maybe things could get done around this community.
no D is for your DUMBASS poetry who only you understand and laugh at. Get a life bro or better yet,try reading a book!
For being so fat and ugly You seemed very threatened or must have very low self esteem. Enough to consume your day into these blogs about her. The reality is that she is very attractive. You must have way to much time on your hands,careful it could be an obsession. Jealousy ruins lives. Focus on planning your wedding instead.
Bet you wouldn't reveal your identity to Dee if you found yourself in a dark alley W her! She's one of the most toughest cops I know,and a bitch to YOU she can be and a friend to me Im BLESSED!
Fat and ugly? Think they're talking bout that trash she threw away couple years ago.
Regardless of who is running and who is backing who, SO WHAT!!! It's a free world, you vote how you please!! As far as police CHIP posting her comment !!! DUMB move , look who is calling the kettle black! Word is your track record is not all peaches n cream - complaints- physco behavior - hot headed - etc... John needs to stay clear of your endorsements - and if pictures can talk you were wearing a BUC shirt posing with these Men!! For you to make a comment on something job related should raise a RED FLAG with your superiors !!! Best of luck to both canidates
I would really be concerned if I had to go to the emergency room where you work and if you attended me. Specially if you think that the child is being dragged in. Your reading comprehention is not all there.
SHE HAD A CHILD, no mention about anything else in reference to the the child. Comprende????????
You said it mister, this is a blog, comprende???????
You are just a metiche who needs to get back to work rather than be concerned about a blog. Aren't you suppose to be a professional?
As far as respect, what gives you the right to trash anyone? No one is trashing any woman, she has done it to her self. No one asked to sleep around, she did it on her own.
You are also wrong about how I feel about police officers, I respect them, especially the ones who are really out there putting their lives on the line and not their bodies on their bed.
It is the woman we are talking about, not the officers in general, comprende??????????
OOOOPS, coprehension. No one said I was a good speller, just a good judge of character.
El pendejete de cho-che anda bien ardido por que la vieja que tiene ahora esta bien fea. Pero el esta bien gordo, cacheton y pelon. Hacen buena pareja nadamas que ahora le va a tener que poner otra llanta a su moto chafa para que aguante a la gordinflona.
Vote for Letty early elections soon!
Jealous. Jealous of a bombshell busty policewoman whos sexual magnetism is second to none. Soft and sensual, yet tuff enough to fullfill police duties. Date 2,3,4,5 cops for all it matters. Hell, shes so hott I might become a cop. Just to dig my teeth into her "blues" and "pinks". yummmy.
The only psycho one here is you,obviously you've been stalking this cop lady's Picts. Don't you have a job? How do you find so much time to comment long ass comments back to back! Combine it one y ya! get if of your chest..
You are not a very bright person . You sound like an angry soul out to get this officer. Seems like you might have something personal against this lady. God help you. No emergency personnel deserves what what your doing to this LADY. Regardless what her opinion is..she has that right to express it without being called names or be ridiculed. This lady has not trashed herself, you are posting about her. Your far from being a poor speller, your a poor Christian . May God Bless this officer and you as well.
That's what beds are for you cop hater! Maybe you need to get laid..first you trash a cop now a nurse,what's next? A priest? Gheez!
Bien dices amigo,ahora,ha! Eso si dice un DOWNGRADE mamalon! Y le arde a la gordiflona cara de bruja!
Ms officer,you can take me into custody,You can lock me up and throw away the key .. Wee Ooh Wee Ooh Wee (Like a cop car)
You might like "pinks" because it "stinks" but it might be more like "quemado" por usado.
Is this Linda la Lesbiana kissing up to De La DickInson?
Anonymous said...
Jealous. Jealous of a bombshell busty policewoman whos sexual magnetism is second to none. Soft and sensual, yet tuff enough to fullfill police duties. Date 2,3,4,5 cops for all it matters. Hell, shes so hott I might become a cop. Just to dig my teeth into her "blues" and "pinks". yummmy.
In response to March 22,2013 @ 3:38. IF I am not very bright then you must be a RETARD! I am not angry and my soul is just fine and no, nothing personal. Again RETARD no one is doing anything to this woman, she has done it to herself. You said it RETARD, just like she and you have the right to your options, so does everyone else. Do not ask god to help me when you need his help more than I do. Do not call me a poor Christian when you are worse. What gives you the right to ridicule? Could it be because you worship the devil? It is not about me RETARD. I do give respect when respect is deserved. To all of those real professional emergency responders, keep up the good work I really appreciate you. To the ones who have too much time in theirs hands, get to work and become real hero's if you want good recognition.
In response to March 22,2013 @ 3:38. IF I am not very bright then you must be a RETARD! I am not angry and my soul is just fine and no, nothing personal. Again RETARD no one is doing anything to this woman, she has done it to herself. You said it RETARD, just like she and you have the right to your options, so does everyone else. Do not ask god to help me when you need his help more than I do. Do not call me a poor Christian when you are worse. What gives you the right to ridicule? Could it be because you
worship the devil? It is not about me RETARD. I do give respect when respect is deserved. To all
of those real professional emergency responders, keep up the good work I really appreciate you. To the ones who have too much
time in theirs hands, get to work and become real her's if you want good recognition.
