Thursday, April 4, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Word has reached us that at yesterday's meeting of the UTB-TSC Faculty with UTB President Juliet Garcia where the subject of the 257 staff members with the University of Texas at Brownsville who were notified their jobs were eliminated the recriminations against her reached such a pitch that she broke down and left in tears.
Garcia is personally blamed by some for the faculty for gross mismanagement of the UTB-TSC resources that resulted in the pink slips handed out to their colleagues. Some say that the over staffing in some departments resulted in the mass layoffs today.
"The business office under Rosemary Martinez had more than 25 employees," said a former instructor. "And the hiring process was used by Garcia as a source of patronage for her favorites and political allies. The bubble was bound to burst as the TSC subsidy money to UTB under the partnership ended with the separation."
UTB Provost Alan Artibise has also blamed TSC in past statements concerning the layoffs.
He said that as "the university reorganizes itself new positions with new qualifications and duties will become available. The reorganization of the school is a response to its separation from Texas Southmost College."
The fact of the matter is that under Garcia ll kinds of excessive spending on needless luxuries ran rampant.
The $68 million bond issue authorized by the voters
that ended up with the university spending $125 million is but one example. The spending of $640,000 for a mural to be paid from the bond issue and was only stopped when the public found out about it is another.
As TSC president Lily Tercero goes about reestablishing the community college as a free-standing accredited institution as it was before it was bamboozled into the "partnership," observers say the public will  be shocked to learn of the excesses still not revealed.
"Tercero is a smart lady," said a source close to the TSC trustees. "The excesses and mismanagement under Garcia is mainly responsible for these mass layoffs. The revelations will show the voters just what was going on under Garcia and her bunch."


Anonymous said...

$700, 000 for the mural.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to TSC for the layoffs. The could have announced the supposed 100 staff positions since last year. TSC would not sell some of the buildings to UTB, that is why all the Jacob Brown, Arts Center,Daycare and other departments staff was reduced. Lets hope that TSC can fill all their staff & faculty in the 4 months they have left, before they start operating.

Anonymous said...

TSC didn't sell the buildings because the UT System doesn't pay its bills. It would have been giving those buildings away. Burn me once ...

Anonymous said...

Could you check to see if the administrators under President Garcia are returning to the academic departments with their salaries and teaching only two classes in the Fall Semester 2013? I heard some of them make $150,000 plus. And why is President Garcia still receiving her $300,000 plus when she has said she only has half of what she used to have with faculty and staff? Shouldn't she be receiving half of her huge salary?

Anonymous said...

TSC will survive NOW THAT UTB IS NOT LEECHING, and UTB do not let the door hit you in the ass.

Anonymous said...

Half the size, half the pay? Then why does TSC president gets $210,000 for a 5000 student population?

monkey shines said...

UTB you still owe the taxpayers 15 million in backrent, how are we going to collect, goodbye julieta la witch, good riddance, let utb and the puf pay for her little things she wants and salaries too.

Anonymous said...

The truth is that 257 low level staff were cut because cutting 100 insiders who get paid nearly three times as much would have meant julies friends would go. Let the common workers eat cake. uTb has become her private club financed by the poorest students in the state. three times community college tuition! Not one of her personal servants was cut. Her junnior assistant makes more than $100,000....thats four common workers right there.

Crocadile tears. Pretty much a crock all around.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea the excesses and waste. Queen Juliet stays only in $300 a night hotels in Austin, has her own "presidents fund" for $1000 dinners and "special conveniences". She has her own office maid earning a teachers salary for washing dishes. She travels all over the world sightseeing instead of working. She sends her secretaries to meetings she fails to attend. She rarely show up before 10 am. Her personal staff budget is more then a half million per year. She is Queen of Entitlement on taxpayer money driving her new Mercedes. Makes you wonder who her boss is and why they tolerate it. Now you know why they had to fire all thoae people. Its to free up money for more of the same. You ask why people are fed up with government?!
I just got fired and i know where all the skeletons are buried. They cant scare me any more. The truth is coming out. They cant intimidate us any more.

Anonymous said...

If UTB had been doing its job in the partnership, TSC would have had no reason to fire them.

UTB under Garcia just screwed up and Brownsville voters had to fire her and her whole machine. Thats how life works. You reap what you sow. Obviously, her uppers in Austin came to the same conclusion. This time she couldn't wriggle her way out of it. There is no way they can let her ruin the new UT. The whole valley will revolt.

Anonymous said...

Allen Artibase was sent here by the UT Board of Regents to get the UTB financial house in order. It was bloated with patronage jobs. Looks like he has "done the deed".

A few of Julieta's special friends and pets were spared the ax. Pity! She still has a little "palanca". I expect that when she is gone, so will they.

Anonymous said...

Blame this mess on the Tsc trustees. This is the only way that the breakup of the partnership could have ended - with lay offs. Stop vilifying Juliet Garcia and hold the Tsc Trustees accountable for their ill fated governance. Now that 250 families have been left without a job, have you noticed how quiet the the trustees have been?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Y o saben las buenas noticias que bienen despues de mayo para ut systems van adejar de hablar todos los que escriben en este muro que ignorantes son esperen en mayo y e acordaran de mi ok ignorantes

Anonymous said...

You might as well give up on trying to lay the blame on the TSC Board for (at long last) taking their elected responsibilities seriously. The cuts, hard as they are, were inevitable if UTB was to ever begin to get its house in order. Decades of mismanagement based on willful miscalculations of student needs and community interests are finally coming home to roost. That said, I know Juliet, and she is far more of a tragic figure in the Lady Macbeth mode than the cartoon villain so many of you seem to want to cast her as. Pride cometh before the fall. It would not hurt all of us to open our hearts to her as she has so often opened hers to her perceived constituency. Many of those so harshly critical now were in the front rows applauding her various initiatives for Valley students not so very long ago.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Juliet's daughter-in-law will continue to be employed by UT?

