Many of us missed it, but it may not be over.
On Fab. 19, during a meeting of the Brownsville Independent School District, an item allowing something called the Community Loan Center was passed over the objections of at least two board members who were not allowed to speak after they questioned the district's involvement with allowing local banks to make loans to district employees.
The "product" involved are so-called small-dollar loans backed by nine local banks in the Brownsville area and administered by an outfit under the auspices of the Rio Grande Multibank headed by Eva Arambula Woodfin, sister of Martin Arambula, the district's record manager director.

Those voting against it were Catalina Presas-Garcia, Lucy Longoria and Dr. Christina Saavedra.
Before Escobedo cut off discussion on the item by making a motion to approve, Presas-Garcia had questioned BISD employee benefits/ risk-management administrator Judy Cuellar whether any other lender had been allowed to make a bid to provide BISD employees the service.
Before the Escobedo-Presas-Garcia exchange culminated in Escobedo closing the discussion, Tony Juarez, Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources, dissuaded the board from entering into a Memorandum of Understanding proposed by the proponents by simply having the lender issue a bank draft that would have removed any responsibility from the district for the commercial transaction.
The upshot of the proposal was that it would protect BISD employees from rapacious pay-day loan outfits that have proliferated in South Texas. They argued that of the 20,000 or so pay-day loan companies in the region, 4,700 are car title loan companies that have repossessed at least 87 cars as a result of nonpayment of their one-month loans.
They also said that there were already 29 small businesses in the city whose employees were "on board" with the CLC.
However, this did not sit well with Presas-Garcia who said that the BISD's business was not in "this type of business. We're in the education business" and suggested that there was a "quid pro quo" involved with another item involving BISD's Arambula, who has been asking for a raise in salary because of what he said were increased duties involving recycling of district waste.
This drew a sharp rebuke from Escobedo who complained that he did not understand why the item had suddenly become so controversial.
"That allegation is criminal," Escobedo said. "That's a very serious allegation."
Longoria, who had circled the item for discussion and tried to ask questions was not allowed to address the administrators and complained that under the proposal which included the 18 percent interest rate "our employees are getting ripped off."
Still lingering int the air is the possibility that the dissident faction on the board will ask the Texas Attorney General for an opinion on whether the actions by the district in approving the CLC's proposal was legal and whether the district incurred any liability in even considering the matter without the benefit of viewing other proposals as a deliberative body.
I keep saying it over and over but it doesn't get old. Brownsville deserves what they have. Elections have consequences and so that maintenance and bus drivers can have all the overtime they want, the people elected these clowns to the board. How can anyone think an 18% payday loan is OK? If an employee gets junk-mail from a bank endorsed by their employer, they are not likely to think they're going to get ripped off. This is just the board setting themselves off for another lawsuit.
The incestuous nature of the corruption in Cameron County is amazing. In every scheme, especially those in BISD, we find a relative of a board member or school official is owner or part owner of one of the firms getting the bid from the BISD Board. Again, in BISD we don't just accept corruption, we demand it....and the Board of Trustees give us all the corruption we can handle....then some.
So, why have an exclusive arrangement with CLC? I would assume the schools have direct deposit with multiple banks. It's a similar function. Hmmmm ... And a request for bids could lead to an offer with a lower interest rate.
Where is law enforcement???
Where does the superintendent stand with this? Why isn't he speaking on behalf of the district, are the AOBE union guys dictating what's best for the district and the employees?
What kind of a leader do we have playing superintentend?
What about the $300 fee snd afditional fee to renew loan prinyed on one of the slides the news just aired and Mrs. Longoria said was not mentioned to the employees?
pay day loans are not 18 % interest they are more like 2000% in the long run, the eagles
Lets see!
the payday loan approved by Brownsville ISD has high interest, has an application fee, and an additional
300 dollar to extend the pay day loan????????
Why would Enrique approve it, unless there was something for him???
I agree with you: The City of Brownsville is selling and buying land that belongs to the taxpayers, the Brownsville ISD is engaging in questionable loan sharking with 300 dollars to extend loans, the County with Ernie Hernandez is hiring their relatives with questionable backgrounds, and is the Port dealing with contraband ?????
