Following the reports that many local residents and even some past and current board members with the Mr. Amigo Association have questioned the extravagant ways of outgoing president Yesenia Patiño and her coterie of friends, revelations contained in the group's income statements for the years 2008 to 2013.

Among some of the expenditures that have raised eyebrows are included $3,016 lkisted as "president's expenses" while on the trip to Mexico City to give Yanez a lavish invite to come during the Charro Days events. We don;t have an itemized invoice for Patiño, but we are told that the expense was racked up to purchase outfits for her and her hubby and kids.
And the short bus ride that took the Mr. Amigo entourage from their hotel in Mexico City to the U.S. embassy – 15 or 20 minutes away – cost $1,146.
In fact, the reception for Yanez cost $1,429, just $300 more than the short bus ride.
Former Mr. Amigo honorees have been heard to complain that the association does not include an honorarium for the selected guest. In fact, Eugenio Derbez turned down the invite from the group because he wasn't going to spend an entire week hanging out with the Brownsville folks and making no money. He is, after all, a working artist.

"Television Azteca also has television stars," said a former El Bravo reporter. "But since there is a Televisa connection there, it seems that only that networks' stars are being invited."
It hasn't been cheap.
Yanez did not want to use a commercial flight to come to Brownsville and had to be flown in a chartered jet here at a cost of $13,218 paid by the organization. The Mr. Amigo Hospitality suite costs another $7,199 and included $586 in basketry, $536 in liquor, and $4,839 in room and food.
But Patiño was not to be outdone by Yanez. The President's Ball and Banquet featured $14,102 in food, $4,000 for music (The TSC mariachi band was free), $3,100 for decorations, and a few more thousand for knick-knacks and this and that to total $30,932 in expenses. Ah, what a night!
And when only some donors were invited to attend some of the group's private bashes, Patiño asked some members to remove the photographs of the events from their FB pages so the small donors would not complain about the snub.
Residents who have seen the Mr. Amigo celebration evolve over the years have complained that the group piggy-backing on Charro Days and SombreroFest annual events and using city resources to promote what has virtually become a private party, are asking whether it's time for the city to rethink its in-kind contributions to this group given the lavish ways of the past presidents, Patiño included.
If the group's stated mission is to foster international friendship, how does partying away for a week with a soap opera star contribute to that aim?
Incoming president Luigi Cristiano and concerned members (and donors) might do well to take a critical look at the group's performance and decide whether it's time to reform its wastrel ways.
This is very much a disappointment and a shame to the Mr. Amigo Association. It is time for them to reconsider who stays on the board and who exits.
The reason they get away with all the freebies from the city is because they invite them to all the events and they keep thier mouths shut. Invite Melissa Zamora, who does not turn down an opportunity to shake her ass infront of potential suiters, like the last two Mr. Amigos. Rick Longoria just loves to see himself in those ridiculous charro suits as does outspoken John Villarreal. Jessica Tetreu, well she just loves to wear anything that would make her look more ridiculous. Throw a taco down thier thier throat and a couple of beers and they will give city assets at no cost to the Mr. Amigo sham.
Who takes an organization's money to buy items for their family?
Some of past Presidents starting with Ralph Cowen,Eddie Hernandez, Sylvia Perez, Eliseo Davila and Yesenia Patino have abused the trust of the citizens of Brownsville and have abused their authority as Mr. Amigo Presidents and have used the Association money as their own to freely spend as they choose with a complete disregard of the sponsors money. They have become acustomed to spend what isn't theirs and anyone that questions them are chastised and or not invited to the elite organization NOW Known Mr. Amigo ONLY MAKES ME RICHER.... It has become an organization of secrecy where you don't say anything about how the money is spent and when it is your turn to be president you could spend whatever amount of money there is. Once you spend it, it is spent and the Oh Well to bad so sad I am now a Past President and you could kiss my ass attitude.
Yesenia Patino has not only single handly offended Charro Days and Sombrero Festival but has joined forces with Sylvia Perez and Sergio Martinez along with Ralph Cowen to strategically endorse future Port Commissioners and receive money from the Port of Brownsville,TX. Many future political candidates have used Mr.Amigo Association to advertise on their program book and attend their events. Depending on whom you know on the board you may get to take pictures with the whos who of Brownsville and have them post those pictures on their website and FB page to get votes and get free exposure. The association has become an expesive Party for the citizens of Brownsville. If you really look at what they have done is nothing but promote themselves and look down on the common people. They really do think they are elite.