Twice so you can understand it RETARD!!""!
Quemado? Ha! Funny selection of words. Perhaps that's what's eating you up.. Who put out that fire! Yours truly !
Who cares, get over it .. Your the only one talking and no one listens
Temper Temper ( twice) ...who's the pyscho here now ?! Ha
Not me , you March 25,2013 at 2:13. You because when you found out it was quemado, you could not put out the fire por que se te Izo aguado.
yo no tengo verga pendejete..pero tu bruja de vieja se queja con tus amigos que compras Viagra! So no te muerdas la luenga!
answer to March 25, 2013 at 3:18
Who is psycho? You, the want to be nice and a hero female cop, and the want to be good christian nurses.
As for me, no temper, just having fun with you idiots!!!!!!!!
To March 21, 2013 AT 9:48 PM
No,not afraid of her wether she knows my identity or not, she can not do anything to me either in a dark alley or anywhere else, cause if she does the one going to jail will be her, brave or not.
to March 22, 2013 @ 7:09 pm
Beds are made for couples who are married, to sleep, not just for slutty females cops. Nope, do not need to get laid. No one needs to trash the cop, she has done it herself. As for the nurses, they need to get to work, they have no business trashing anyone themselves.
and you, do you think it's ok to trash a priest over defending a nurse and a cop? You are one twisted dumbass.
Oh but you are AFRAID ,
If your going to trash someone don't be a coward, why post anonymously ??? Got to give Montoya,The CheeZe,etc ... credit for having the balls to face the music!
No tienes verga, period.
Top March 25, 2013 at 6:34 pm.
You are so right, the woman cop is not above the law and she is not the law.
This blog is a joke, pointless. there is nothing to laugh at nor debate here. Going after a cop is not even humane, we are lucky to have people like her protecting our city. Thanks to this officer there is one more person walking this earth..she's a true hero in our lives.
In this line of work, the frontline .. Emergency responders stick together looney tune. The only NET you belong on is the CARTOON NETwork! You'll have fun there, knock yourself out.
We were never given a chance to voice our opinion on who we wanted to endorse as a union. We refuse to acknowledge this or any other endorsement until we are considered. This endorsement is really just an endorsement by Rigo and Jorge, no one else.
That's about to change with this election, to stop this kind of nonsense. Whole different union
Broadway d Namath guarantee of victory reeks of chota panocha. Las cops hide behind chiquelo caramelo.
No one is going after a cop and no one is afraid of this cop.
She is not the law and she has to be an abiding citizen just the like the rest of us, she is not above the law.
There are many officers who are better officers than she is who do not get recognized. This woman got recognized because she knows Tetro, the psycho commissioner. Why weren't the other emegency responders recognized?
This woman is not an outstanding individual or officer. Give credit where credit is due.
Don't forget, Tetro, the one who gave the recognition has been arrested for beating her husband up and for not paying the people who work for her at the car wash.
Recognition has been given from one psyco to another.
Firemen, beware! You sleep with the enemy, YOU GET BURNED! ..ask choche.
Ay pobre choche, you are so predictable. Just give it up. Your even FRONT row jack taking pictures of her, on that video at her proclamation award. We all saw you Did you forget? It's all over YOU TUBE.
If you view that video of her proclamation you will see this officer never took credit for this award. She recognized the medics on that call that day. Very modest on her part.
The good thing about this bullshit comment is that it's just some idiot's opinion. Nothing more. It says nothing about her as a person. muy chignon y educado segun tu..ten los huevos de poner tu nombre aqui wey. Aver ..give yourself credit where credit is due .
I think you misspelled that! Lol if your gonna burn people atleast spell right!
Choche must LOVE his enemies
to March 27, at 3;21 PM
The good thing about your comment is that it is your idiotic opinion. Nothing more.
and it says alot about your person, you are an idiot.
Who are you to tell anyone not to bE anonymous, when do not sign your name,IDIOTA
Para huevos hay muchos, sin no preguntale a tu amigita la cop, I am sure she has seen plenty of huevos.
If she is so modest, why did she receive the award? Truth comes out, the medics saved the child's life and she took credit for it. Typical.
So you, March 25 @10:30. She is not the reason another person is walking on this earth. Your hero cop is a farst. WAWAWAWAAWA
That report is public record. Read first before you comment .That officer went over and beyond her call of duty performing CPR prior to medics arriving. That child was lifeless. I was on ems that day,that call came in as a DEAD BODY. Kudos to that cop and our medics. Dee is a hero in my book. The only FARST here is you , same one and ONLY person commenting trash on this blog.
And you are the same idiot that gets fooled easily. Anyone can write whatever they want. Just like you writing nonsense. She can be your hero all she wants to me she is still just a want to be
What did you say? That you are the only trash that comments on the blog. to March 28, @ 2.03 PM
and as far is Dee is concerned she is tras along with you.
Get over your jealousy Cynthia
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