Miffed that incumbent District 4 City incumbent Commissioner John Villarreal didn't get the endorsement of the (BUC) Brownsville Unity Coalition of labor unions, city commissioner Ricardo Longoria is now claiming its leadership asked him to fire hapless fire chief Lenny Perez and when he refused, they turned on him.

"During the election of 2011 the members of the BUC through the vote from our local firemen's union did not endorse me as their candidate," Longoria wrote. "What is wrong about this is that I am a Brownsville Educator, and AOBE member, and by default a BUC members. They endorsed a non-union member because their portion of the BUC (firemen) decided they didn't want me as their candidate and because of that my own union could not endorse me."
Longoria then goes on to discuss the differences between the union and the city over the "me-too" clause where the firefighters get raises automatically if the police union gets one (and vice-versa). But what irked Longoria seems to have been the fact that he was expecting the support of the union without supporting them in their demands with the city.

"After this I was approached by their elected representatives to have the fire chief Lenny Perez fired form his job because they didn't want him. My answer, NO!"
He then goes on to say that not only did the BUC not endorse him, but also declined to endorse commissioner Rose Gowen, Mayor Tony Martinez, and now John Villarreal.
They are, he said echoing the words of Villarreal, "a special interest group that is costing you, the city taxpayer, millions each year."
The funny part of all this is that Longoria voluntarily admits that he was glad to receive the support and endorsement of BUC and in return support their salary and benefit demands while he had that support. When they asked for his support to jettison Perez, who himself is costing the taxpayers of the city $100,000s in mediation and legal costs because of his mismanagement, he draws the line.
Villarreal goes even further, he calls Rigo Bocanegra, a city employee and a BUC officer, "a joke."
Shouldn't there be some semblance of decorum when an elected official speaks to union representatives in confidence or when a city commissioner refers to a city employee in public. If Longoria is fact received a request from the BUC leadership to support their demands that Perez be removed, shouldn't his response have been made to them as their request was made to him – in private and in confidence? After all, these city employees have to work under this man, known as a tin-horn tyrant for his pettiness and vindictiveness.
And Villarreal should know better than to refer to a city employee – one member of his city's team – as "a joke?"
Longoria ia said to be considering a run for the new Justice of the Peace 2-3 position created in Cameron County. Someone should tell his this is not the way to make friends and influence people.
There are glaring similarities in Rick Longoria and John Villarreal. They are both too immature to deal with being public leaders. They should consider leaving thier foot out of their mouth and putting it in the ass of the worthless Fire Chief Lenny. They are keeping a total idiot in command of a critical public safety department and at a tremendous liability and legal cost to the citizens.
The BUC endorsements works in a manner which gives priority to Which Members of the Brownsville Union Coalition are affected by the election. For example: BISD elections for the Board of Trustees give the Teachers Union a major voice. County Elections give the Sheriff's Union a major voice. Port of Brownsville Elections give the Longshoremen a major voice in deciding which candidates to support. Just know this Rick, No one, not even YOUR own teachers Union spoke in favor of your support.
Rick and Johny holding hands, refuse to play the game.
Rick and Johny holding hands, two little kids playing pretend.
Rick and Johny holding hands, are angry because no on likes them.
Rick and Johny holding hands, want things their way.
Whats up Rick so you continue to be the same pendejete from high school the one who would cry to the teachers that no body liked you. Your own Longoria cousin dest you cause you were always jealous of them for being better musician than you. Thats why your a DJ cause you suck at playing drums,you suck at being a commissioner and literally the only thing your good for is sucking,loser. The Longoria family don't claim you,you're a enbarrassment to them. La basura pa fuera.
Bottom line union public or private sector SUCK PERIOD!
Had commissioner John Villarreal gotten rid of chief Lenny perez the buc would of been happy and gladly given their endorsement once again. Lol. What a joke! Bunch of two face drunks! All they do is spend their union dues on getting drunk and going on trips. These so called brave heroes don't give a rats ass about our community but about themselves! Once they don't get what they want they throw you to the curve..so much for integrity !
