Tuesday, April 9, 2013


By Juan Montoya
When the case against former Cameron County District Attorney and his former partner Eduardo Lucio  finally gets to federal court in Brownsville, his defense attorneys will have to deal with stacks of evidence including alleged wrongdoing in at least 13 cases, a paper trail of bank deposits, and at least 67 intercepted calls from wiretaps authorized by the court in his case.
Get this. There are at least 339 exhibits in the government's second amended list that will be presented to the jury.
There will be reams of evidence in the Amit Livingston case where convicted former district judge Abel Limas granted the defense's motion to allow the convicted murderer a 60-day period to get his affairs in order before serving a 20-year sentence in the penitentiary.
There will also be entire boxes dealing with the Dalia Lopez accident where parts of the the $1 million settlement with her attorneys – Michael Cowen and Conrad Bodden – later returned to Villalobos via a circuitous route involving Michael Trejo and fake bank accounts created by the former DA to conceal the funds.
There are truck and home seizures, deals cut with repeat criminal offenders for a price, bank records indicating transfers between the actors including Limas and wife Genevieve, Villalobos' former assistant Justin Ramos, former state representative Jim  Solis, convicted attorney Joe Valle, San Benito attorney Oscar de la Fuente, text messages between the diverse players, and more motions, pleas and dismissals than you could shake Benjamins at.
the former DA is probably ruing the fact that he spent so much time on the phone with Limas, Solis, Lucio, Valle, De la Fuente, etc...It's all there in the list of intercepted calls between them.
Some of the names may not be familiar to the average reader, but some will jump out. For a buck, criminals were allowed to walk, some apparently innocent people take a fall, and the machine rolled along famously until the whole bloody mess came to a sickening stop.
The amount of proof that the feds have offered will provide fodder for newspaper readers and keep Emma TreviƱo-Perez's fingers at her keyboard for days on end. And it will provide a window into the cynical abuse of the court system by lawyers, court employees, judges and the criminals who could afford to buy some semblance of justice.


Anonymous said...

Te aventaste Juan con el editorial. What a good post, I can't wait for the trial. If found guilty, prison time for all the outlaws running the courts.

Anonymous said...

CARMA BABY...CARMA BABY...CARMA BABY...CARMA BABY ETC................................

Former county employee said...

A la chingada! Oye Montoya, you got this stuff down pat! So when is Mike Trejo going to get Indicted? When is Oscar De La Fuente going to be Indicted? Trejo was the middle man for the money to go through him for Mandito? Oye De La Fuente, I guess that Corvette and motorcycle will be going back to somebody? You made chingos of money and got good stuff con tu amigo Armando Villalobos. Or did you and Trejo sell out to get a "get out of jail card" to squeal on your buddy? Either way, you and Trejo are just as crooked as Mandito and his partner Eddie Lucio. Abel Gomez and Mike Sanchez, your time is coming or did you become "stool pigeons" to save your ass? You two were very aware of what deals were being made on seized and forfeited stuff. Mike, you're a snake and you'd sell out your mom and dad to save your ass. Abel, you'd sell out to save your ass from picking up soap in a prison. Its coming folks!

Anonymous said...

The more of these crooked judges, lawyers and court employees that can put away or get fired the better. Nobody should have to pay for justice or not get justice because they did not pay.

I am a third generation lawyer (retired) and find this stuff sickening. There was a time when being a lawyer was an honorable and respected position and these people have thrown mud and sewage on generations of good lawyers and judges. No punishment or embarrassment is to harsh for them.

Former law enforcement officer said...

I think Elida Cornhole Lopez better worry? She was in cahoots with some of the seizures and forfeitures that lead to her and others gaining chingos!

Diego lee rot said...

At least the judge didnt do things halfway!

Cantiflas said...

Juan Great story, i hope all of them are caught and take to court and jail in the end. I am waiting wt anticipation as to who and whom else will the bell toll for like, aurora de la garza, cabler, manrique and others as to what roles did these poeple play and its all caught on the wiretaps, so se van a escapar. Live by the swordm, die by the sword. Justice needs to be served. thats all that i want and say. Justicia y que no anden ay cantifladole y asen dose pepes. time to pay the piper.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ya mascaron garrote! Mire a villalobos en Las wings entro y salio porque todos lo miraban.

Anonymous said...

Villalobos wife/lover were in it too. Why werent they complaining when Armando gave them all that cash? Michelle and his wife knowingly benefitted from illicit funds. Both actually took advantage of villalobos position to profit and abuse others for their gain. Nobody saw them crying when all the scam was going on. They actually were very comfortable sharing ARMANDO VILLALOBOS " the tiger "

Cantiflas said...

