Thursday, April 4, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Amid a spate of rumor and speculation, Cameron County Sheriff Department Chief Deputy has retired from the county force.
A call to the Sheriff's Department elicited a response from the department that Reyna had retired.
However, others say that his retirement was a strategic move to allow him to remove his retirement funds from the Texas County and District Retirement System to pay pressing debts and then plans to return after a required 30 or 60 day absence to apply to resume his duties as chief deputy at the department.
However, across the county, there have been a spate of rumors linking Reyna to a supposed cache of personal files left by the late attorney Ray Marchan with a trusted friend before he jumped off the Queen Isabella Causeway. Aside from Reyna, others in the county's law enforcement and judicial and legal community are named, according to that story.
Still others say that Reyna was picked up at home by FBI agents and is somehow linked to the recent resignation of a county constable.
None of this can be verified and our efforts to contact his boss, Sheriff Omar Lucio, went unanswered for most of the day. However, later in the day, the sheriff did call from a conference out of town and said that the rumors were unfounded and that Gus had been thinking about retiring for some time to take care of pressing personal matters and had been off the job since this Monday.
"It's only been three days since he left and we'll see what happens in two or three weeks," Lucio said. "People in the DPS and federal service do this all the time. Certainly if he applies we'll consider hiring him. He has been in county service for many years and knows the job. We'll see what he wants to do."
One of Reyna's close friend says the chief deputy has been under a financial strain because of legal fees that he has paid in legal defense fees for one of his sons legal problems and other debts that have accumulated.
"It has just got to be too much for him to handle on his salary," said the friend. "If he hadn't retired, he wouldn't have access to the money he has in his retirement account. He can always come back to work for the department on a contractual basis if Omar wants him to."


Anonymous said...

What a sham if you allow this, Sheriff Lucio! Plus, it is VERY WELL known that the good 'ole chief deputy is in dire need of help due to his abuse of alcohol.....I mean being shit faced at Chili's to the point of falling asleep at the bar.....and then driving his county ride home...???? Of course I'm sure the complaint made about the incident got no where.

Anonymous said...

Thank god that arrogant idiot is retired. As in the past when he reapplies for same position he will be picked above more qualified candidates (zamoras hiring). Is there any blood relation with constable zamora cause his cowboy hat makes him look stupid too. Maclovio for mayor uuuuyyyuuuyyuuiiii......

Anonymous said...

Farewell gusANO reyna, you fat fuck.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

What County Constable recently resigned?

Anonymous said...



Former county employee said...

Oye Montoya, maybe he is in financial restraint but maybe he is drying out? He does have a tipsy problem and a possible nose candy problem? Only time will tell! AS far as the sheriff office, ALLELUIA! There is too much micro managing going on that we forget that we are a law enforcement agency and shouldn't be worried about farting in our unit!

monkey shines said...

bad boys want you going do when they come for you? culero, coke addict shame shame shame, good ridance. dont get into trouble now little pig cuz no one can help you cuz you are out of the safety zone. ya no eres parte de la cliqua

Anonymous said...

Drug smugglers are going on welfare now that he is gone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Feb. 15 2007--Brownsville police arrested the son of Cameron County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Gus Reyna on charges he fled the scene of an accident Wednesday afternoon, Brownsville police officials said. Gustavo Reyna III, 18, faces three felony charges of failure to stop and render aid after his 2006 Infinity ran into a vehicle shortly after 2 p.m. Wednesday, said police Lt. Orlando Rodriguez. That vehicle hit a second vehicle while Reyna traveled on Paredes Line Road near the Price Road intersection, according to Rodriguez. Brownsville Fire Department officials reported the incident to police minutes after Reyna allegedly fled the scene.

monkey said...

your just a coke a cola cowboy hehehe lol pura coca brother, nose candy is very delious

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ya no hay Maclovio porque se quedo sin dinero y le quitaron su show. Pobrecito de Maclovio, el dia que Cascos se vaya Maclovio se queda sin chamba porque sus amigos estan callendo al bote uno por uno. Maclovio for Mayor. JAJAJAJAJAJA

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Herald quote the Sheriff as saying,

["I commend him, We wish him well. He really did a good job for the people of Cameron County.”
Lucio said while anyone’s shoes are difficult to fill, Reyna had special knowledge about Cameron County and its jail system and regulations that made him a great employee.
“He knew the ins and outs of jail regulations and other laws,”
“He is a great, honest individual” “He’s always willing to help the public and that’s what public service is all about.It’s going to be hard to replace him.”]

That is not what these posts are saying. Just saying

Anonymous said...

Who is the constable that resigned

Anonymous said...