Speaking as a BFD firefighter and union member of 12 years, I feel embarassed to be represented by these self-centered fools. We are not invited to union meetings yet they demand our dues. Those dues do not even guarantee us a vote as to which candidates we would like to endorse and much less to who we want to elect as our union leaders. These biker wannabe fools just get together to drink and screw the rest of us over. Before this idiot Bocanegra was elected president we had another idiot named Marco Longoria. One day he wrecked an ambulance and refused to take a drug test so he was placed on suspension (not the first time he was fired). His wannabe biker buddies handled our negotiations with the city and gave all our benefits away in exchange for Marco getting his job back and then the backstabber decides to retire. Por uno la llevamos todos! Lets vote these good for nothing union reps out and get someone who can have a civilized conversation with the city. Marco Longoria is NOT our union. George Lerma is NOT our union. Rigo Bocanegra is NOT our union. Carlos Elizondo is NOT our union. Luis Arevalo is NOT union. WE ARE THE UNION! These fools do not deserve to wear our uniform.
Estos bomberos pendejos de las motos nadamas sirven para tomar bironga y cagar el palo. Se creen que ellos estaban en 9/11. Give me a pinche break! Estos vatos no saben ni como apagar un asador y se creen bien "heroes"! Jajajaja POR FAVORRRR! Empesando con nuestro "union president." Voy a hacer una coperacha entre los camaradas para comprarle un chaleco nuevo por que ya esta bien panson y hasta le puso cadenas para que le alcanse a cerrar. Jajaja pinche bueno para nada.
Well,regarding my comment early bout the union and how they spend your union dues..I gotta say,I'm impressed w your bluntness. There should be more firemen like you. There is still good integrity out there! Your a TRUE hero in my book! Union dues should be used to defend your men when they're facing work dilemmas. Sometimes even a family crisis,donation for a fellow fireman's family member..but not to be abused! Sad how those clowns have given the fire dept such a bad image. All they give a shit about is getting your fire chief out and they will run over anything to do it.
Now there's a REAL firefighter!!!! Your a true hero in my book! Say it how it is !
Vote those drunks out! We want our fire dept back,new start...clean, good image and good relations w our public! Everyone looks at us medics and firemen as drunks.
FYI - The so called Fire Fighters posting on these comments have the facts wrong. Obviously, they are fake postings from what may appear to be rotten cheez. Butt Hurt people nada mas.
Sounds like those firemen finally had enough of their own union, I don't think they are fake postings or butt hurt. Sometimes the truth hurts and you are obviously the one bothered by the truth! Reading by the lines you must be one of them!!! Speaking as a firefighters wife, we need to stick together and work for the same cause not to see who's got the most power. I think somewhere along the way that power got way over someone's head. I'm just out the box looking in...but I see it how it is.
I'm a retired firefighter and winter Texan and I'm appalled by how a brother firefighter can betray his fellow union brothers and sisters in the way I see here. You should always fight for your union presidents young lads he is the only person that that will go down throwing for you. in my department we would use a flame thrower on firefighters like 9:09am,11:11am and 3:33pm.
Kudos to the retired Firefighter winter Texan who gets it. That " brother " firefighter that complained continues to pay dues in what is supposed to be a UNION. By it's very definition we should be united. If you don't like the way things are run, step up to the plate and challenge the Union Board. Otherwise, keep the oath you took as a member or did you forget.
We the VTEA want to thank all the firefighters, especially Rigo,Jorge, Marco for all that they do.
no digas nada mexicanito venido a menos eres de esos mexicanitos que son mas mexicanos que el nopal y se averguenzan de las raices de tu familia. ya quisieras ponerte un traje como ese y haz. de ser peor que una rata
All these very negative anonymous comments about the firefighters are coming from the John Villarreal camp, they sound like the Cheezmeh, like the Hernandezes, like John Villarreal himself, these are the tactics they use against their opponents: attack the supporters, dismiss and diminish the importance and seriousness of their cause and attack the candidates personalities, they did it to Luis Saenz and to Yolanda Begum, it is very unfortunate and very ugly, why not stick to the issues?
