Even after the word got out on the 14th Street beer joints that armed robbers were strong arming patrons as they left their favorite water hole there, yet another armed robbery occurred over the weekend.
Some workers at local bars say that the latest armed robbery happened near an alley parking lot behind El Capitan and La Catorce Bar and that the victim had just emerged from one of these establishments when he was accosted by three men in a dark pickup truck waving badges and showing off what appeared to be real handguns.
This time the elderly patron was beaten and his wallet ransacked resulting in the theft of some $500.

In this latest robbery, the suspect was accompanied by two other men, one of whom the victim told said physically assaulted him to make him give up his wallet.
In the past, the robbers had not assaulted their victims. But now it appears that the same suspects have decided they are free to commit the crimes since the police have not effected one arrest in the cases.
If these crime shad happened anywhere else, there would be police artists' renditions of the suspects from the convenience store video pasted up all over the neighboring business," said a bar manager. "So far, we haven't heard anything from the police on this. If this goes on, these people might end up hurting or even killing someone if he resists."
The modus operandi of the robbers is to waylay bar customers as they get ready to leave, most often as they make their way to their vehicles in badly-lighted parking spaces behind the bars. Then, sporting badges and realistic-looking guns strapped to their waists, they ask the mark for their wallet and identification. The victims are told to get back in their cars and then the "cops" jump into their trucks and leave with their money.
Several victims have later found their empty wallets dumped nearby. In once case, a driver fund a wallet from a victim wedged in the wiper blade compartment between the hood and the windshield.
Brownsville Police Department through their TIPS hotline has not informed anyone of any progress, if any, that has been made in these cases or if they even have a photo of the suspect for help from the public.
"The way it seems," said the bar worker, "is that they figure who cares what happens to the people who frequent these places. I hope someone doesn't get hurt soon if this type of thing continues."
I am not saying that getting these criminals is not important, but instead of focusing so much on the 14 street red light zone why dont you blog about the article in the Brownsville Herald over the suit against the city and the district over the death of Jaime Gonzalez. I am interested to read what the public thinks about such case.
For a long time the City has wanted to eliminate 14st bars, so probably it is a sting by the police to intimidate customers and make them afraid of going to 14st,
by they modus operandi it is someone with law enforcement experience
If chief Rodriguez has enough officers with time on their hands to meddle in every ridiculous cry of foul play during election time, why are there not enough officers to post around these establishments, whether we agree with the goings on there or not, to protect citizens, as is their creed???!!!
Politics seem to be a bigger concern to them than public safety!
Crime does pay in Brownsville! Triste.
The thing about the cantina patron losing $500 is not true. Those babosos rarely have $20, much less $500. Who are you trying to shit, Juan?
BPD just following the Enrique Peña Nieto strategy of keeping the crime rate down, instruct law enforcement and the media to not acknowledge or report crimes.
These cantina patrons are poor, ignorant laborers who go get a beer on payday with their freshly cashed checks in their wallets!
They feel like real men throwing money around to the putas in the bars for a dance, throwing money into a jukebox for a quick trip down memory lane, then end up crying like the pendejos they really are when they have to tell their family there's no money for bills and food! Vicious cycle!
Who picks up the tab? Who pays for the food stamps, welfare, housing? Honest working people, that's who!
To 3:22pm. Commentor.. I invite you to enter any of these establishnents and talk to anyone there the way you comment, you will get a spanking. These are men that do the jobs that you or your father are not man enough to do. Enjoy your time at Chilies.
A spanking?!!! That's the kind of backwards mentality I'm referring to! Puro macho pendejo! Those aren't men, they're fucking cowards!
Mr. 3:04.. yes spanking due to your type of person not even having the guts to stand up to someone after you call him a macho pendejo. Then you call us f cowards because for what for going to have our cold ones at 14th street. I have met good hard working people in these bars. Each with their own stories to tell, but all hard working. I have observed in many occasions when they drink a few, order a meal from a near restaurant then they buy a rose for their significant other and call for taxi or family members come pick them up. If you drive by 14th street you see just few cars, but drive by Chedders, Chilies, Cicis wings, Ruchies, Winks, and parking lots are full of cars. Sir all thise customers are also drinking but add driving too. You think 14th st goers deserve being harassed or taken advantage of, well sir you are baised. I think all individuals deserve respect. There is good people and bad people all over, not only in 14th street. I do appologize for saying you would get spanked but please open your mind and understand no one deserves being punked out of hard earned money. I'm sure you can agree with that if you have put in a hard days work. Go to charlie or 123 or officina, if I spot you I will invite you one. I'm sure that if you go in there with a respectful attitude, someone there will invite you one that's how it is in these places. These fake cops better find different ways of making a living cuz we are getting tired and will catch them ourselfs for Brownsville s finest, pd.
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