Wednesday, May 1, 2013


By Juan Montoya
If we are to believe City of Brownsville District 3 candidate Deborah Portillo's ad agency, the 28-year-old jewelry store heir got the stirring to run for office after contemplating her place in the universe and that if she "invest(ed) in your community, the more you get back out of it."
She points out that there are "usually only a handful of people who take the time to get involved...taking the time to make a difference."
Since Cameron County Elections Office voting records indicate that Ms. Civic Engagement Debby has never  –   in the 10 years she has been eligible – taken any interest in casting a ballot in a municipal election, we can just assume that she is a late bloomer.
In fact, since 2008 – the last five five years – Debby has cast only three votes, two in November general elections and once in a runoff in 2012.
Still, she would ask us to believe that "it was instilled in me" to get involved in her community.
We also notice that in the slick mailout that is appearing in District 3 mailboxes there is scant mention of the fact that the only job outside of her parents' (and now her own) store, was as the secretary to the executive director of United Brownsville.
We all know who United Brownsville is, of course. It is a motley collection of local bigwigs who "serve" on a self-appointed board and spend the public's money without any transparency or accountability to anyone. There our Little Debby toiled away laboring to gain the "collaboration" of the different public entities so they could all work together as a harmonious whole. Ooooommmm.
Local power brokers, needing just such a person to assure that the United Brownsville scheme to control the city's future behind a veneer of respectability with a dash of pizzazz and dizzying good looks, pegged her to help Mayor Tony Martinez keep control of the commission.
Neither the slick newspaper ads nor the colorful mail out tell the reader who is behind Portillo. Once again, just to refresh your memories, dear readers, is a partial list of the Big Money supporting our attractive District 3 rubber stamp.
Indeed, Ms. Portillo, now we know why they're having you run.

N.O. Simmons, Brownsville, (builder, contractor): $1,000 (same to Rose Gowen)
Port Warehouse Properties, Brownsville, (?), $5,000
Jorge Emilio de la Garza, Brownsville, (?) $2,000
Nicolas Serafy Jr., Brownsville (?), $1,000 
Jim Tipton, Brownsville, (auto dealer), $1,500
Deborah Portillo, Rancho Viejo, (mother), $4,000
Greg Lamantia, kingmaker, McAllen, $1,500
Ken Shaefer, (stevedore?), Brownsville, $500
Holiday Inn Express, (?) Brownsville, $500
Hampton Inn Suites, (?) Brownsville, ($500)
Justo Grana, LLC, (?) Brownsville, ($500)      
Julio Grana, (?), Brownsville, $500
Deborah Portillo, self, Brownsville, $1,100
Renato Cardenas, (Cardenas Motors, developer), Brownsville, $250
Jaime Parra Jr., (furniture, finance company), Brownsville, $500  
Jonathan Garcia Law Firm, Brownsville, $500
Esparza and Garza, LLC, lawyers, Brownsville, $250
George Ramirez, arts lover, Brownsville, $100
Alexander Stillman, Brownsville founder ancestor, $250
Reba Cardenas McNair, Cardenas heir, McNair mate, Brownsville, $250
Greg S. McCumber, (?) Rancho Viejo, $800
Burton, McCumber, Cortez LLP, (architects?), Brownsville, $500
Pat L. Pace Jr (Elizabeth Conner), (?) Brownsville, $500
William (Sheri) Conner, (?) Brownsville, $500
Jewelry Corner Inc., Brownsville, $250


Anonymous said...

the granas are friends of the portillos, so they have no special interest. Burton (Greg) McCumber & Cortez are accountants who are part of the elite crowd. Schafer is a stevedore. Nick Serafy owns a lab and is a big republican donor and elitist. With exception of Granas, these are all the Tony Martinez ass kissing sheep. No doubt in my mind that he will be pulling her strings. Portillo cannot be elected or brownsville is in trouble.

Anonymous said...

28 what wil she bring to the table,nite clubs,give me a break

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait a minute, Juanito! I see quite a few corporations giving campaign donations on the list. I could be wrong, but isn't it a criminal offense for a corporation to give, and for a candidate to receive, a campaign contribution. Maybe someone should alert the D.A.'s office to this fact, and let them check it out.

Anonymous said...

not even a night club or pool tables,she does not have brains,

Anonymous said...

If Brownsville Voters allow another Bimbo to have a hand at kissing King Tonys ass and be part of running this City, then we might as well all just bend over.

cheap nfl jerseys said...

Maybe that's what I want to know.

Anonymous said...

Let's do some more investigative journalism, before we decide about her. Find a more important issue. Who the hell is Port Warehouses Properties anyway?

Ken Schaffer is a smart guy. As smart as George Ramirez and Sandy Stillman are cool. Nobody fools CPA Greg, and he's damn good at what he does. Sheri Conner is a cool headed gal.

Let's look into this a bit more, journalists, before we decide. Ask her some tough questions during today's debate.

We need level headed people who care about our town, not hot headed idiologues like Fatkinson, Carlos Cisneros, Pat, et al. At least she's easier to look at than those three. I will be the first to blast her if she is to be condemed because she took a job at Queen Juliet Garcia's little IMAGINE BROWNSVLLE cheer leader's club. She's young. Maybe she needed the job. What did she do there? Did she quit, or was she fired ? Did she go to college somewhere ?

We need to know. Let's talk to her some more Juan. When is her next party ?


Anonymous said...

Brownsville is in trouble ? you are funny, master of the obvious. brownsville City comission meetings should be held in McAllen. That way on the short drive up, the "city leaders" would be able to witness the tremendous growth and leadership that the upper valley has experienced in the past couple of years. viva brownsville! Always a fiesta! Ignorance at its finest. I would not invest 10 pesos in brown town. obama will save you. I'm moving to San benito.

Anonymous said...



captain amaericano said...

Sold to the highest bidder-el tony martinez and gang

Hogan heros said...

Guess Comm gowen and martinez have a new puppet to do as please, like th e20 million overspent at the sports park, Great, someone made some serious cash there, hum hum hum, i wonder who or whom it was, very interesting?

Anonymous said...

Rrun rrun, Look into SPAWGLASS construction . Paid millions just to pour some concrete.

Red Fusteburg said...

