It is very easy to criticize when you've never served your Country in a war MF. Next time you feel like attacking the very Government that provides you the freedom to publish your yellow journalism try standing guard in a hot Lz in the name of America you prick."
MARCH 19, 2013 AT 12:30 AM
By Juan Montoya
It never fails.
It happened with the Vietnam veterans and now it's happening with the "anonymous" fellow who wrote that comment up top.
Nowhere in the post he mentions is there any criticism of the veterans who served in the war in Iraq. Nowhere is there any criticism of the men and women who voluntarily enlisted in the U.S. Armed Forces and served with the troops there.

The architect of the war Paul Wolfowitz, a driving force behind the overthrow Hussein, has conceded that a series of blunders by Bush administration plunged Iraq into a cycle of violence that “spiralled out of control”.
He now says "mistakes" were made.
You're right. I have never served my country in a war. Fortunately, when I volunteered for the Marine Corps in 1972 at the height of the Vietnam war, the powers that be (or my mother's prayers) decided I would better serve this country as a heavy-equipment operator in a Shore Party Battalion in exotic places like Jacksonville, N.C., Puerto Rico (Vieques Island), Panama, Aruba, etc.
What is there about this post that qualifies it as yellow journalism except for the fact that it is true that Bush and his war hawks lied to the American people – you included – to get the nod to invade a third-rate military power headed by a dictator. You know how many places qualify for U.S. invasion if we use that measure?
If you want to compare war scars you can go to the local VFW. I, for one will not apologize for criticizing liars and deceivers who led us into a war that cost more than 4,400 lives of U.S. soldiers and 143,000 Iraqi civilians. Forget the money. That can be made up, but those lives can't.
One of my nephews served as a U.S. Marine in the evacuation of the diplomatic personnel from the U.S. embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia. Another just returned from serving in the U.S. Army as the operator of a anti-IED vehicle in Afghanistan. They read what I write, but unlike you, they realize that the reason they were in those spots was because they had taken an oath to defend our freedoms and that includes the right of free speech, expression, freedom of the press, and to petition the government for redress.
And guess what? They – like you – went their on their own volition because there is no draft unlike in 1972 when I volunteered. No one held a gun to your head and forced you to go. They – also like you – were paid to be there, and signed voluntarily on the dotted line. So why are you taking out your frustrations against the very citizens that you said you went to the "hot LZs" to ptotect their rights guaranteed under the constitution you took an oath to defend?
Unlike some peace-time vets, you won't find me crowding combat veterans out of the lines at the VA hospitals demanding medical treatment for maladies that came long after my service. And this country owes me nothing because of the time I spent in uniform. It was simply my duty.
Unlike some peace-time vets, you won't find me crowding combat veterans out of the lines at the VA hospitals demanding medical treatment for maladies that came long after my service. And this country owes me nothing because of the time I spent in uniform. It was simply my duty.
Many people think that the expression reads: "My country right or wrong."
That is incorrect, pilgrim. It's: "“My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right.”
That, my friend, is the mark of a true patriot. If that means to you that I'm a "MF" and a "prick," so be it.
With Obama successfully destroying the U.S., I suppose it is only natural for those in the socialist democratic party to bring up a very necessary war. Nations were banning together to destroy the U.S. through attacks on our embassies and here at home. They have not been as successful as they had dreamed. While Americans are still being killed, both civilian and military, this president does nothing but condemn the U.S. for what...being great! Bush wasn't the best but he was certainly better than Obama. The war on terror is most necessary. Next is Mexico...can't wait!
The moneydoes matter. It mattered to Halliburton.
I think what he meant to say was "Thank you for showing that my efforts in protecting the freedom and rights that we experience as
Americans paid off and you and all of us are able to continue to enjoy them even if that enjoyment includes criticism of the U.S. government" or maybe not. Maybe he really meant what he said and he is one of those guys that believes freedom should only be available to those who agree with the government (which is not freedom after all) and that liberty is something worth fighting for but that it should not actually be used. I once had a federal law enforcement officer tell me that he agreed with the statement that liberty is worth protecting no matter how much freedom you had to give up to do it.
I think we are all thankful to those who have served. However, military training often produces robotic thinking. These are folks who don't think, they just respond as taught and ordered. This is necessary in a military situation, but many of them don't pack it away with their uniform when they put back on their "civies".
I have come to expect this from military and many former military people, and am delighted when I find those who don't fit into this mold. The person is question, obviously isn't an exception.
Bush never served in the Armed Forces either!
Hold on...veterans aren't "robots" just because they don't think like you. How freakin' arrogant of you to think you're right and everyone else is wrong! Like everyone else in society, veterans come in all shapes, sizes, and political thought. The only thing right about this whole post is the fact the author states you don't have to have served in the military in order to earn the right to criticize government. I do like how he began by criticizing the anonymous poster for making himself to be some sort of hero for serving in the military but in the end, the author toots his own horn for standing up to government and speaking against it. This would be admirable if facts were used instead of rumors and MSNBC talking points to show how the government lied about the war. It's silly to think any President, even Obama as unbelievably incompetent as he is, would risk the lives of military men and women for something stupid like "Sadaam tried to kill my daddy." To show your patriotism by spreading garbage like that is imbecilic.
Politicians lied to us during and well after the war to keep us distracted while they stole from the American people as they pleased. Bush and friends became billionaires with that smoke screen. Look at the large government contracts and their part owners. Halliburton is a perfect example. You kill one your a murderer you kill thousands youre a conquerer. Thank you bush for the recession.
all doing war with some else's money not mine, putos, same thing here at the city of brownsville and cameron county BISD board, its never ever their monies, its teh taxpayers moneies my friend
Bush said the war would be paid for with the Iraqi oil, que paso? Why the recession in the US?
I'd love to see proof of the "billionaires" this war produced. I know what your buddies in the mediaa said but what I'd like to see is proof. For example, if you insist upon saying Cheney got rich off of the Halliburton contracts, show me where his net worth was before and after the war despite the ample proof he had absolutely no business relationship with the company.
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