for a long time it has been known that Cameron County Democratic Chairperson Sylvia Perez-Garza has been contemplating making a run for the County District Clerk's office Aurora De la Garza will vacate in 2014.

It has also been known for a while that County Clerk Joe Rivera was behind the candidacy of Eric Garza, the current Criminal Cases Administrator.

"The strategy was to split the women's vote and have Eric – his candidate – coast in for an easy victory," said a a court insider. "But he hadn't counted on the word of his support for Eric to get around that fast."
Now sources tell us that Perez-Garza is livid about the behind-the-scenes strategy that Rivera wanted to use to defeat her in the District Clerk race. The result?
It now appears that Rivera – who didn't have a Democratic opponent – will have the chairperson of the Democratic Party as an opponent.
"This is a turn of events Joe didn't expect," said our source. "Joe is in for the fight of his life as a result of what Sylvia found out."
Silvia should beat this sack of waste easily. Joe needs to be put out like yesterday's trash.
All the old Mafia should be out of the public tity....Aurora, Joe Rivera,...good riddance. Anyone but Joe.
This M/F has been in office way too long. He needs to be booted out. Although the other politiquera is not the answer. Pinche Brownsville.
None of this registers on my Give-A-Shit meter. If you are not crooked when you run for public office in Cameron Country, you soon will be if you win.
Arriba Silvia! Se va a chingar al panson.
Sylvia Perez has a County wide race under her belt. She is young with alot of energy and has a passion to serve the people of this County. I believe Joe Rivera has overstayed his welcome as County Clerk. He should know that it is time to retire. He says thatnhenhas unfinished business and needs another four years. That is ridiculous, Joe has demonstrated that he does not have the best INTREST of the people of this County. I hope that Sylvia does run against him. I am sure the people of this county will support change in that particular office.
Oh my God!! Can somebody honest run for a change? Sylvia would be a catastrophe, if she won the last race was because she was running against 2 Anglo men, but she is as crooked as they come, She is a Ernie Hernandez wannabe
There is nothing more pathetic than a prize fighter who does not know when to quit. They keep on stepping into the ring and fighting and eventually get handed the beating of their carrel and are embarrassed handedly. This is the outcome that awaits Joe Ricera I am afraid, but it is not his fault...many have traveled that same familiar road that he embarks on,....
Ha, Ha Ha, sylvia !! Seriously !! lol.. ha ha ha . thank you i needed a good laugh.. ha ha ha ha ha.....
Linda Salazar almost beat Joe Rivera twice, and that was when Joe was somewhat young and in good health. Sylvia is more of a go getter than Linda was. Sylvia will pounce on Joe, about time!
Anonymous said...
Oh my God!! Can somebody honest run for a change? Sylvia would be a catastrophe, if she won the last race was because she was running against 2 Anglo men, but she is as crooked as they come, She is a Ernie Hernandez wannabe
July 24, 2013 at 6:37 PM
Stop it Cindy Hinojosa, a person that is married to Gilberto should not throw stones. It is about time you get over Sylvia beating your candidate Jared Hockema. Move on Cindy...and exactly what is this "crooked" things you write about? There is nothing more sad than a sore loser. Good luck to Sylvia.
It should not shock anyone that Joe Rivera tryed to play Sylvia Perez for a fool by getting her to switch races, he has been doing the same thing for years. Joe thinks he is smarter than he is, he can't help himself meddeling in others affairs, if it is not him it is his evil right hand Letty Perez. Together they rein their eveil empire and God help whoever gets in their way. Where do sign up to get rid of these tyrants?
Ya vete Joe, no one wants you panson.
With the hint of more indictments coming in August for the political elite, we'll see how those change the landscape when it comes to any of the elections. There may be some surprises.
Pinche panza de aguacate, that bastard is at Janitorial level, lla mamaste vastante mother Fu...., time for you to get your big fat ass out of county politics.
Poor Joe, even wants the taxpayers to pay for his portrait at San Benito Annex like the fat ass Aurora. Off with their heads..
My vote will go to Eric Garza!
some years ago 1990 i believe there was a candidate named juan ortiz who ran against joe, crooked joe did many things to that ortiz lad even to the point of going to the tax law firm and got that ortiz guy fired from his job even though ortiz didnt have a chance becasue the odds were against hime, even old gilberto and juan magallnes were up to their no good tricks or trickery as chairs of the dumbocrata party and tried to get him disqualified, too bad ortiz took a check for the fees or otherwise if he had gotten signature im quite she he wouldnt have made it to the ballot, but now maybe the odds will be with sylvia since she is one of them and probably know many if not all the dirty tricks, these in office out of sight elected officials use to get reeleceted all the times. Gotta work it hard sylvia if you really want it. But we shall see. I think its time for the joe monster dude to go, maybe go back to selling shoes like he did when he came to brownsville from corpus in 1970-71, floreshem i beleive? good day and adios. dc
time to put out the trash at the courthouse, joe rivera, aurora de la cac, tony yzaguirre and many others , ya apestan todos.
Pura pus, vamos es tiemp de que ponga la basura en su lugar, yikes
Sylvia, it's got to be you praising and encouraging yourself, your writing is distinct. You are aggressive, loudmouth and a bully, I hope someone decent will run against you, ease people!! A good clean candidate with good intentions!! For the sake of our county
isnt joe rivera running for county judge? he always wanted that position? o no joe? maybe its time to move higher to the jugeship joe? da le gas joe you cna do it, dotn worry aou the haters joe.
cameron county does not wants any good clean candidates with good intentions no they want the trash, the filth etc, only the corrupt and stinky need apply we dont want any squeaky clean people here no way.
For the civil processor.......Eric the homo Garza is running in another race PENDEJO. You are an
i always thought or had heard that joe mother wanted to run for county judge, so what are you wanting for joe mother nows your chance you dont have gilberto to go up against dale gas joto
time for a change i say, joes outlasted his stay, y apesta guacho ya, good thing sylvia knows many of these cameron county dumbocrats guys dirty trickery so she has a good chance of disposing of this trasho ugly fat bastard. Adios joe time to start collection your county pension
juan what was that guy name that defeated joe and it was joes only time that he got defeated, wasnt it a guy named sheldon? think he was a looney tunes guy, not all there had a few screws loose, so there you have sylvia if a loco dude can beat joe i am sure you can beat him hands down or up. dale gas baby.
puro menudo ese joe rivera, he is huge and very big, esta gordo y grande y tambien cal gordo, joe time to retire dude
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