First of all, a hat-off congrats to Channel 4's Mary Avila for her report on the alleged grade-changing scandal at Rivera High School.
On its face, the story is this: Grades were changed (no one knows by who) for a sophomore student's French class from 81 to 96 that resulted in that student being placed over another as the top student in Rivera H.S. for 2013.
It just happened that the student whose grades were changed was the niece of Rivera Principal Hector Hernandez. The parents of the student who was kicked off the top student recognition (one Juan Antonio Villanueva) cried foul and complained of favoritism. The French teacher (one Blanca Arizmendi) reportedly then filed a grievance with the Brownsville Independent School District alleging the grade tampering and forgery claiming the signature on the form where the grades were changed grades were not her handwriting.
One of Avila's sources alleged that "one of the clerks...said it was the assistant principal in charge of grades most likely directed by the principal" who made the grade changes.
That change in that French class kicked Villanueva off the top spot and the principal's niece over him.
So far, the BISD has refused to hand over the details of the grievance to media reps. Instead, they have asked the Texas Attorney General for an opinion on what they can release, which could take weeks or months.
But, as is usually the case, there is another version also making the rounds. This one says that Arizmendi erred in notating the grade for the girl as an 81 because she had another student with the same last name and transposed the 81 to her instead of to the other student. The second version says that when she noticed she had made the mistake, she was embarrassed and had to make the change. The version continues that to hide her embarrassment, she then claimed that someone else had forged her signature on the grade change form.

Where will this end? How about the local courts?
This is not BISD's first rodeo with scandals involving alleged grade changing.
In March 2012, Pace High School Principal Rose Longoria and her assistant Carla Gonzalez came under scrutiny after numerous witnesses said they were in the the room where the test answer booklets were kept and were seen hanging something on the answer sheets.
After a few days of trying to get a clear answer from the BISD about the incident, the district finally made a public comment.
It said it had inserted a "letter of concern" in Longoria's files as a result of their investigation and was forced to release a copy of the statements made of the incident by some 14 witnesses.
According to the rules of the Texas Education Agency only the testing coordinator at the school is allowed to have access to the exams to insure the integrity of the testing process. District spokesmen and the women vehemently denied that the two administrators were changing the grades on the 11th-grade exit exams but rather that they were correcting erroneous demographic information contained in the exams.
The district assured the media that what some reported as changing grades was actually an innocent move by Longoria and Gonzalez to correct the students' information on the face of the exam.
According to the dictionary, demographics relates to "the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc."
Could it be that Longoria caught a general error in the tests where students got their age, income, ethnicity, grade level, etc., wrong on the exams?
Curiously, of all the high schools in Brownsville, only Pace passed the state's 11th grade exit exams.
It said it had inserted a "letter of concern" in Longoria's files as a result of their investigation and was forced to release a copy of the statements made of the incident by some 14 witnesses.
According to the rules of the Texas Education Agency only the testing coordinator at the school is allowed to have access to the exams to insure the integrity of the testing process. District spokesmen and the women vehemently denied that the two administrators were changing the grades on the 11th-grade exit exams but rather that they were correcting erroneous demographic information contained in the exams.
The district assured the media that what some reported as changing grades was actually an innocent move by Longoria and Gonzalez to correct the students' information on the face of the exam.
According to the dictionary, demographics relates to "the statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc."
Could it be that Longoria caught a general error in the tests where students got their age, income, ethnicity, grade level, etc., wrong on the exams?
Curiously, of all the high schools in Brownsville, only Pace passed the state's 11th grade exit exams.
Just another element of social promotions in public education. The teachers can't teach, so they cheat. Teachers who can teach are so frustrated by the system, that they cheat. Administrators encourage cheating by setting an educational bar, but not supporting the teachers in achieving that bar. And, the kids don't care.....they are the benefactors of a social education system that puts numbers before education.
Someone should conduct an education Ed.D study on how often valedictorians are related to school employees. It happens a lot.
The more enlightened school districts are doing away with single- designated valedictorians and class ranking.
le metiste toda la piche a Boobie, Juan. LOL!!
The girl who got the grade changed tied Juan for number 2 in the sophomore class. There would be no way to transpose a grade. Averages are uploaded automatically by computer. Grades are hand entered but No one would be embarrassed by misentering a grade. Teachers enter thousands of grades a six weeks- it happens all the time.
Everybody, including TEA knows the corruption of these goons. Finding an honest attorney to prove it in court is the hard part.
Mr. Montoya,
First of all, it is absolutely terrible what happened at Rivera High School. Mr. Hernandez abused his authority and should be fired.
As far as the Pace situation which took place last year. There was an overwhelmingly amount of evidence against Rose Longoria. I posted a few comments from good inside sources. If I remember correctly, you did not believe she could have done such things. It seems to me now that you have changed your opinion.
A+ to Channel 4 Reporter! Excellent report and coverage.
Dr. Montoya when will you stand up for your District!!! For the new school year, law down the law firmly with all of your high-power Admins. They are a joke to the District in Brownsville. The principal will probably be moved to the Main Building, earn more, so that he can retire happy. The Main Building is filled with those cases. Its a running joke...".get in trouble, get a big office in the "glass palace."
I applaud the Parent for standing up and reporting this and not having fear. I hope the student gets an apology.
