By Juan Montoya
If you thought Mayor Tony Martinez was a self-righteous autocrat before Saturday's election, hang on for the next two years as he enters it with a super majority with the election win of Deborah Portillo in the District 3 runoff.
If the election-day results were any indication of the sentiments of the electorate, it is obvious that the voters who turned out Saturday were well aware that a Portillo victory will mean that Tony can do just about anything he wants from now on.
Portillo's 687 votes – 501 during early voting – were enough to overcome Sarkis' 535 to to replace Commissioner Melissa Zamora on the commission.
Portillo received 501 early votes to Sarkis’ 304. Sarkis totals on Election Day were 230 of the 413 ballots cast.
Now, those 687 votes did give Portillo the win, but put into context, it really wasn't a "mandate" by any stretch of the imagination. We think we heard Cameron County Elections Administrator Chris Davis say that there are some 20,000 voters in District three. The 687 votes make up a paltry 3.435 percent of that population. But the added vote on the mayor's side of the ledger give him the power to do and undo as he sees fit.
Rumors circulating at City Hall have focused on City manager Charlie Cabler getting the boot and perhaps Finance Officer Pete Gonzalez as well as Martinez sets to solidify his control and lays his plans out for the city's future.
It is obvious that the nonprofit that has the mayor's ear – United Brownsville – will have a free hand to wheel and deal for themselves and the benefit of the inside crowd around IBC President Fred Rusteberg, UTB President Julieta Garcia, and Carlos Marin, the Matamoros transplant who has engineered most of the city's business his way. His Ambiotech has city business cornered for the past few years and it's bound to get even cozier with Martinez firmly in the saddle with Portillo's vote.
Portillo, if you will recall, started her working career as an executive secretary for United Brownsville's CEO Mike Gonzalez. With Martinez, commissioner John Villarreal, Rose Gowen and Estela Chavez-Vasquez on the United Brownsville board, it has become increasingly clear that the United Brownsville tail is wagging the dog at City Hall.
Now, even if the citizens and the majority of the people in the city are against the city speculating in real-estate deals for downtown properties, it's a sure bet that this new commissioner won;t be the one to speak up an d voice their concerns.
It is doubtful that once the United Brownsville power play gets rolling at full strength, it won't be Ms. Portillo voicing an independent opinion against the hand that fed her. The city commission is supposed to represent all the residents of the city and to look out for their interest. This United Brownsville bunch has shown that it pays lip service to the rights of representative government and more about steering the resources of the city toward special interests.
Remember when Martinez was bamboozled during a trip to Florida where a slick salesman sold him on the idea that Brownsville had been "chosen" to participate in a banner promotion? Tony – on his own – accepted the prestigious "recognition" on behalf of the city and basically handed over the resources of the city to that outfit. Before long, the salesman – armed with an introductory letter from Da Mayor and Cabler to encourage local businesses to buy into the scam – showed up with a comely Stilettos lass in tow. When local business people began asking questions of City Hall, it was learned that city contract attorney Mark Sossi had played a part in opening the doors to the group on Tony's behalf, perhaps even finding the babe for him to convince local business to buy into the program.
Now, if a loony salesman can flummox the mayor so easily, can you imagine what bill of goods he has been sold by Tenaska on the $200 million electric power plant the city wants to build in partnership with them?
Look out guys. There is about to be a run on city resources, property and future debt. Right now Martinez wants to give up City Plaza to Juliet Garcia (also on the board of United Brownsville) so she can have her offices there.
Who did we elect to represent us and protect our interests? We sure didn't elect Martinez to give away the assets of our city to a wealthy university. We are already on the hook for 58 acres of city property going to the UT System compliments of the city because of Martinez and his bunch.
It is bad enough that TSC lost its accreditation to get in bed with UTB in that infamous "partnership." A conservative estimate of the amount of resources that TSC has "transferred" (that word again) annually over the last 22 years is now approaching $1 billion (with a B) and counting. And we (the TSC taxpayers) are on the hook for the bond debt used to build UTB facilities on the TSC campus.
Now, with Martinez, Rusteberg, Garcia and the silent commissioners acquiescing to the sucking of the city's lifeblood, it is doubtful that Ms. Portillo will be anything else but a silent witness to the continuing scheme to raid the people's treasury.

