Tuesday, April 9, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Guess what?
The decision by University of Texas at Brownsville President Juliet Garcia to cancel the Signature Series and blaming it on the inability of TSC and UTB to reach an accommodation to continue the performances is not true.
Four days ago, the local daily carried an article  by one of its reporters quoting Garcia who blamed the partnership breakup for the Signatures Series cancellation after the saying that “Ragamala: Sacred Earth,” a performance of South Indian dance on April 27, would be the series' swan song.
“UTB has proposed keeping the current staff in place to manage the venue and continue the Signature Series,” she is quoted telling the daily. “TSC prefers to manage the Arts Center. Therefore, after August 31, 2013, (UTB) will no longer manage the Arts Center and will not be able to support the Signature Series for the 2013-2014 season.”
Not so, a statement issued by the TSC President Lily Tercero states.
"It is unfortunate that the community has received incorrect information relating to the Arts Center, which is potentially hurtful to TSC, UTB and the communities in which we serve.
"The Arts Center has always been a TSC facility. As both entities move to becoming two separately accredited institutions, TSC, rightly so, will begin overseeing the operations of this facility. And the Arts Center will continue to serve as the premier venue for performing arts in the Rio Grande Valley, with numerous opportunities for expansion.
"Most importantly, and for clarification purposes, TSC  has strongly advocated for the University's continued use of this facility and has offered UTB the access it needs to fully accommodate the University's educational needs as well as other events, including the Signature Series. Therefore, the University's decision to no longer hold this important community event, and others, could not have been due to a lack of access to the Arts Center."
This statement from the TSC administration seems to directly contradict Garcia's version of events.
In the article, Garcia said the two entities were "close to an agreement that would allow UTB to lease the Arts Center from TSC for UTB Music Department instruction and student performances."
The Arts Center was constructed with  $26 million raised by bonds issued by TSC and local taxpayers are still paying for the facility.
Even George Ramirez, founder and president of the Brownsville Society for the Performing Arts and a member of the Signature Series advisory board, believed the Garcia version of events and called the end of the Signature Series a “huge loss.”
The Herald article stated that its reporter had "contacted a TSC spokesperson twice during the day on Friday to ask about the college’s plans for the Arts Center, though no response was forthcoming as of press time Friday evening."


Anonymous said...

As usual, more fluff from UT-b to upset the community over a breakup that has been in transition for over a year. Garcia needs to get over it and move on in the best interests of the students. Im glad Tercero came out and publicly addressed these false statements by Juliet.

Anonymous said...

Pants on fire.

Anonymous said...

UTB has done all in their power to hamper and strangle the rebirth of TSC.

The only good news is Juliet Garcia has lost all of her support except her hard core sycophants and followers.

Anonymous said...

Just goes to prove you cant trust anything that spews out of the garcia propaganda organ. But all us who work at UTBs have known that for years. We call it UTBS.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Montoya:

With your age and background, maybe you can clear this up for me. I took a history of cinema course and there was a film with Judy Garland in which there was a character who was a dead-ringer for President Garcia. The film had a theme about a yellow-brick road, and the Garcia look-alike was very mean to Judy's dog. Could that have been Mrs. Garcia in that movie?


Anonymous said...

Queen Julieta can't stand the fact that her little empire continues to crumble.
I don't like to wish ill will upon anyone but in her case I might make an exception! Arrogant Bitch.

Anonymous said...

The statement in the Herald (also known as Juliet's Newspaper) is more spin against TSC. Juliet is a vindictive bitch, who will attempt to focus the "fault" for the breakup of UTB and TSC to everyone but her. I blame the Herald for making no attempt to verify or expand the story about the end of the "special" series. Instead of asking TSC or President Tercero to comment....they asked George Ramirez who is not associated with either UTB or TSC. The Herald is a poor excuse for a newspaper...but we know they are willing to print any story that Juliet presents them. No journalistic efforts involved by the Herald.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha. UTBS. That's pretty funny.

How is the port bridge and Garcia's UTB alike?

Both take 20 million dollars to go nowhere.

Anonymous said...

What a cunt that Juliet Garcia, and not the good kind of cunt, the smelly, stanky, slutty, diseased, infected kind.

Anonymous said...