Changing grades is wrong but how about when a principal calls in every sp.ed. teacher into her office and basically scold them when a special needs student is failing.. The sp.ed. teacher turns around and goez to the reg. Ed teacher and asks them how the student can pass. Reg. Ed teachers advise that these students have given zero effort, after seeing the sp.ed. teachers almost in tears accepts passing the student. Isnt this the same as changing grades? These students are not top five but still need to give effort. The sp.ed teachers are not the parents of all these students they are only their sped case manager. Sped students have the right to fail. I have heard sped teachers are put in this situation every six weeks. Some even end up in hospital due to stress. Teachers are not parents to the 25 folder students. Principals are just concerned about their graduation percentage. No one deserves this stress. Dr. Montoya please train your principals over this practice that is hurting your teachers. God forbid a teacher voice this concern in person, can anyone say POOL, that is where they would end up. I know your hands are full with kata but this is also a concern. Look how many good sped teachers are quiting, pegging to teach other subjects or just accepting the rotten deal but end up stressing out.
BISD already did what they do best: The principal was moved to Lincoln Park. He will probably be forced to retire, end of story. I was present at RHS awards night and remember the principal said that there was a "tie" in second place ranking giving a lot of credit to the girl and minimizing the boy who she tied with. (He made a comment of praise to the girl). If you dig deep, there are many things that go on not only at Pace or Rivera but in all the other high schools. Employees keep quiet for fear of being without a job. These are tough times.
How many times has Hernandez been moved? He hasn't been moved because he was an awesome principal...maybe because of his outstanding ethics and moral values.
Hernandez will probably end up at transportation with a salary of 100k n doing absolutely nothing. On another note, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the rehiring of Dora Sauceda who was forced to resign from Dallas ISD for lying about moving expenses. These are the kind of people BISD hire to represent the district. Fing joke!!!
Rivera Principal Tim Snyder covered up sexual harassment at Rivera and a pornography ring. He was moved to the central administration Building. Tis happens all the time. Abuse of power.
What's the big deal? So what a grade got changed because of who someone knew. This is just a good life lesson of how the real world works for the students.
What has occurred at Rivera High School is sad. We know about this year's grade change but what about last year, apparently this girl was number one. Mr. Hernandez be a man and own up to what you did. What BISD will probably do is target the innocent who do the right thing instead of getting rid of the source (Hernandez and accomplices). It's a shame that teachers work so hard for our children to succeed but yet hold back on voicing concerns when wrong doing is being done for fear of retaliation which BISD is notorious for. BISD, for once prove to the community that you can do right and begin to rebuild your tarnished reputation!
Dr. Montoya when will you stand up for your District!!! You need to move every High school Principal and stop having favoritism.
Anonymous said...
A+ to Channel 4 Reporter! Excellent report and coverage.
Dr. Montoya when will you stand up for your District!!! For the new school year, law down the law firmly with all of your high-power Admins. They are a joke to the District in Brownsville. The principal will probably be moved to the Main Building, earn more, so that he can retire happy. The Main Building is filled with those cases. Its a running joke...".get in trouble, get a big office in the "glass palace."
Anonymous said...
Changing grades is wrong but how about when a principal calls in every sp.ed. teacher into her office and basically scold them when a special needs student is failing.. The sp.ed. teacher turns around and goez to the reg. Ed teacher and asks them how the student can pass. Reg. Ed teachers advise that these students have given zero effort, after seeing the sp.ed. teachers almost in tears accepts passing the student. Isnt this the same as changing grades? These students are not top five but still need to give effort. The sp.ed teachers are not the parents of all these students they are only their sped case manager. Sped students have the right to fail. I have heard sped teachers are put in this situation every six weeks. Some even end up in hospital due to stress. Teachers are not parents to the 25 folder students. Principals are just concerned about their graduation percentage. No one deserves this stress. Dr. Montoya please train your principals over this practice that is hurting your teachers. God forbid a teacher voice this concern in person, can anyone say POOL, that is where they would end up.
el otro anony dice......
Y que tal cuando a los mexicanos que not entienden ingles los ponen en el special ed.
Did you hear that they mexican nationals that do not speak english are put in the special ed classes, and this affects the grading.
Hanna teachers: Is everything going great at HHS? Your principal is the only one that has not been moved or re-assigned in the last 4 yrs. or does she have "palancas" in the "glass palace"?
To the poster that mentioned Dora Sauceda, only in BISD does this happen because she has a lot of "palancas" starting with BP. Had it been a regular employee that left to go work in another District and then gets lets go for FRAUD, BISD would never hire that regular employee back!
With the case of this Rivera Principal, yea, he will no longer be a Rivera, but he has enough "palancas" to put him as an Administrator for some Dept. earning $100K+
Dr. Montoya, enough is enough!!!
My concern is that tolerating this conduct by people in positions of trust and responsibility makes everyone lose. The child on whose behalf, it is alleged, a grade was changed has lost the opportunity to claim recognition for her own accomplishments, because of the doubt now created by people who did not truly consider her best interest, only their own selfish interests. The young person who otherwise would have placed first in his class has lost the brilliance of his accomplishment to the dark aspect of this very selfish and immature act. The entire student body loses because, instead of looking back at their experience in a positive way, this incident may overshadow it. Our community loses because all children who become aware of this conduct will know that the system they are in, is not fair; that the people they are supposed to look to for leadership, guidance and, protection are really not there for that purpose, but rather they there for other
purposes, which may be harmful to them.
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