Forget about outgoing UT Brownsville President Juliet Garcia and her trusted sidekick Michael Putegnat negotiating on behalf of Texas Southmost College vis-a-vis the University of Texas System.
We all know what they tried to do.

Even though no one on the TSC side will divulge the specifics of the deals struck, we have been assured that not only will both institutions remain more or less on their present locations, but that the college district will maintain its physical integrity and get paid a just rent by the UT System, but that it will also pocket at least $26 million in real U.S. dollars.
Not only have the TSC trustees managed to save the college district from annihilation by the likes of Garcia and Putegnat, but they have also managed to get paid in real specie and slash tuition rates fort local students by at least $1,000 per semester.
As the man used to say in the old days before political correctness, not bad for a harelip.
The invitation asks those on the list to "a ceremony marking a unique collaborative effort in commemoration of the letter of intent for property exchanges and leases between both entities."
The ceremony is to be held Friday, 10 a.m., at the Texas Southmost College Arnulfo L. Oliveira Student Services Center, 80 Ft. Brown.
It took blood, sweat and tears and fighting the powers that be, but these trustees – four of who were on the board before – went to the mat for the community college and made sure its taxpayers and students got a better deal than the one that Garcia and her minions wanted to foist upon us.
Now not only do local students have affordable, accessible education at the community college level, but will also have the four-year university that the UT System should have provided on its own some 22 years ago.
Thank you, guys.
No doubt Julieta will give her husband Oscar a blowjob the night before this meeting with TSC...she knows that the TSC meeting will leave a foul taste in her mouth....and she must prepare. Looks like TSC will regain some of its loses caused by Julieta, but surely UT System will not pay back rent......
BISD lawyer chewed two female board members. Why are you not writing about it?
Montoya... can't believe you haven't bloged about the bisd board meeting.. WHY???? Pobre Suata opps Kata se le llego la hora!! Meeting was something else.
Let's see if UT actually pays its rent.
Employees at TSC are making almost half those at UTB in the same position. Obviously, only those who can't a job anywhere else will teach at TSC. Apparently quality of instruction is part of the price for a cheaper education at TSC.
It will be interesting to see if the TSC board decides to use the $26 million to retire bond debt and reduce taxes.
I am not a fan of Juliet Garcia, but I am questioning the quality of instruction the new TSC students will receive. TSC has gone to a "totally digital learning environment" where the instructs just open up the can, heat is up a little and serve it to the students. It require little actual knowledge of the subject matter. Throw into the mix, the fact that the majority of instruction will be done by Adjunct/Part time faculty and there are real questions about the quality of Education at the new reborn TSC. It will not be the TSC of old, but a whole new creature.
B.I.S.D. stands for Basically Ignorant and Seriously Disabled....and our BISD Trustees and officials seem to live up to that label daily. We don't just accept ignorance....we demand it. Ignorance means that people will continue to vote for Democrats.
Baltazar Salazar gave campaign money to Otis, so did Otis abstain when Baltazar was voted in?
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