This fine arts auditorium and the Signature Series is a jewel. It is by far the best performing venue likely south of Austin. The acoustics are amazing from the performer's standpoint as well as the listener. It is a tragedy that infighting and sudden claims of no money are once again an excuse to deprive the citizens of Deep South Texas from cultural exposure and opportunity that the rest of the U.S. takes for granted. The State of Texas is rich. We have an 8 billion dollar surplus this legislative session. The smart people who reorganized the univ. system should have leveraged the survival of this magnificent venue. We lose once again.

Anonymous said...

Stop calling her "Juliet"....her name is Julieta!!!!!

Gringa o que chingados!!!!!
Con el nopal en la frente....mas como Julieta Tortilla!!!!!!!

Esta bien chiflada la sin-verguensa.

Anonymous said...

The Arts Center is indeed a magnificent theater.
It rivals the Teatro de la Reforma of Matamoros, but to say we lose once again is a bit pessimistic and premature. The Arts Center is not going anywhere, it is staying right here and as Dr. Tercero has said," ... the Arts Center will continue to serve as the premier venue for performing arts in the Rio Grande Valley, ...". I look forward to attending whatever performances I am able to attend.
Thank you Dr. Tercero .

Anon Y. Mouse said...

The Arts Center is indeed a magnificent work of architecture. "We lose again?". I believe it is a bit premature to be so pessimistic. Will all the TSC haters please, pleaSE ,PLEASE. exit left? Brownsville and TSC will be a better place without you.

Anon Y. Mouse said...

The smart people who reorganized the univ. system should have leveraged the survival of this magnificent venue did not plan on the uprising of the peons.
Out of the ashes rises the phoenix, bigger, better, stronger and more beautiful than ever.

Anonymous said...

The Art Center is nice but the best one south of Austin? That is a stretch!
Speaking of buildings I wonder what TSC is going to do with all of their buildings? Are they going to close up the old ones like the old student dorms?

Anonymous said...

The ugly duckling should return the villa. Let ut buyor pay for her quarters. The stables are too good for her. Vieja fea! Ugly to the bone, one only in appearance but in behavior. Talk out the side of her lying mouth.

Anonymous said...

Julieta tiene la aguila en la frente y el nopal metido en el fundio.

Anonymous said...

Now we'll know who's kissing her ass now that she has the nopal up her ass.

Anonymous said...

One of the benefits of the end of Julieda's choke hold on TSC is that the Arts Center will now pass from weak hands to strong ones: Dr. Tercero and the City. Without the silly/strange antics of Dr. Julieda Nutzjob, true professionals can bring world class entertainment to this wonderful theater at last. That Signature Series was a stunted version I suppose...all, what, six events?! Do you suppose JG thinks that is performing? It fits her usual inflation of the miniature into the big balloon. She's mostly air, you see.

Anonymous said...

There is no call for using such foul language on Dr Garcia or anyone else for that matter. If you don't approve of her performance as president, and its pretty well understood it is at best a D minus, there is plenty enough to attack without doing so vulgarly. Jerry McHale would make that mistake. he'd take a good point and bury it in a pile of bile.

the truth is that Garcia has been a failure as president locally but she has run a very good campaign for accolades and awards given by outsiders who don't know any better. That is a skill too. It just doesn't do students much good but then I doubt that is a priority.

Love her or hate her, you have to admit she is a master manipulator. She has managed to take very little personal achievement and sold it as Hispanic Woman of The Universe on a modest budget of $20 million of taxpayer and tuition per year. They lap that up in el norte.

She has also managed to work her family members into jobs they'd never get on their own: son, daughter, daughter in law. The next generation isn't far behind.

In Brownsville terms, she is a model parent. I don't think she is much different than the Cardenases, who she models herself after. Weighty sows at the trough. A new tv series: The Slurpees go to college (bank accounts)

Anonymous said...

I applaud the last writer, just so!

Anonymous said...

Both Garcia and Tercero may be correct (in a sense). The Arts Center may be available for the Signature Series....but at a rental cost so high that it would not be possible to continue the series.

Anonymous said...

Who said the rent was going to be high. The problem is that UTB wants to keep getting it for free!!!

cantiflas said...

maybe she might get the new job as president at the new ut-rgv campus wherever that might be and she will hopefully leave brownsville, ops she lives in rancho viejo now excuse me, that outside brownsville, cant

Anonymous said...

Up to now the cost for University groups to use the Arts Center has been $800 per night. It would be interesting to find out how much TSC will charge to rent it.
