Tuesday, April 9, 2013


April 9, 2013 

By TSC President Lily Tercero
As the dissolution of the 20-year Partnership Agreement between Texas Southmost College and the University of Texas at Brownsville continues in an orderly fashion, numerous issues are being addressed, especially those related to personnel.
Texas Southmost College has been notified by the University of Texas at Brownsville that it has identified all former TSC employees currently employed by the University who are no longer required for continued employment. This is a long-awaited, important action by the University, which now will allow TSC to fulfill Partnership contract provisions related to the re-employment of those former TSC employees.
Once TSC receives this official list and relevant information from the University, the president of TSC will officially communicate with each of these individuals.
The Board of Trustees of Texas Southmost College is committed, to the best of its ability, to fullfilling the College's obligation to these former TSC employees, as defined in the Partnership Agreement.


VIVA TSC said...


Cantiflas said...

ah poor me (julietta) TSC is to blame for all these layoffs and what nots? not UTB and me hell we have always enjoyed the partnership because it allowed us to chingar la pobre gente. Julietta & UTB time to pay up bitch, you all need to pay those $15 million owed to TSC and the taxpayers, no se angan pendejos. no anda con quentos y laverintos, y anden ah cantiflanda, pay up bitch

Anonymous said...

The only employees that will automatically receive jobs at TSC are those who were employed by TSC before the TSC/UTB partnership.

All the rest have to stand in line with everybody else in the community and apply.

Anonymous said...

Sr. CantiNflas (you cannot even spell your name correctly)

I have to say this is the best pocho Spanish I have seen in a long time. Must be exciting to be bi-illiterate; just think, dumb in two languages.

Anonymous said...

At present Julieta Garcia is playing the "victim" in these layoffs. She is promoting a negative public feeling for TSC, but in the end, President Tercero will be well received as she re-hires those Julieta let go, and as the programs they supported not only continue in TSC, but expand to better benefit the community and the TSC students. Julieta is like a wife in a bad divorce....it was all the fault of the other side.

Anonymous said...

Sr. Cantiflas must be a UTB graduate! The infamous bi-cultural, bi-literal university for the mojados that juliet caters to! Puro government grant money down the drain!!!

Cantiflas said...

6.36 well you did understand my mensaje right o no? Cantiflas

Anonymous said...

tsc will survive 3 years at most without UT. Best solution would be to turn it into a basic trade school and teach muffler and AC repair. There are excellent first class community collage choices up the valley. The smarter students will end up there. tsc was an embarrassment to the whole great UT system. UT tried to give tsc a hand up but it's low student standards could not be saved. Nothing more than an extension of a poor bisd education. Where do you think the crap bisd teachers and administrators come from? Viva the return of tamale tech. Did I spell tamale correctly ? I did not go to school there.

Anonymous said...

8:29 AM
Ignorant, hate-mongering bitch, go jump in the river.

Anonymous said...

Tamale is spelled correctly, collage is not, it is spelled COLLEGE. Where did you go to school?
TSC was in existence before UT graced our fine community with its delusions of grandeur. UT or no UT, TSC will go on three days, three years, three decades from now.

Anonymous said...

Dearest 8:29 AM

While you did not attend TSC I did. I spent my first two years there and went on to complete my Bachelors, Masters and Doctor's degrees at very good universities. In my entire academic career, I never felt like I was shorted by my two years at "Tamale Tech".

I use "Tamale Tech" not in a disparaging way, but it is a term of endearment to me. The new TSC won't be the same as the old TSC as this is a new age. However, I do expect for the new TSC to be a credit to those who have labored long and hard before, to make quality education available to the students of Cameron County.

It is clear to me that you are "not from these parts" as you seem to look down at us. Indeed we are a different place, but different does not mean inferior. I am not "Hispanic" but one of those Gringos that grew up here, call this place home and seek to improve the lots of all folks here with no regard to ethnic background.

Anonymous said...

There is not, and should not be, anything "automatic" about rehiring former TSC employees whose employment date precedes the putative "partnership".
It is my understanding (and I am one of them) that they will receive their rightful place at the front of the line of applicants, nothing more. Most of us are still capable and willing to make a contribution to the community, but there are some, and most of us know who they are, who should not be reemployed under any circumstances. TSC, be fair but firm. Vet candidates thoroughly, you owe it to our community and our children.

Anonymous said...

TSC did not have to wait to offer jobs to UTB employees. One reason for waiting to see who was going to be laid off....is that if they know they are going to be laid off they may accept a much lower salary.

Alberto Einstein said...

TSC should start teaching a coruse on those electric windmills repairs becasue yougot plenty of them in willacy county and sooner than later those things will need maintenace, repairs etc, this would be a great 2 year certification program TSC should implement for the students and those jobs pay good money, just check it out.