Rumors circulating at City Hall have focused on City manager Charlie Cabler getting the boot and perhaps Finance Officer Pete Gonzalez as well as Martinez sets to solidify his control and lays his plans out for the city's future.
It is obvious that the nonprofit that has the mayor's ear – United Brownsville – will have a free hand to wheel and deal for themselves and the benefit of the inside crowd around IBC President Fred Rusteberg, UTB President Julieta Garcia, and Carlos Marin, the Matamoros transplant who has engineered most of the city's business his way. His Ambiotech has city business cornered for the past few years and it's bound to get even cozier with Martinez firmly in the saddle with Portillo's vote.
Portillo, if you will recall, started her working career as an executive secretary for United Brownsville's CEO Mike Gonzalez. With Martinez, commissioner John Villarreal, Rose Gowen and Estela Chavez-Vasquez on the United Brownsville board, it has become increasingly clear that the United Brownsville tail is wagging the dog at City Hall.
Now, even if the citizens and the majority of the people in the city are against the city speculating in real-estate deals for downtown properties, it's a sure bet that this new commissioner won;t be the one to speak up an d voice their concerns.
It is doubtful that once the United Brownsville power play gets rolling at full strength, it won't be Ms. Portillo voicing an independent opinion against the hand that fed her. The city commission is supposed to represent all the residents of the city and to look out for their interest. This United Brownsville bunch has shown that it pays lip service to the rights of representative government and more about steering the resources of the city toward special interests.

Now, if a loony salesman can flummox the mayor so easily, can you imagine what bill of goods he has been sold by Tenaska on the $200 million electric power plant the city wants to build in partnership with them?
Look out guys. There is about to be a run on city resources, property and future debt. Right now Martinez wants to give up City Plaza to Juliet Garcia (also on the board of United Brownsville) so she can have her offices there.
Who did we elect to represent us and protect our interests? We sure didn't elect Martinez to give away the assets of our city to a wealthy university. We are already on the hook for 58 acres of city property going to the UT System compliments of the city because of Martinez and his bunch.
It is bad enough that TSC lost its accreditation to get in bed with UTB in that infamous "partnership." A conservative estimate of the amount of resources that TSC has "transferred" (that word again) annually over the last 22 years is now approaching $1 billion (with a B) and counting. And we (the TSC taxpayers) are on the hook for the bond debt used to build UTB facilities on the TSC campus.
Now, with Martinez, Rusteberg, Garcia and the silent commissioners acquiescing to the sucking of the city's lifeblood, it is doubtful that Ms. Portillo will be anything else but a silent witness to the continuing scheme to raid the people's treasury.
SR.MONTOYA...SIGA USTED ESCRIBIENDO PORQUE USTED ES LA UNICA FUENTE QUE TENEMOS PARA INFORMARNOS.yo no creo que con los que esta pasando en brownsville con el escandalo de 'LIMAS'el alcalde se tan pendejo de andar asiendo tranzas.bueno de que los ha los hay.avemos muchos que pensamos que la cuidad necesita sangre nueva,sobre lo de CABLER Y PETE GONZALEZ 'ya que se retiren estos gueyes han robado chingos pero que les hagan una auditoria y que le aprieten a los directores de departamentos que se prestaron para tranzar.SR.ALCADE HAGA UN BIEN A BROWNSVILLE YA USTED VA DE SALIDA,NO HAGA CHINGADERAS PORQUE AL RATO SE VA DESCUBRIR POR FAVOR HAGALO POR SU FAMILIA,LE QUEDAN 2 ANOS LIMPIE LA CUIDAD DE TODOS ESTOS montoya no le afloje.
el Sapo Jr was seen working the vote for Portillo. Now its time for pay back. Are you in their pocket, Deborah?
What other results can we expect from the local LOW INFORMATION democRATS HA HA HA HA
Mayor Martinez has copied the leadership style of Juliet Garcia and the Kardenas Klan....recruit people to run for office that you know will do your bidding on an elected board or commission. It took the public 20 years to foil Queen Juliet's power mongering and save TSC from being sold out to the UT System. Tony's style of autocratic leadership is the same. Let's hope he isn't given 20 years of free grazing off the taxpayers.
