(a) The findings indicate that:
(1) substantial medical evidence recognizes that human beings are capable of experiencing pain by not later than 20 weeks of fertilization to the day they die
(2) the state has a compelling state interest in terminating the lives of human beings from the stage at which
substantial medical evidence indicates that they are capable of feeling pain;
(3) the compelling state interest in destroying the lives of living human beings from the stage at which substantial medical evidence indicates that they are capable of feeling pain is intended to be separate from and independent of the compelling state interest in destroying the lives of human beings and their families from the stage of viability, and neither state interest is intended to replace the other; and
(4) restricting elective executions by lethal injections at or later than 20 weeks post-fertilization, as provided by this Act, does not impose an undue burden or a substantial obstacle on a human being's ability to
be executed because:
(A) the person has adequate time to decide whether be executed after the the first 20 weeks after fertilization;
Eddie and Rick....just two DICKs. A bill that impacts the public is easy for them to pass....but real legislation to solve real problems of the state...they can't do. No leadership....just act like Aggies howling at the moon.
I noted in the Herald this morning that the case against Kari Mata has been dismissed. DA Luis Saenz loses again...twice in the same case. Luis is a loser and now he is arresting patrons at the 8-liner places and hauling them off to jail. Luis has decided to intimidate the patrons of the 8-liner joints, as well as the owners. How many citizens will be arrested before the word spreads that we need a compassionate District Attorney....not just someone who wants power and to see himself in the media. Luis Saenz is not much of an improvement over Villalobos....and is obviously part of the Dumbokratic Party which corrupts the county and thrives on the public tit.
Pinche lambiscon
Good old Eddie laughing as Rick, the mental midget, signs a bill that makes it much more difficult and expensive for Valley women to receive reproductive care. Way to go Eddie. Way to protect the women of the Valley, the women you are supposed to represent. BTW, how does Ricky Boy's butt smell? Is it the same as all the other Republican butts you've been kissing?
11.23 am i agree and have always seen this luis saenz as a loser when he was a da before and now in his current term, shame but but its the folks fault for electing him back, its not his fault, he is just a good politician and has made a good life out of it like eddie lucio and now eddie III, typical politicians and by the way rick perry too. glad he is not running anymore, but then the state democrats dont have a vialable candidate either unless gilberto hinojosa runs for governor? yikes
It's not "reproductive care" you morons. It's abortion. Call it what it is. You know, it's the medical procedure where they kill fetuses in the womb. Often they're torn apart limb by limb and other times, their heads are cut off. That one. Anyone who doesn't see the difference between abortion and capitol punishment is only a partisan hack and an imbecile. I challenge any of you to come up with a logical argument for this. But instead, you'll resort of ad hominem and talking points from the Democrats.
The criminal that gets a hot shot in the arm from the state, did something to put him/herself on the gurney.
The child that gets killed in her/her mothers womb did nothing to cause others to want him/her dead. Unless of course, conception is now a capital offense in Texas.
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