Yesenia Patino is as much an Elite person as Bobby el Loco de la Southmost. She cuts hair for a living and her shop inside her house. Donde sale la Crem de la Crem si ella es pura leche quemada. Elite???? She went from a Trailer Trash floor to a concrete trash floor but she is still Trash.
Miguel talk to your friends about the headache you been having lately. You really need to see about calling Cheaters and not a doctor because those headaches are from the Cuernos coming out and not the lack of hair on your head.
Fucking shit!!! This bitch better pay back every penny or face jail time for theft of public funds!!!
City expenditures should be itemized by the city manager and charged to this organization PRONTO, OR HE TOO SHOULD FACE CHARGES OF ABUSE OF OFFICIAL CAPACITY!!!
Mayor, City Commissioners, let's see you step up to the plate and correct this PENDEJADA! NOW!!!!!
Una persona que no tiene valores ni clase toma abuso de algo que pertence a alguien mas y aquí es una organización que se fue danada.
Yesenia es una presumista con lo que no tiene que es obvio . Ahora todos lo saben y como se ríen de ti.
Todo lo que empieza mal termina mal.
Miguel you should really call Cheaters they helped my primo. For reals.
The down fall of the association started with Sylvia Perez (Ex BISD Administrator) and Eddie Hernandez (PUB Customer Service Manager) Eliseo Davila and now Yesenia Patino. They spend the money of the association like a drunken sexually deprived crazed sailor and expect the next President Luigi Cristiano (Ex Port Commissioner) to do the same. Ralph Cowen has been living high on the hog at the Port of Brownsville and uses Mr. Amigo to fund his expenses and expensive meals. Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are.
So Yessenia cuts hair for a living from her house? How sad for her who thinks and acts
like she's better than anyone and gets a kick of treating people horrible.
She walked around Mr.Amigo events this year
thinking she was royalty.
You are not above anyone and now you know.
Especially the Mr.Amigo sponsors who you felt
were not good enough to attend the events.
They sure have more class than you ever will.
Several good people were mistreated by Patino and
Sylvia Perez this year.
Mr. Amigo Association are you going to allow this to continue,
will we see them in your organization next year?
Some of us life time residents of Brownsville who for decades have
seen Mr. Amigo and support your organization this year lost your respect.
So??? Who cares if she's a stylist? ?.The point is that there's chingos of money being spent on that fuckin organization but whose fault is it? The stupid people that give and wanna be part of that mess and are there letting go of the anger in this messed up page, ya vatos delen gas move on pinches haters everywhere!
Si hablando de dinero gastado por la associacion del mr. Amigo entonces hay que investigar desde el fondo. Hace 3 años Rick Longoria siendo commisionado de Brownsville acompano a la associacion de mr. Amigo y compro varios trajes de charro y pedidos para (amigos) con cheques de la ciudad y con gastos pagados de la ciudad prk esto no lo hacen publico, si le hechan a una persona entonces habran el hosico bien y hablen parejo de todos no nada mas del presidente. Aqui la culpa la tenemos nosotros por aceptar esta clase de ratas en nuestra comunidad.
Talking about past presidents of Mr. Amigo, Mera Champion was also known to have profited a lot from the organization and was known to have fucked a lot of men during her year, pobresita quedo sola y le sacan la vuelta.
Yesenia Patino was the straw that broke the Camels Back for the association. Sylvia Perez (ex BISD administrator) and Sergio Martinez (Sylvia Nephew UTB Staff) are the ones that pulled her strings and ended up spending the money with her. Eddie Hernandez SR. is the one that cooks the books for the association and his son Eddie Jr. works for PUB and Lucy Hernandez as well. If you start looking at the players you realize the game of deception by the Mr.Amigo Association.
My wife and I for many years have enjoyed the Mr. Amigo events but ,
Bottom line is this year Yessenia Patino and Sylvia Perez did much of over spending and had no problem flaunting it as if it was theirs to spend.
They mistreat and look down at people just because they feel they are better than anyone. Patino acts so rich and mighty,when in reality she's not what she financially pretends to be at all .
To make it worse, they excluded some board members who disagreed with their over spending. This is how it all came out and us supporters
saw it.
So now the ball is on the Mr. Amigo's Association court. Are they going to allow this disorder to continue by allowing these same people stay and do whatever they want or will they move on a better route . Especially get a better reputation since this year it's gone.
That's all. The facts speak for themselves.
pura cacadoododoldo this sinverguenzadas have been goin on for over 50 years and do you really think they will stop????? honestly????? fuck no, hey yo quero robar tambien anyway no one says anything or do anything either. Hey where do i sign up to be a memeber? let me call joe rivera he jnows
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