Linda you are not a firefighter's wife, and you are very misinformed on all 7 comments, I know exactly that this is coming from your computer, you are the only one that is profiting from this.
what do you have? what have you done with your can imagine crapy life o estas ardido porque no haz echo nada de tu vida para estar acordandote desde que estabas en school many yrs ago does your family like you? o hablas de pura envidia
With all due respects to you Mr retired firefighter. It does not give the right for any fireman/men to take advantage of these dues that are suppose to be used for actual resources of our firemen. Instead it is being abused and everyone has witnessed this for many years. We are not questioning their bravery,but their integrity. You are not here sir to see what is going down,my brothers are. My father too was a fireman. He taught me one must be brave and ETHICAL. Getting drunk and getting into bar fights,paying with union dues isn't very Ethical to us. So if you feel the need to take out that flame thrower go right ahead Mr retired fireman. It's firemen like these that give my father and other firemen a bad image! That is why there is others like 9:09 & 11:11
It's people like you that have them thinking they are untouchable . They got you all brainwashed. We are stepping up to the plate and are doing something about this! Damn right we pay our dues and there is someone higher than the board.. They are on their way out!
I know nothing about local politics or unions so most of this is out of context to me but I am a taxpayer and citizen who may one day need help in an emergency from fire fighters. I understand having a fire department is like having an insurance policy. You may never need it but you need to have it just in case. What concerns me as a taxpayer is are we paying a fair price for this insurance? I looked up the facebook post quoted on this story and found that Mr. Longoria mentions he has seen the amount of money and overtime our firefighters are getting paid. Does anyone know where I can find that information along with what type of benefits they are getting so that I can compare them to comprable cities? I'm not into the politics of it, more into the numbers which can't be spun as easily.
The drunk-with-beer-in-hand firefighters are NOT heroes. They seem more like publicity whores trying to pose with as many local political wannabees as possible. They are always whining about how they put their lives on the line...GET ANOTHER FUCKING JOB MENSOS,PUSSIES.
They look ridicoulous in their too small bikes and ugly hoochie rucas.
Just do the jobs you were hired to do and stay out of politics or better yet run for office since you think you have tentacles covering all your bases.
Mis respetos a todos los policias, y bomberos.
El aguila
This is such a sad sad blog!!! All Firemen/women are Heros ..... But if I remember correctly this is about an election with the city not the union !!! If this firefighter is upset about his union then why are the officers elected back in every year??? As far as this election goes , last time I looked this is a free country and anyone can vote as they choose , the key is you have to go out and vote!!!! Don't sit behind a computer and bash your brotherhood etc. Incumbent in this race - my opinion is a ghost - never see him - not sure of his accomplishments - not everyone is able to attend meetings !!! Opponent still has to prove she has the district best intrest in hand ... So to some people it's open season , so you so called FF of 12 years - shame on you - I'd hate to have you in a burning building working next to me!!! Hopefully one day you find peace .
Thank you. The majority of us go to work each and every other day and provide the best possible service to our citizens and ask nothing in return. We understand our duty and will fulfill our obligation under the oath we were sworn by. Please do not judge the department as a whole by the actions of a few individuals.
Lol! I'd like to by you a beer! Bout damn time someone put those assholes in their places!!!!
Don't allow the minority Elite of Brownsville,which I see here commenting anonymously impersonating themselves as firefighters confuse you. I'm a firefighter of 28 years an a proud union member. I'm proud to call Marco Longoria,Rigo Bocanegra,Jorge Lerma,Carlos Elizondo,and Luis Arevalo my brothers. Thank you for stepping up to the plate for all of us.
what has John Villareal done to deserve anyones Vote.... NOTHING. He is a PUPPET, A SELL OUT and has NO Balls to speak up for the District. You have no idea how much of a backstabber he is. He has done nothing only ride on his parents name.
IN Spanish. No trae nada el uerco mocoso. Hay anda de lambiscon y se cree que tienie huevos...
Seriously he is a Kid with no backbone.
