By Juan Montoya
We got word that the 2013 Mr. Amigo Eduardo "Lalo" Yanez is in Europe promoting his telenovela and he Twitted to say that "por llevar este Mr. Amigo a Matamoros" is the most beautiful thing that has happened in my career."
Well, we always thought that Mr. Amigo was something that would put Brownsville, not Matamoros, on the map. But, alas, Yanez is promoting Matamoros instead.
"Como Mexico no hay dos," he says.
Oh, well, that brings the inevitable question: Where is the concept about the Mr. Amigo Association promoting Brownsville, Texas? Isn't this what Mr. Amigo booster Bobby Torres Jr. mentions in his email that stated IT ONLY MAKES ME STRONGER.
Well, Mr. Torres, Jr., where
is the promoting of Brownsville?

Europe. Well, not really, Europeans know Yanez because he was in the old continent there promoting his soap opera and tweeting and promoting himself and Matamoros. As you can see for yourself, Yanez doesn't know or care to know the difference about Mr. Amigo or Fiestas Mexicanas. He just knows free publicity for himself.
Other details have come to light about his stay here. In the picture, the 2013 Jeep was sponsored by Luke Fruia to be used in the Saturday Charro Day Parade by the Mr Amigo association.
However, as can be plainly seen, it is being driven by a Mexican national in Matamoros. Patiño and SylviaPerez decided to drive it across into Matamoros without any authorization fom Luke Fruia Motors or the Mr. Amigo board's knowledge to cross it without Mexican insurance.
If anything would have happened to it, the Mr. Amigo Association would have to not only pay for the damages, but also suffer the embarrassment of knowing that the expensive Brownsville Police Department security detail was left at the bridge scratching their heads about the safety of Eduardo Yanez since there was no security, escape route, and didn't know how long, with whom, or where Mr. Amigo would be.
At the time, reports indicated that when Yanez crossed over to Matamoros, some very colorful people were waiting on the Mexican side and pulled Miguel over and told him to get off the jeep because the girlfriend of a colorful and mañoso man wanted private pictures with Yanez.
Patiño was ordered off the jeep and was holding on for dear life while his wife waved to the crowds, basking in the limelight of the delirious masses cheering as becomes a budding movie star. The chauffeur and navigator don't look that friendly, do they?
We're sure that the truth will surface behind as what is developing to be a most salacious urban myth around Mr. Amigo is embellished. Is there in some major mañoso's house a treasured photo of Yanez and his movida, compliments of the Mr. Amigo Association?
Come to think of it, the private jet plane cost Mr. Amigo Association donors more than $13,000 and the room and board another $4,000. The least the ingrate could do is mention little ol' Browntown in Urp, don't you think?
For now, however, Yanez is crowing up the virtues of his trips to Matamoros where he had a rollicking good time at the expense of the Mr. Amigo bunch and the Brownsville yokels. As they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
(As we went to cyberpress, we learned that there has been enough concern generated about the past performance of the Mr. Amigo president and board that a meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, at 6 p.m. at Valley Regional Hospital at the Texas room. We'll keep you posted.)
If anything would have happened to it, the Mr. Amigo Association would have to not only pay for the damages, but also suffer the embarrassment of knowing that the expensive Brownsville Police Department security detail was left at the bridge scratching their heads about the safety of Eduardo Yanez since there was no security, escape route, and didn't know how long, with whom, or where Mr. Amigo would be.
At the time, reports indicated that when Yanez crossed over to Matamoros, some very colorful people were waiting on the Mexican side and pulled Miguel over and told him to get off the jeep because the girlfriend of a colorful and mañoso man wanted private pictures with Yanez.
Patiño was ordered off the jeep and was holding on for dear life while his wife waved to the crowds, basking in the limelight of the delirious masses cheering as becomes a budding movie star. The chauffeur and navigator don't look that friendly, do they?
We're sure that the truth will surface behind as what is developing to be a most salacious urban myth around Mr. Amigo is embellished. Is there in some major mañoso's house a treasured photo of Yanez and his movida, compliments of the Mr. Amigo Association?