BULLSHIT said...

BULLSHIT!!!! BULLSHIT!!! BULLSHIT!!!! IF IT ISN'T TRUE, THIS SHIT SHOULD NOT BOTHER YOU, RATAS DE DOS PATAS LEAVE SHIT WHEREVER THEY GO!!! WHERE WAS JULIETA FEB.17, 2011, WHEN THE TSC BOARD MET AND VOTED TO SEPARATE FROM UT? SHE WAS NOT THERE. I WOULD THINK THAT AS THE PRESIDENT OF BOTH TSC AND UTB, SHE WOULD HAVE MADE EVERY EFFORT TO BE THERE, BUT SHE WAS NOWHERE IN SIGHT. Why is that? Why was Kiko Rendon not allowed to finish speaking? WHY WAS Rene Torres booed by the crowd when he was speaking? Why did Dr. Robles walk off before meeting was over? Why were there so many UT plants that went up to speak that Night? It was so obvious, it was a conspiracy from the beginning. It was a hostile environment that Night. Julieta was not there, she let others do her work for her, but that Night, that Night the truth came out, the elected board members voted to keep TSC within the realm and control of the community and out of the greedy hands of UT.

Anonymous said...

The legacy of Juliet Garcia will be one of ineptness and incompetence. She got in way over her head and surrounded herself with sycophants and yes people. If anybody disagree or challenged her in any way, she held a grudge and got even.

It is a great shame as she once held such promise. Her presidency is the "Peter Principal" on display for all to see.

BULLSHIT said...

I once respected you Julieta, now I only despise you. Funny, the people you despise now despise you. The twists and turns of life never cease to entertain me. The truth will always surface. You may have started out with noble intentions, but the money and power corrupted you Julieta, you reinvented yourself into something that is vile and treacherous. You spoiled your reputation and almost succeeded in doing the same to our junior college.
Thank God for our TSC Board of Trustees. ¡ VIVA TSC !

BULLSHIT said...

And with the " unification" you think these people would still have their jobs? Mexican please! UT would have done the same thing. There were too many fluff jobs with overinflated salaries and budgets.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the "walking dead" of Pricess Julieta's crumbling empire. Frankly, seeing her up close everyday, i think she is actually going nuts, sinking into a depression and trying to drag everyone down with her. I've watched her prodding her staff and managers to do everything they could get away with to sabotage TSC's efforts to get started. She wants all of us to blame TSC for all her incompetent failures.

She is getting dangerous to UTB. She is hurting Brownsville. She has got to go before it is too late.

cantiflas said...

julieta my guess and i am seeing the writing on the wall is that your dynasty or regime is coming to a DEAD END BABY and its about damnd time after 20 plus years, why dont you just retire like gus reyna did over at the sheriff and walk away with your retirement package, lay low, live under the rader and no one will be screwing with you not even ur husband.

you are kidding aren' t you? said...

Open our hearts? You are kidding, aren't you? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, but to make fools of my community and to cheat our children out of an affordable and accessible education, to feel you are more deserving of and better than the people you come from, to give away TSC and then expect us to pay the debt, no can do, no can do. I remember Arnulfo Oliviera, God rest his soul, this is not the vision he had for this community. I hope your "friends" are there for you, you will need them.

Anonymous said...

Most of the cuts were for programs that are not going to be continued on the University. How many Universities run a Daycare program, this one was for the Certificate in child development, not a University Bachelors degree. The Arts center, TSC would not sell or lease the building to the University. With only a handful of University buildings left, the university did not need a maintenance department of 80 employees, it was cut down to 20. With only 6000 students, the advisors were also cut down. Hopefully with the 5000 students remaining in TSC, TSC will hire all the employees reduced in UTB. The only funny thing is why is TSC taking so long, only a few months left for them to start, and they have no employees or faculty.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to TSC board. Maybe us taxpayers can take back the villa given to the ugly duckling. Gone with the money. Only colleges not included in super fund. Poorest region and tsc paying her inflated salary. Shame on her, shame on ut, shame on figaro!! Kudos to tsc board they are made of the RIGHT STUFF.

Anonymous said...

"and she is far more of a tragic figure in the Lady Macbeth mode than the cartoon villain so many of you seem to want to cast her as." So said anonymous above and has it closer to right. She wasn't the person she is today when she started. But power went to her head and she like so many others in those situations simply fell victim to ordinary human weakness. Now she is so out of touch with reality and angry about how her life didn't go like she thought was her entitlement. She now struggles to find people to blame because she could never accept her own blatant failures. In the end it will get ugly probably. Some pitifully dramatic scene, tears, wails against injustice and we'll all look on in amazement, like at an air show where the plane crashes. She'll never get over it either. Her once promising legacy now an embarassing cautionary tale.

My fellow faculty will often use her as an example in our classes I think. Not as the paragon of achievement but an example of wrong choices gone very wrong.

Adios, Juliet. Try to get over all this.

Anonymous said...

Concerning "the excesses and waste"
comment....Can you give us some more examples, please?

Anonymous said...

That is why we send our kids out for university education. We are up to our eyeballs in Mexican Bandits. What is worse than Mexican Bandits...Socialist Mexican Bandits!

chief coll arrow said...

oh my beautiful wickness is coming to an end with this breakup of tsc/utb and the divorce, as the wicked witch of the west said in the Wizard of OZ, so long juliette sayonara and dont let the door hit you in the big rearend you got baby, and thank God our prayers were finally heard, good riddance chief
