Is Cameron County Commissioners Court legal counsel Bruce (I'll Sue, I Swear I'll Sue!) Hodge in hot water with his five employers?
A close reading of today's executive session agenda would seems to indicate that there has been a schism building up between the commissioners and Hodge as evidenced by item Q that states: Deliberate and discussion concerning evaluation and duties of the commissioners court legal counsel Bruce Hodge..."
Now, while someone may say that the item merely mentions deliberation and discussion and no action, a more detailed scrutiny of an item up above (J) lays open the rift more clearly.

El Rrrun-Rrun has learned that the Marshall's Service has extended a revised contract for the detention of federal inmates that raises the daily fee paid to the county by the federal government from $37 to $51, which over the course of a year adds up to $100,000s more to the county for housing federal prisoners. We also understand that the county (legal counsel) has been sitting on the new contract for the better part of two weeks and came up with an 10-page addendum to it that might well force the government to withdraw its new offer.
The county is still receiving the minimum amount ($37) from a contracts that was signed way back then by former County Judge Gilbert Hinojosa. We also understand that the existing contract still has another five years left on it at the lower rates.
With each passing day, the county is losing $1,000s as the court hems and haws about the new terms.
While this week's agenda is merely for deliberation and discussion on Hodge's status with the commissioners court, we have heard that unless Hodge cuts to the chase, hes days may be numbered as the court's legal counsel.
Since our favorite commissioner Pct. 2's Ernie Hernandez, is down for the count with a touch of pneumonia, he won't be taking part in the discussion today. However, a cursory head count of the commissioners indicates that – except for fellow attorney Dan Sanchez, Pct. 4 commissioner – Hodge doesn't have the three votes that will keep him at the Dancy Building. Sofia Benavides wants the extra cash as does David Garza. Cascos is noncommittal, and once well, Ernie will surely go for the money despite his personal any ties with Bruce, as he always does with anyone when it comes to cold, hard cash.
Who will blink? Will Hodge toe the line and move on the Marshall's deal, or will the commissioners nudge him over the edge and get someone who will do their bidding?
Austinite blogger Duardo Paz Martinez continues on his quest to quash all Brownsville bloggers as evidenced by his continuing posts criticizing other bloggers instead of helping to keep the citizenry informed by checking up and exposing our elected representatives when they conveniently forget to uphold their oaths of office.
DPM fancies himself a great novelist and above the fray. He sits in the hill country, maybe alienated by his brown skin, and picks apart Brownsville and the guys with the balls to expose the rotten underbelly of local governing bodies.
(DPM fancies himself a great novelist and above the fray.) Have you read any of them? Has anybody? lol!!!
And 'duh' judge is noncommittal???
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