Come to think of it, the private jet plane cost Mr. Amigo Association donors more than $13,000 and the room and board another $4,000. The least the ingrate could do is mention little ol' Browntown in Urp, don't you think?
For now, however, Yanez is crowing up the virtues of his trips to Matamoros where he had a rollicking good time at the expense of the Mr. Amigo bunch and the Brownsville yokels. As they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
(As we went to cyberpress, we learned that there has been enough concern generated about the past performance of the Mr. Amigo president and board that a meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, at 6 p.m. at Valley Regional Hospital at the Texas room. We'll keep you posted.)
It is rumored that some sponsors are getting together to sue the Mr. Amigo Association for Theft by Deception because Yesenia Patino President guaranteed pictures, autographs with Mr. Amigo Eduardo Yanez in return for money and she kept the money and a lot of sponsors never had the opportunity to take those pictures. Some sponsors as of today that did take those pictures have not received them either. I wonder what will become of Mr. Amigo this year or next now that the cat is out of the bag about the abuse of money and Yesenia Patino and Sylvia Perez complete disregard of the public trust.
For many years I really thought the Mr. Amigo Association was in the up and up and were giving back to the community but the truth came out and I don't know if I could ever really see them again as a positive association for the city of Brownsville. Not only do they not give back but have taken millions of dollars in inkind from the city and Browsville Police and now PUB and they are raising our taxes. How can the board members live with themselves knowing that they have stole from the public and abused the money from the people who trusted the association with their money.
Mr.Amigo Association needs to ban the following people: Yesenia Patino,Sylvia Perez, Sergio Martinez, and Lucy Hernandez if they want to gain credibility again.
Que onda Miguel alli esta tu vieja viendole y savoriandose las nagas de Eduardo y a ti te hecharon afuera con el perro. Nombre guey que gacho es tu vieja en frente de tu cara te lo hizo. No llores guey si quiera que era famoso y no el vecino que se corta el pelo cada semana y ni pelo tiene...UUUUYYYY.
Tambien le lavas los chones a tu vieja??? Te traen bien menso y se te ve en la cara de cuernudo que tienes.
Sergio Martinez is Juliet Garcia's ass kisser over at UTB. She has tentacles everywhere!
Some of us decade supporters of the Mr. Amigo Association are very disappointed at this past year’s choice of president elect Yesenia Patino. Which no one even knew who she was until this year's debacle.
The abuse shown by Patino and Sylvia Perez towards the other
Mr. Amigo board members, the sponsors, and the community is sickening.
It is obvious they lack morals, very much class (which they have no clue about) and a conscience.
As a result of them, the respect from the community for this organization has been severely damaged.
Why doesn't the Mr Anigo Association just charge Uesenia for her unauthorized spending and if not just throw her ass in jail for theft? They have the minutes on what was approved and what wasn't so if she has soooo much money then she should have no problem coming up with receipts. ES Una Rata corriente
Why was she even standing next to him in the jeep? No one wanted to see nor wave at her ugly mug. It should have ONLY been Mr Yanez. A lot of pictures were ruined because she was in them. Get over yourself, you're a nobody.
aver si se les kita lo pendejo and say no to mr amigo next year when they come around asking for donations. lets see. bola de rates de dospatos toda la bola.
Viva Edurado Yanez, hey he is telling like it is, he is from mexico o no? What did you folks expect? anything less would be a cabrito, arriba Mexico cabritos. if you select a mexicano remember he will always be a Mexicano first o no? no se agan pepes
Gracias Sr. Montoya por esta información.
Estoy es muy sorprendente y una gran decepción
de la organización de Mr. Amigo.
Las cosas negativas pasan cuando personas que
usan a otros en este caso organizaciones para darse de mucho enteres.
Lamentable Mr. Amigo fue un gran fracaso este ano.
Solo se espera que el ano entrante hagan cambios
necesarios y remplacen a unos de sus miembros con
persons de integridad visto que este ano eso
Thanks Jeremy
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