To be honest Gus Reyna is not the only incompetent deputy. You also have Sgt. Daniel Valerio. He has made arrests with probable cause to have the District Attorney's Office dismiss the cases. The worst was withholding evidence against a Border Patrol Agent. The agent had been accused of Soliciting a Minor. But lo and behold the agent wasn't even in Texas when that supposedly occurred. The agent was in Arizona. Sgt. Valerio knew this and still arrested the Agent. The supposed victim herself told Sgt. Valerio she was never solicited by the Agent. The Sheriff knew this occurred and instead of stopping Sgt. Valerio he was allowed to make an unlawful arrest.
Sgt. Al Guerra is another person who shouldn't even be a deputy. He was fired by Brownsville P.D. for rolling over a unit officially. But unofficially lets just say there was a phone call made by the FBI about his integrity to Brownsville P.D.
There are numerous cases where both individuals have made unlawful arrests. Sgt. Guerra even ordered an investigator to get warrants for an individual knowing that the elements of a crime had not been met. These are serious civil rights violations of individuals.
I believe a reporter should investigate the case involving the Border Patrol Agent to show how corrupt the Sheriff's office has become.
Everyone in the law enforcement circle knows that certain individuals in the Sheriff's Office are corrupt. It's time for a change and elect someone who owes nothing to anyone. That is the only way to clean house and bring integrity to the Sheriff's Department.

Anonymous said...

Who is going to wipe Omar sucio's ass now that he is gone. Gus was not a deputy he was omar Lucio's provider incognito.

Anonymous said...

Forget filling Gus' shoes....who will fill that hat? ....who will get the Sheriff his waker? Change the Sheriif's adult diaper?... Or hunt the Sheriff down when the dementia kicks in and he wanders off?

Anonymous said...

The sheriff misses that thick thumb!

Anonymous said...

Doin' a good job brownie as bush said after katrina. Of course the sucio must lift up gusano, that's the only way to look good. Sucio looks bad on tv and he sounds like shit gargle. Sucio has a way of putting his foot in his mouth on tv and print. They put the cell phone up his anus. He said that and there was no investigation or corroborative evidence. Even if there was evidence of said anal cell sex, the sucio could have declined comment. To comment on probabilities is to prejudice potential jurors i.e. tv viewers. Besides he is from harlingen. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

He will be back in 30 days just like Mike Leinart from the jail after he "retired."

Anonymous said...

Everyone in the law enforcement circle knows that Sheriff Lucio at times has gotten lost. Lookouts have been placed by the Reyna's to locate Sheriff Lucio. That is a waste of taxpayer money by having deputies attempt to locate there own boss. It is time that Lucio step down. But so long as the Reyna's are in place that will not occur. The people in this county must rise up and vote for another leader who can clean Sheriffs Department. There is no longer confidence in the Sheriffs Department. No other agency trusts them due to there actions and integrity.
We need to show people as a whole in this state that we can change things. We can no longer allow ineptitude and corruption to be the Sheriffs Departments legacy.

Anonymous said...

Who is going to carry the diaper bag now? The sheriff pees more frequently now that the feds are on his ass. Gus is coming back to jail but this time as an inmate if he doesn't confess to the criminal activity in the sheriff's department. WHATCH...JAjajaja....

Anonymous said...

get this,

valerio was off duty and arrested my friend and charged him with a PI inside a bar. there were 100 others drinking and barney five valerio picked him up. sherrif and management are well aware of this idiot but protect him because his mother was a long time employee of cameron county. a favor for a favor

Anonymous said...

ora que se cago lucio tuvieron que sacarlo y darle con la manguera. dejo bien jediondo carrizales rucker y lleno de moscas. parese que no le dieron su cocol y la maisena se le quedo pegado en las nalgas. se comenso a recuperar cuando le pintaron las unas y le dijeron que villalobos no lo habia enpinado.

Anonymous said...

The comment about Valerio sounds right. His own deputies can't stand him. To be honest when he took the Sergeants exam he failed it with a high sixty. After taking the exam he somehow knew to dispute one question. Thus he was able to pass it. Now there was another deputy who passed with a ninety one and was number one on the list to promote. But, due to the fact Valerio kisses ass to the Reyna's he was promoted over the other people who scored higher than he did. Luckily for the county those other deputies did not file suit otherwise they would pay out the ass to the deputies for violating their rights.
This is is not the first time the Sheriff's office bypasses people to promote who they want. Which clearly violates the civil service law. Recently they bypassed several deputies to promote a captains son. The son scored in the seventies and should not have promoted. He only has four or five years on the job with no experience. He actually has to call his dad(Captain) for advice when out in the field.
Either way Valerio is an idiot and everyone in the law enforcement circle knows this. The FBI should investigate Valerio and Sgt. Al Guerra. Trust me they would several civil rights violations.

