I can't remember which comic used to say (someone remind me) that Republicans were prudes but that Democrats were lusty guys and gals.

Commissioner Rick Longoria, who prides himself in being the paragon of morality and righteousness was having a fine time last weekend downtown at Ben Neece's Half Moon in the company of an adoring constituent (right) while Commissioner Jessica Tetreau-Kalifa (left) was clowning it up with the Cheezemehnation darlings at the upscale Zocalo.

Coming on the heels of a patan in a red sedan making indecorous propositions to fair-haired Jess in squalid downtown Browntown and inviting her inside to see his sketches, a night with the girls was probably much more sublime.
Now that new commissioner Deborah Portillo – no lightweight party-hardy herself – city commission meetings might evolve into serious forays into the night wild life.
We understand that the last time Commissioner Jess spent her birthday with the Cheezmosos, the ambiance deteriorated into a near brawl and she swore she'd never celebrate her birthday with her. Well, a year is a long time and bad memories tend to fade. She looks happy enough.
As far as commissioner Longoria goes, well, a phrase like "Love you pendeja" is certainly vulgarly endearing to women, but might be misinterpreted now that it's an open secret that he might be considering running for the Justice of the Peace spot that just opened and is being contested by Mary Esther Garcia and Pete Avila.
Anyway, the women's vote is becoming ever important in city races and some gals might not take kindly to Rick's pedestrian cariƱitos to one of their sisters. Rick, you silver-tongued devil.
MONTOYA...RICK LONGORIA aparte de ser rata y pendejo que mal gusto tiene, y en traje de charro que tu, MONTOYA has publicado las fotos se ve como pendejo.cuidadanos de brownsville que pendejos somos en votar por este rata y pendejo,la TREATU O COMO SE ESCRIBA es buena comisionada,le gustan los chingasos pero de ahi no pasa.
According to Rick everyone is a Pendejo or Pendeja but him. To him he is the smartest, sexiest man alive. His jokes are funnier than yours and when he speaks the sea opens in half. Pelado vavoso no trae nada en el moral.
OMG Rick lavate la boca with soap.
Ease up Juan.....that constituent is his sister, Rosa. Not like you don't drink....
At least they are spending their own money and not trying to give away the taxpayers money and property.
I see three fake blondes in that picture. Y todas mas feas que mis huevos. I love you pendejas! Not.
I would like to see Jessica T. apply for a job at Wal-Mart. $100 says she won't get it because she has shit for brains. Heck, I even doubt she could land a job at a carwash if it wasn't owned by her husband.
She is an embarassment for Brownsville and probably for her children too. Pobres pendejitos.
Are municipal judges above the law? I have yet to visit his new place but at the Cresant Moon, Neece would turn the other way when his patrons would light up a joint. I guess the local smoking ban ordinance and federal laws against drugs do not apply to him and his establishments.
That is Rick and his sister in that picture.
"Morral", commissioners in parades, criticized, commissioners not in parades, criticized, what's a commissioner to do?
"Are municipal judges above the law? I have yet to visit his new place but at the Cresant Moon, Neece would turn the other way when his patrons would light up a joint. I guess the local smoking ban ordinance and federal laws against drugs do not apply to him and his establishments."
You sure Neece isn't the one lighting up the joint? You know his clothes are hemp? I think it's his emergency stash.
Corruption and pendejadas from the corrupted
Tetreau barely has a high school diploma. She never earned a degree yet tells everyone she has a degree in psychology.
Shouldn't she be kicked out for lying about her qualifications? She already lied about her residence and who knows what else she made up to get elected.
She lacks the education, professionalism, and common sense to be a leader. Her best virtue, loyalty, has proven to be her greatest weakness. She is 100% loyal to the Cheezmeh cult, who has risen and fallen and in the process taken her down with them.
OH GOD! That's his sister guys, get over it! All siblings have nicknames for each other.. I call mine Lame-o!
Maybe she should post This is my brother Rick Longoria El Commissioner PENDEJO
Maybe the pendejo syndrome runs in the family because Marco Longoria is also a pendejo. The biggest one I know.
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