Juan Montoya
Scant days after the revelation that United Brownsville mastermind Carlos Marin and Oscar Garcia Jr., a Brownsville Public Utility Board member and son of UTB President Julieta Garcia tried to put the squeeze on the Tenaska Energy company that has "partnered" with PUB and the City of Brownsville, sparks were flying in private parlors when Momma came to Junior's defense.

Apparently, Marin and Garcia though that the latter's Palo Verde Consulting firm should get a piece of the Tenaska consulting pie being how they had close ties to Da Mayor and his cadre of insiders. Marin is an adviser to (and creator of ) United Brownsville, Garcia, works for Marin's wife at Su Clinica Familiar as operations manager, has been mentioned as heir apparent to Charlie Cabler as the Brownsville city manager, or to replace John Bruciak as the manager of the PUB.

But, as we are told, the big boys at Tenaska wanted no part of it and felt that they were being strong-armed for the consulting buck simply because the purveyors had the family and political connections to the mayor. So they let Tony Da Mayor in no uncertain terms that they would pull stakes and take their ball home
if he did could not get the pair to cease and desist.

Push almost came to shove before the pair would relent and gave up chasing that bone. But we understand that the incident created a rift between Martinez and Marin. To have the duo almost derail his pet project was a bit much even for the likes of Martinez.
Now we hear that Mama Julieta was also miffed that her son would be given a regaƱada (dressing down) by the likes of Martinez. Why, how dare he? Que no sabe quien es Junior?
Anyhow, anyway, we understand that PUB members the likes of Henry Najera, Emmanuel Vasquez and others make it a point to hang out at Manny Najera's house and scheme the ways to maneuver the PUB and its customers to their political benefit.
We hear that the moves by these schemers so enraged Da Mayor that Najera's days are co9unbted on the PUB board. After all, it is Martinez that is now calling the shots in the city, and with a super majority now that Deborah Portillo is on board, his demise is a foregone conclusion.
That Kardenas Klan greed has rubbed off Juliet Garcia and her baby boy Lil' Oscar. Juliet wants to be Queen and watching the goings on around UTB and downtown is like seeing a cheap version of "Game of Thrones"....with incompetent people swing swords and wagging tongues to win the Cueto Bldg, Casa de Nylon, etc. Juliet is a disgrace and her groveling makes her more unlikeable.
Now the mayor is learning what many of us on the faculty have known for years. Do what she says and Queen Julietta is all sweetness and light. Dare to even say what does not fit her wishes and she will eat you alive. She will have her kid get all he wants or there will be hell to pay. Welcome to our world. She did the same for his bride back in 2003 when she wanted the boy to move back to town to join the private club of the elites. She still feathers the nest for her. When the layoffs came this year, all her favorites were protected and all her out of favorites were dumped, even some of us who were there for more than 25 years.
To the garcias, privilege is their entitlement.
How disappointing that Julietta Garcia turned out to be such a disappointment, and her short stubby son also. Que Triste!
Now you know the rest of the story. good day.
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