Juan read in the other newspaper that joe valle got out early, 3 months ahead of time, didnt even serve one complete year so im sure limas and villalobos wil probably get the same. Other than losing their license to steal ah e lawyer license i mean one lousy year no mas, well he got away easy and clean, think he might go work in some law offcie with other attys cuz part of his supervision includes finding a job right? eagle.

Anonymous said...

Aurorita and Rosie??????


Viejas pedoras muertas de hambre!!!

When will we see them get indicted for all the wrongs they have committed?

What about the BISD rateros?????

Former county employee said...

Has anybody seen Joe Lopez, the ex chief of the investigators when corrupted elected Armando Villalobos? Joe has been laying low since names have been popping out in the news? Joe ought to worry also since he was Mandito's little puppy. Joe as stupid as he was had to know that his Mandito was doing illegal things since he had his nose up his ass all the time. Just like he knew that Abel Gomez and Mike Sanchez were very questionable cops. Are you squealing on Mandito to save your ass also? You only got a job because you had your nose up Luis Saenz' ass or they think you know where everything is in that office? Little do they know, huh Joe?

Anonymous said...

Former County Employee says
Commander Mike Sanchez and Villalobos right hand man, "Aweful"Abel Gomez were in cahoots with Carlos Masso steering cases to Masso while they were performing raids on arcades. If you hired Masso they wouldn't even confiscate the machines. I hope to see theses crooks on the stand.

Anonymous said...

has anyone else wondered why Emma Perez Trevinos reports were all negative against Marc Rosenthal? During his trial she tweeted all negative tweets every few minutes. But during the defense case her tweets werent coming as freely. She has an ax to grind and was given the lathe to sharpen it with at VMS... what a shame she is still called a reporter and then given awards that should have beengiven to a true pro. She should go jump off a bridge too. No Valley media has the balls to go against her and right a story about the injustice she served the Valley.

Anonymous said...

To 4:58p.m..... Sad or mad that Rosenthal got convicted? El pendejo de Rosenthal should have though twice about what he was doing so they wouldnt "Tweet" negative things about him and the actual facts. He was a pig and there is no other nicer way to "Tweet" his doing to your likings and approval. For all I can think of that maybe ur Ernesto Gamez disgruntled cuz ur client got convicted. Scumbag... He got what he deserved.. Maybe he should now be the one to jump off the bridge to save the millions he is hiding from the government so they can vacate his conviction and his familiy can keep all the millions... Way to go Emma. I sometimes thing that you suck at reporting certain stories or people but this story, there was no other way to report it..

Anonymous said...

Yea. When is Aurora and Rosie going to get arrested for the Limas and Rosenthal mess. Has anyone checked out that maybe Eloisa Guerrero is involved in this mess to since it was here daughter Jenny Camacho that was offered the higher pay salary by Villalobos for that apartment he wanted? She is Camacho by marriage. Wasnt it also Eloisa that was seen on channel 4 news throwing up her hands and chearing on the day that Villalobos was arrested and was walking out of the federal courthouse. She was wearing a Villalobos for Congress t-shirt. What was she doing there around 11:30 during working hours. Supporting Villalobos during county time? Oh let me guess Aurora, Eloisa requested PTO just for that occassion. It seems most of Aurora's office is involved some way or another with this Limas mess.... Cant wait for those indictments. Rosie. If I were you, I wouldnt run. The feds are going to get you before the election and during your campaign just like they got Villalobos......

Anonymous said...

What about the cuates Sanchez? When are those vatos going to be Indicted? Those vatos have that chingon BBQ pit that Luis Saenz is looking for! We saw it at the UT and Texas A&I tailgate!

ghost from ur past said...

ok luis saenz time to raise your flag putz, are you really going to do something with these fockers or not, people are waiting for you to pull the trigger or put the gun away. only time will tell if you really have the cojones or not. here is a lead on where you can find that bbq pit los maranitos sanchez have it, sic em boy. hey wheres fido? wof wof

Anonymous said...



Former county employee said...

@Anonymous April 12, 2013 1:51 P.M.

The ones who questioned or talked with FBI got terminated by Michelle "CUNT" Garcia on authority by Armando Villalobos. Why do you think they only had questionable people working there besides the ones who just kept their nose in the sand. Well, now we know that Oscar De La Fuente got the get out of jail card for squealing on Armando. Joe Lopez, ex chief investigator now squealing on his ex boss after getting a hefty paycheck from him and getting away with certain favors. Its coming down on them now!

Anonymous said...

reply 9.54am..tienes toda la razon al bote todos los corruptos.

Monkey shines said...

You know all of you are correct all these attys and county employee fockers need to go to jail even if its only for 9 months like joe valle plus stripped of their license to be an attorney or if they are county employees of their county retirement beacuse as rooks or corrupt they dont deserve it at all. Monkey