Anonymous said...


but omar sucio doesn't know it? jajaja

Anonymous said...

I have heard so many times that I now believe that cocaine is the drug of choice for the politicians and law enforcement officers because it does not stay in the system as does marijuana.

Is this correct?

The runny noses and the instinctive reflex to clear their noses is a dead giveaway, it is said.

I will be looking out for this behavior.

Anonymous said...

Captions Son or not he earned his way to where he is,, the chief and his brother can't even stand the captain much less do any favors for him. Sounds like your just jealous, as far as I know everyone is glad he resigned!!!

Anonymous said...

Please do tell.....which captain? Reyna, Garza or Garcia? The public wwants to know....

Anonymous said...

B U L L S H I T !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes everyone is glad Reyna resigned. Regular deputies cannot stand him. If the public wants to know all you have to do is make a public information request of the test scores. It cannot be denied since it the public has a right to know.
Trust me not jealous. I am also in law enforcement and the information given is known amongst everyone. Just Like Sgt. Daniel Valerio making a false arrest against the Border Patrol Agent(Frank Villanueva case). Ask the District Attorneys office about that case. They know. Sgt. Valerio should not even wear a badge for withholding evidence that would have cleared the Agent. That violates the Brady Law which concerns a law enforcement intergrity. According to the law if you violate that law then you can no longer be a peace officer. Same thing about Sgt. Alvaro Guerra. The FBI called the Brownsville Police Department and notified them he was suspected of working on the wrong side of the law. Sgt. Guerra is a former Mexican federal police officer. Just that alone tells you how far you can actually trust him. Brownsville P.D. knows this information.
As far as both civil service exams where other deputies were overlooked...well the deputy who scored number was overlooked twice. He actually has a very good civil suit against the county. But for whatever reason he decided against it because of retaliation.
Again this is just a few things that occurs within the Sheriff's Office.
We as a public should be embarrassed of the Sheriffs office.
Note: If a person is forced to take a hair follicle drug test...then it will go back six months concerning drug usage.

Anonymous said...

The Captain's name is Rodriguez. His son was promoted over others who scored higher than him.
Again, not jealous. I'm personally glad Reyna resigned because the deputies need new leadership all around. As I've said before its time to get rid of the leadership as a whole and elect a new Sheriff when the time comes.
Deputies are supposed to be promoted according to there scores. Civil Service law protects deputies from people getting bypassed as has occurred.
The last Sergeants exam four deputies passed but management decided to retest becaue not enough people passed. That was wrong in itself. They should have promoted according to the four who passed. The law states such. Deputies have be treated like crap by their own management and it is time to elect someone who will abide by the law. By abiding by the law then you never have to worry about a civil suit ever coming up against the county costing taxpayers money for stupid decisions.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one of the ass kissers is upset! Pucker up buddy and you will promote soon.

Anonymous said...

Forced to take a drug test? It will never happen!

What is wrong with random testing as allowed by the hiring criteria?

How often does that occur? Are these also open records that we can request?

How many random tests, have occured under this sherrif's tenure?

What were the results?

What is the percentage of administerd tests based on the number of his staff?

Inquiring minds demand to know!

Anonymous said...

Wrong again. Not an ass kisser. I work for another law enforcement agency. Who just happens to know the things that go on in the Sheriffs Department. We all know. Its common knowledge in the circle of law enforcement.
Everything is public records except for active investigations. The attorney generals office akso lets agencies know what needs to be redacted.
Every citizen has a right to request information. Again I work for another law enforcement agency in a ranked position.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one of the ass kissers is upset! Pucker up buddy and you will promote soon.

Anonymous said...

sounds like some one got his feelings and arrogant pride hurt ahh. Public Records shows other wise. It sound like MR Barrios who is a Border Patrol agent who makes $80ddls a year and lives in a shitty neighbor hood by FM 2480 Who has been fighting over a shitty land against his family. yea the latest Border Patrol idiot that got arrested for violating the law. it just so happen that his friend who used to work a the DA office with the old corrupted administration who work with the corrupted DA Villalobos as an investigator help his friend Mr. Barrios and got his case dismissed against him for Disorderly Conduct for being an idiot and shooting his gun on his property. In case you idiots don't know a warrant is not sign by an officer himself but by a JUDGE who reads and approves the warrant if there is sufficient probable cause to issue a warrant "MORRONS" only then it gives the authority to the officer to execute a warrant. In the case of the other idiot Villanueva he got lucky that the assistant DA GILMAN dropped the ball and didn't do his job right cause he is also an idiot if not Villanueva with his sleek hair would have met BUBBA and his man hood at the pen and would have made him his play girl of the month. As far as people not getting promoted well is not only about the highest grades if you idiots have any functioning piece of brain the high grade doesn't make the best candidate for the position you have to prove yourself not only worthy of being a Supervisor but capable of assuming the responsability. yea there are some officers that would ACE any test but lack the experience or common sence for a possition as a Supervisor. you can score the hightest of the score but be a total idiot in patrol or other areas where that person has been assinged too and never showed that he could handle himself or even strive to do a better job. SO IF YOU REALY THING THAT GRADES MAKES THE BETTER OFFICER FOR THE JOB YOU ARE JUST A PLAIN IDIOT JUST LIKE YOUR IDIOT BROTHERS THE BORDER PATROLS. LET ME SAY THAT YOU ARE JUST TALKING OUT OF YOU ASS. LATERS IDIOT TALK IS CHEAP JUST LIKE YOU ALL IDIOTS AH

