John Adams
By Juan Montoya
I had thought we had gotten over it after the Vietnam War.
I thought it couldn't come to pass again that an enlightened citizenry hoodwinked by the hyper-patriotic utterings of demagogues who wrapped the flag around themselves would allow their young men and women to be led off to an unnecessary war.
I thought it couldn't come to pass again that an enlightened citizenry hoodwinked by the hyper-patriotic utterings of demagogues who wrapped the flag around themselves would allow their young men and women to be led off to an unnecessary war.
But there we were 10 years ago following the leadership of a National Air Guard dropout all gung-ho to go destroy the evil empire of the man who was made to be somehow responsible for blowing up the Twin Towers on 911.

"The danger is clear: using chemical, biological or, one day, nuclear weapons, obtained with the help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country, or any other.
...Terrorists and terror states do not reveal these threats with fair notice, in formal declarations—and responding to such enemies only after they have struck first is not self-defense, it is suicide. The security of the world requires disarming Saddam Hussein now."
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
Some of the soldier dead names are inscribed on the plaques of the Veterans' Park Memorial on Central Boulevard in Brownsville. Some whose families could not afford it are not. We cannot say they died in vain because no life is lived in vain. Rather, it is wasted when demagogues rule our national conscience and we allow them to frighten us into jumping off the cliff after them. We thought we had learned that lesson in previous wars. We've got a way to go.
As the world soon realized, and the media caught on, "this, obviously, was all a fever dream. There were no biological or nuclear weapons; there may have been a few rusty chemical shells lying around, just as there had been for decades. Iraq was not an important sponsor of Islamicist terrorism. Islamicist terrorism was fueled not by fascist dictatorships such as Iraq, but by non-state actors in failed states such as Afghanistan and Somalia; and our invasion of Iraq promptly turned it into precisely the sort of failed-state sectarian war zone that does fuel terrorism.
Thousands of American soldiers died in a war in Iraq that only exacerbated the danger of anti-American terrorism. Thousands of Iraqi soldiers died as well, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians died in the resulting civil war, most killed by the Iraqi militias who emerged in the power vacuum the U.S. invasion created, but many killed by U.S. armed forces themselves. In the name of pre-empting a non-existent threat, America killed tens of thousands (134,000 at last count) of people and turned Iraq into a breeding ground for terrorism. And we spent a trillion dollars ($1.7 trillion) to do it."
And those few voices that were brave enough to cry out against the mad dash to war were soon silenced with the disapproval of the patriotic-mad lust of war, the right-wing talk show hosts, and the think tanks that were set up by corporations to incite the expenditure of the nation's treasure...and blood. The Patriot Act was crafted to intrude into the most minuscule reaches of our civil liberties under the guise of ferreting out evil tendencies among the people. Your calls can now be monitored. Your mail can be opened. The government can pry into your reading habits at the public library.
"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty."
It was Bush's war and now it is Obama's war. Gitmo is still open and troops are still in the sandbox. If you are going to lash presidents, lash them all.
(Gitmo is still open and troops are still in the sandbox.) What's the holdup in turning Cuba into the Hawaii of the gulf?
My best friend was shot down over Ramadi and died in Iraq. What did he die for? Freedom? Justice? Patriotism?
RIP Maj. Gerald Bloomfield, KIA 2005
It is very easy to criticze when you've never served your Country in a war MF. Next time you feel like attacking the very Government that provides you the freedom to publish your yellow journalism try standing guard in a hot Lz in the name of America you prick.
If you want to complain about the City, County, BISD, Port just do a complain at:
To file a complaint form:
You got to be patient, these entities take a few years to gather evidence, or stop by the Brownsville office and ask for the
This is how they got AL Capone,
when all else fails IRS is the Key.....
"...the evil empire of the man who was made to be somehow responsible for blowing up the Twin Towers on 911."
Please post a reference to this where someone in the Bush administration, not MSNBC talking heads, specifically accused Saddam Hussein of blowing up the Twin Towers.
"There were no biological or nuclear weapons..."
True there were no nuclear weapons. But tell the Kurdish people the US helped escape from Northern Iraq that saw their family die with chemical weapons that Sadaam was no threat. I dare you.
You also skipped the part where pretty much every country in Europe, including the French well known for their superior intelligence agencies, all agreed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. You further failed to note that during the months Sadaam was held by the US, he confessed to lying about having these weapons because it was the only way he could keep Iran from attacking Iraq. It was a risk he had to take and lost.
You can continue to attempt to re-write history of the Iraq war as many have attempted but there are too many facts out there now that disprove your recollection of history.
Saddam's weapons of mass destructin did exist. Now they are in Syria, where he quickly moved them during SCOCK AND AWE.
(You can continue to attempt to re-write history of the Iraq war as many have attempted but there are too many facts out there now that disprove your recollection of history.)
Damn, what are you, Muslim? Gonna get with my contacts at the FBI and advise them to keep track of this blog.
Sorry, Dags. Did I confuse you again? Maybe you should stick to reading comic books if you're having trouble keeping up with posts with more than three sentences. Clearly, you must be confused else you wouldn't have posted such an idiotic comment.
(you must be confused else you wouldn't) WHAT?
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