Joey Garcia · Top Commenter
Just when I thought our local city governments and school boards couldn't get any worse, this happens. Anyone with two functional brain cells can figure out that someone is going to make alot of money from the approval of the motion and from the loans themselves. The low informed, low educated people of the RGV, who are proud to be ignorant, allow these things to happen. The consequences of such corruption falls onto the laps of the common sense, educated folk. At this point, nothing surprise County official that have been indicted, we have corrupt people from San Antonio,corrupt judges, lawyers, city officials, school board members who are greedy beyond belief...--
Where in the Wide Wide World of Sports is the Teachers Federal Credit Union. Surely they can do better for BISD employees that 18%. Jesus Christ on a mountain top, I have a MasterCard and Visa card with better interest rates. Some people are getting a fucking kickback. Pinches Ratas.
This is a quid pro quo on the part of Enrique Escobedo to Martin Arambula. Arambula gave Escobedo's brother Jaime a multi million dollar contract at the port, and Escobedo reciprocates with giving Arambula's sister a contract at BISD. Jaime Escobedo is now campaigning to make Arambula County Judge.
arambula county judge, por favor, otro trampa mas para el condado whorehouse, yikes monkey
money for nothing and chicks for free
Are Enrique, Martin, Otis, Patick, George, Hector, Minerva a bunch of crooks????
Is enrique along with the other manipulating the BISD cash cow????
Borrego says it's a loan to help low income employees with a reasonable interest rate? 18 % isn't reasonable is he's nuts, and he teaches math? No wonder his students are failing at Porter. What a dumbass & a kissass.
Who the hell does Escobedo think he is stopping these ladies from speaking, what is he hiding, what is he afraid of?
If you have nothing to hide Escobedo, let this ladies do their due diligence. We voted them in, NOtt you, woman abuser.
Hey Juan, why don't you look into whether Enrique Escobedo is a real doctor. I remember Ernie Hernandez discovered he wasn't a doctor, can you confirm if that is true?
Are Otis, Martin, and Escobedo the ones gaining $$$$ from this so called Pay Day Dollar Loans?
Payday loan company gets a contract w/ B.I.S.D. employees? 18%??Damn people, it's this type of mentality that is creating so much debt in our country and in the valley.These loan companies are worse than loan sharks and if the comment about school board president cutting the discussion short, one may think that there may be conflict of interest here and do more research into this "Payday" loan company in question.Who exactly owns this company and who was the genius behind such an idea?This reeks of cronyism or nepotism.Hope they follow through with their grievance w/ the Texas Commissioner of Education.
the Loan Company employs Martin Arambula's sister Eva, the same Martin from the Port that gave the Escobedo Brother's Security Company some 6 Million plus open security contracts. Hummmmm!!!!!!!!
amazing that there is such widespread ignorance about dealing with high interest draconian lenders. teachers don't know this?
Do Ernique, Otis, Chirinos and Minerva really want to help BISD employees?
Do they want to help themselves?
this is so
Unbelievable. It says "help" them. Sure, help them get further in debt.
Since when do Independent School Districts engage in Payday lending?
Payday Dollar Lending should be illegal?
Hey Otis, Enrique, Minerva and Chirinos, TEC has been notified,
Some taxpayers feel that
typical bisd, just another way for them to rip-off their employees & keep at the low income income so that they will qualify for more welfare benefits, some official is going to get wealthy from this...
The comment below is Catita Presas-Garcia AKA "RATITA". She said the same thing at the meeting and now she posts it "Anonymous"! Does this woman not know that Brownsville Citizens watch the meetings? WOW!
Anonymous said...
This is a quid pro quo on the part of Enrique Escobedo to Martin Arambula. Arambula gave Escobedo's brother Jaime a multi million dollar contract at the port, and Escobedo reciprocates with giving Arambula's sister a contract at BISD. Jaime Escobedo is now campaigning to make Arambula County Judge.
March 21, 2013 at 6:50 AM
nothing but a bunch of snakes ro sharks at the bisd board gues they forgot that is all about serving the KIDS not their pocketbooks, ramrod
I didn't hear her say anything about Enriques brother getting a contract, and she didn't say Esvobedo this is a quid pro quo, if he claims she directed this statement to him, he must be guilty of something.
Hey March 22 at 1:06am....
We all watch the meeting, and if Enrique, Otis, his brother and Martin les cay el saco que se lo pongan.
One Cata-Rata knows another Cata-Rata!