Anonymous said...

For the IDIOT who said mr barrios was arrested legally for disorderly conduct, you are a moron and should not wear a uniform let alone be a segreant for the cameron county sheriffs office. Dirorderly conduct, discharging a firearm has to occur in a public place. Your property is not a public place. Look it up you incompetent waste. The case was dismissed because you dont have the mental capacity to perform your duties as you swore to.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, if the officer lies on the probable cause form the judge will sign the warrant. Obviously the officer who completed the probable cause form lied to the judge. IT WAS NOT A PUBLIC PLACE YOU MORON! Talk out of your own ass buddy. Those of us who deserve to wear the badge know you are a currupt cop. Making up stuff to arrest people, some old south texas corruption that is embarrassing to the good cops.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Barrios first off does not know a corrupt official whatsoever. Matter of fact as our Sergeant, seven years ago, he filed a no confidence vote against Villalobos. Sgt. Barrios did this since two of our fellow officers were ambushed on a domestic violence call. Later, the suspect was given a seven year sentence from Judge Limas. Sgt. Barrios found out it was an agreement between Villalobos and Lima. Even though the suspect severely injured both officers. Sgt. Barrios risked his career filing a no confidence vote. But he did it anyways to protect his officers. That does not sound like someone who would get any favors from Villalobos.
Plus, His neighbors have always made up false allegations against him. Once one of the Rocha's cattle was struck by a vehicle and later told the Trooper it was Sgt. Barrios. Needless to say he has never owned a cow. That is is just one of many. This last time it was a complete lie that he would discharge a weapon as someone drove by. Needless to say he passed a polygraph. This is why the charges were dismissed. He offered to take a polygraph with S.O., but of course they were upset he emberrased Sgt. Valerio at the scene.
Due to that reason he has a right to expunge his record. Since the law clearly states there are three reasons you can expunge your record. This is one of them. Since in the eyes of the court he has violated no law. He has every right to continue target practicing on his own private property.
Whats worse is that S.O. wishes to tarnish his reputation by putting a bulletin of him on there board. But since he knows a lot of deputies they know why it was done. He has every right to file a civil rights lawsuit based on all the facts that came out during his investigation. But he was approached by several people to promise not to do it because the investigator who was assigned the case is a good person who was ordered to do something that everyone knew did not meet the elements of a crime.
If S.O. really had a case then Mr. Barrios would have gone to trial and convicted but since that did not occur what does that tell you. Its only common sense. Those of us in the law enforcement know that Mr. Barrios was basically given the shaft. S.O. should have done a better investigation of the people complaining. Several of them have been arrested and convicted of DWI, Aggravated Assault, Hit and Run Accident, Fleeing Police and Food Stamp Fraud. Plus another individual who also tried to complain ( Carlos Villarreal Sr. ) has been arrested and convicted of Bribery of a Public Official and Document Fraud by the government.
So yes any criminal investigator who would have done his job correctly should have found this out.
But all of us at Brownsville P.D. back Sgt. Barrios because he has always been a straight arrow.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your time is coming to an end. Sounds like you are proffiting from cameron county corruption. LET ME TELL YOU THAT THIS SITE IS ONLY ANONYMOUS FOR THE PUBLIC NOT THE FBI!!! HAVE A GOOD DAY.

Anonymous said...

Villalobos pulling hos last card

Anonymous said...

you can say all you want but i bet you idiots have never even once been on the other side of the fence where you have to protect and serve dumb idiots like yourselves. you idiots come one here and ramble about everything just like inmates in cameron county afuera son muy chingones pero cuando estan adrento son llorones and thats what you people are. you might be asking why im saying this is because i have been on the other side taking care of the scum of cameron county but i bet you idiots cant even do that job you are chicken shits when it comes to working at a jail and i say this comments porque soy REYNA!!!!! culeros