If Charlie Cabler is unlikely that this autocratic mayor will go outside for a trained city manager....he will want someone who he can control. Well, the last few city managers have be ex-cops. Who do we have in the wings that would bow down to the mayor......there is former chief Garcia....but he proved he could manage a small force at the Port. But, lurking at UTB is a former police chief to was appointed to a position as Director of the US Marshall Service.....a job that proved to be way over his head, so he came back to B'ville and has been a "gofer" for Juliet Garcia since being canned from the Marshall System job. I am sure Juliet will push to hire Ben...since he surely doesn't have the credentials to be at UTB.
That good-for-nothing Cho Che posted on his page urging city employees to go vote before they get screwed. What has the fire union been doing to the city employees? SCREWING THEM! Wake up bro. If any department in the city should be privatized it is Fire/EMS. You are nothing but a bunch of flojos just eating, sleeping and shitting all day asking for raises and more benefits on the taxpayers' dime and at the expense of the average city employee. Go to hell! I'm glad non of your crazy ass BUC endorsed candidates won. You have ZERO votes on the commission now because your lame uneducated leadership has burned every possible bridge. La cagaron gacho. Good.
The residents of Brownsville should be "up in arms" over the autocratic management of the mayor and those elected officials in BISD and BND. All take advantage of the public ignorance of what is going on and continue to do things without seeking public inputs. Tony Martinez and his autocratic management style is far more dangerous than an idiot like Pat Ahumada. A "shadow" government has been created downtown and its leaders are compadres of Juliet Garcia and the Kardenas Klan...who seek to rule the realm as they see fit. For 20 years Juliet Garcia has pulled the wool over the public eye and has masterfully used "smoke and mirrors" to mislead the public regarding UTB-TSC. Now, her good friend Tony Martinez is mayor, her buddy Eduardo Campriano is Director at the Port and Fred Rusteburg at IBC is a proven loyal follower of Queen Juliet. Juliet's desire for power and the arrogant way she managed the university was the cause of the "partnership" failure. She can't and won't admit that. She used local monies to feed the UT System and allowed UT to run up a trememdous debt to TSC which has not been paid off....a loss of our tax dollars because UT refused to pay the bill. Actions now to give away property and buildings is symbolic of Juliet's greed and is being made possible because the above non-elected persons are making decisions with little or no public input. Time to stop kill this shadow government before the city goes totally down the toilet.
June 24, 9:53
Sarkis loss will be a real loss for all citizens of brownsville. The mayor will have the majority of the votes and will do as he pleases. Case in point, all this out of control spending on properties will continue, in fact, there is one item on the city commission agenda for tomorrow to buy another worthless piece of property. Remember when he bought the cueto building, he stated in the herald that he needed space to conduct city business so he had the city pay $500'000 to utb a year and half ago, what is strange is that utb never vacated that building they are still there. Now he wants to lease el cueto to utb? At what price? How about the lot next to el cueto? The city is renting it for $2500 a month for three years, what a waste. Remember that he purchased the old national guard building for $430'000 because utb was going to buy it from the city, of course utb didn't buy it, they don't want trashed properties. Do I need to go to casa nylon, San Fernando building, Gutierrez warehouse etc etc etc.? No end in sight, the city is going to go bankrupt and our taxes will definitely increase because of his out of control real estate purchases that the city don't need. It's going to be two long years, hope that he drop his plans to lease city plaza to UTB that will the worst decision that our city commission will do and will have have terrible consequences to our citizens in terms of customer service and availability of parking since downtown parking in and around casa nylon is nonexistent.
Ahora si nos llevo la chingada con la election de la Portillo, el Mamon digo el mayor ya tiene luz verde para seguir haciendo transas de comprar propiedades a sus amigos Ratas. Ya van mas de 4 millones de propiedades que a comprado y que estan sin USO pues es puro mugrero que Nadie Queria. Ahora quiere regalar city plaza a utb,el unico edificio de la ciudad que esta presentable para el USO de Los ciudadanos. Si UTB necesita edifiicios para su USO pues que lo busquen Elllos, porque la ciudad tiene que solucionar sus problemas? Por que el mayor es bien amigo de la presidenta de utb? Ha de ver algo que Hacen por debajo de la Mesa. Ojala Los federales se tomaran el tiempo de investigar todas estas transas que Hacen estos politicos transas.
too late the ower brokers have spoken even if sarkis would have won would he be able to make a difference one vote verses 6 dont think so, ok lets give the whole fucking downtown to juiletta y que se lo meta you know where. front or back either way
So mayor when is charlie the tuna out and el sapo in? now is el sapo qualified opps doesnt matter right? que loco. gr
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