This is an insult to the intelligence of all BISD employees. It is absurd. I would like for those board members to be the first to get one of those loans. Escobedo is acting like a totalitarian ruler during the meeting. His anger and disrespect is "embarrassing". He claims he is embarrassed. We, the citizens are embarrassed. Chirinos says he is embarrassed. He should be embarrassed by the company he keeps and the millions he stole from the transportation department. Powers should be embarrassed by the blatant fact that he admitted it was "Payback Time". Minerva is a two faced hypocrite who can barely read and write. She also stated that it was payback time for Lucy and Caty. They are abusing the system and employees to fill their personal coffers. So in all reality there was never going to be a team of 8 as Powers promised. The plan was to attack Caty, Lucy, and Cristina. There was never a plan to improve the district or education system. BISD will go broke if these four have their way.
The comment is from all of us tired of the real rats, tony, otis, ernie, enrique, martin, some aobe people like george and partic, hecort and minerva in cohoot with the real ratas that are stealing from Brownsville.
Anonymous said...
The comment below is Catita Presas-Garcia AKA "RATITA". She said the same thing at the meeting and now she posts it "Anonymous"! Does this woman not know that Brownsville Citizens watch the meetings? WOW!
Anonymous said...
This is a quid pro quo on the part of Enrique Escobedo to Martin Arambula. Arambula gave Escobedo's brother Jaime a multi million dollar contract at the port, and Escobedo reciprocates with giving Arambula's sister a contract at BISD. Jaime Escobedo is now campaigning to make Arambula County Judge.
Below you will see Caty Presas-Garcia speaking. She believes that everyone is like her. She, Lucy and Christina are always looking for revenge. It is obvious that Caty, Lucy & Christina ran for School Board just to get payback for when they worked for BISD. Now they accuse others of the exact same thing they do daily!
Anonymous said...
This is an insult to the intelligence of all BISD employees. It is absurd. I would like for those board members to be the first to get one of those loans. Escobedo is acting like a totalitarian ruler during the meeting. His anger and disrespect is "embarrassing". He claims he is embarrassed. We, the citizens are embarrassed. Chirinos says he is embarrassed. He should be embarrassed by the company he keeps and the millions he stole from the transportation department. Powers should be embarrassed by the blatant fact that he admitted it was "Payback Time". Minerva is a two faced hypocrite who can barely read and write. She also stated that it was payback time for Lucy and Caty. They are abusing the system and employees to fill their personal coffers. So in all reality there was never going to be a team of 8 as Powers promised. The plan was to attack Caty, Lucy, and Cristina. There was never a plan to improve the district or education system. BISD will go broke if these four have their way.
March 22, 2013 at 11:27 PM
Commenter, March 22, 2013; you couldn't have said it better. You are so right about what is going on and the district will be broke should this continue.
March 25, 2013, 1:54 pm. You must be drunk out of your ass or you are dumb ass hell.
You don't make any sense, or is it you Minerva Pena? Lol
Minnie, Enrique, Otis, Chirinos this is from me and I am not cata.
Anonymous said...
This is an insult to the intelligence of all BISD employees. It is absurd. I would like for those board members to be the first to get one of those loans. Escobedo is acting like a totalitarian ruler during the meeting. His anger and disrespect is "embarrassing". He claims he is embarrassed. We, the citizens are embarrassed. Chirinos says he is embarrassed. He should be embarrassed by the company he keeps and the millions he stole from the transportation department. Powers should be embarrassed by the blatant fact that he admitted it was "Payback Time". Minerva is a two faced hypocrite who can barely read and write. She also stated that it was payback time for Lucy and Caty. They are abusing the system and employees to fill their personal coffers. So in all reality there was never going to be a team of 8 as Powers promised. The plan was to attack Caty, Lucy, and Cristina. There was never a plan to improve the district or education system. BISD will go broke if these four have their way.
Anonymous said...
This is an insult to the intelligence of all BISD employees. It is absurd. I would like for those board members to be the first to get one of those loans. Escobedo is acting like a totalitarian ruler during the meeting. His anger and disrespect is "embarrassing". He claims he is embarrassed. We, the citizens are embarrassed. Chirinos says he is embarrassed. He should be embarrassed by the company he keeps and the millions he stole from the transportation department. Powers should be embarrassed by the blatant fact that he admitted it was "Payback Time". Minerva is a two faced hypocrite who can barely read and write. She also stated that it was payback time for Lucy and Caty. They are abusing the system and employees to fill their personal coffers. So in all reality there was never going to be a team of 8 as Powers promised. The plan was to attack Caty, Lucy, and Cristina. There was never a plan to improve the district or education system. BISD will go broke if these four have their way.
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