I'm proud to call Marco Longoria,Rigo Bocanegra,Jorge Lerma,Carlos Elizondo,and Luis Arevalo my brothers. Thank you for stepping up to the plate for all of us.
El otro bombero
First of all, a hero is not someone who self proclaims themselves as one. It is a person who earns that image and respect through actions, not words. You dumbass high school degree firefighters are not heroes. The worst fire you've put out, if any, is a little grass fire. Stop acting like you saved the world. You have brainwashed this community into thinking you are all that and a bag of chips when in reality all you're doing is sucking them dry. My has worked over at Public Works for many years and he has to put up with the shit you idiots have with your me too crap. For 5 years he did not get a raise. Meanwhile gas, milk, and everything else was sky rocketing. But you're heroes, right? Screwing this city and all our families big time.
To the person who asked about finding this info: Call the city secratry and request the information, it is public. These good for nothing fools are making way too much money and benefits. I wish my dad made even half as much as they do. If half of the entire city budget did not go to them, imagine how many more streets could get done? Instead our pay stays the same and taxes go up so we can afford to have firefighters. They're always complaining about how they risk their lives. What about my dad who is dodging cars everyday and actually risking his life, unlike fireighters who sleep all day at the station then get two days off to go work at your second jobs. If you hate your job so much then quit!I'm sure there are 100 people waiting in line for a job. Oh wait, you actually need a degree for a job that pays as much as your current one. Do your job for free and maybe I'll call you a hero, otherwise, do the job you're overpaid to do and shut up.
Hahaha!! Parecen osos del circo en bici con sus pinches abuelitas de viejas atrepadas atras! Deben de comprar motos mas grandes como heavy duty
This anti firemen rhetoric is becoming old real fast. This election is not about the fire department or the BUC. You have every right to vote for whom you choose. I smell the Cheezmeh group and followers' hands in all of this. These people have become real haters and anti city. If you do not like what Cheezmeh wants then they turn and hate you. Cheezmeh is all about losers!!!
Sounds like you couldn't make it in civil service. You have till you are 34 yrs old to make the requirements. Keep trying.
Because the City of Brownsville ( Thank God ) provides jobs that people can make a decent living on such as: Police, Fire, EMS services does not mean that because your father, (who I'm sure would love a job such as those I mentioned) was not lucky (or smart) enough to pass a civil service exam open to EVERY ONE does not mean that Emergency Personnel do not have a right to fight for decent wages and working conditions. Every worker can decide to unionize. Every worker can decide to make his job worth the labor he or she has put into it. The Brownsville firefighters decided in 1947 that they would create a Union. A voice to project their concerns and wishes to the powers that be. This did not happen overnight. The Police officers followed the firefighters lead. Emergency Medical Personnel followed in 2001, when a Merger with the Brownsville Fire Dept. occurred. Why people would deny the Emergency Personnel, the very folks you need NOW, IN QUITE POSSIBLY THE WORST TIME IN YOUR LIFE, a fair and decent wage is beyond me. My Advise to you March 22, 2013 at 7:14 am. Is Join Us.
jajajaja! es cierto. Yo los vi el otro dia y me pare para aplaudirles por que pense que estaba en el pinche circo! Hasta pense que habia visto a una vieja embarazada manejando en moto pero luego vi que era el pendejo de Rigo Bocanegra con su pansota y greƱas largas. jajaja ya mero te alivias pendejo, ya ve pidiendo tu maternity leave! Y comprate un chaleco y pantalones nuevos guey. Ya pareces foto por que nunca te cambias. Pinches camisillas que dicen "bad to the bone" no mamessss. jajaja
deveras 'LONGORIA',que mal te ves de disque vestido de charro,y con esa carita redonda y te he visto tambien en motocicleta 'PARECES PUTO'de politico no tienes nada pero de rata se te ve en la cara que tegustan lso moches que te da el rata de cabler y tu compadre luna en purchasing.
Es compadre de nappy haired lenny tambien.
Es compadre del fire chef.
He's no chief! He's Cabler's boy toy!
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