The Brownsville Herald has a nice article about a Jesuit priest who has done wonderful things to educate...needy students from Houston.

And although his son's story warms the cockles of our hearts, it's hard to get all excited about the accomplishments of the Rev. TJ Martinez in Houston and what he now is planning for Kenya (Africa) when the need is so overwhelming in his hometown on Brownsville.
So far, he has won many accolades from his order and a Houston magazine: a knighthood in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher from the pope, the Standard of Christ from the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, and being named one of the "New Influencers" in the city by Houston magazine Paper City.
Tony Martinez has not been shy about wearing his religious beliefs on his sleeve, going as far as being pictured on the local newspaper (again) taking communion just before being sworn in as mayor by TJ after his victory over well-known sinner Pat Ahumada.
And while we congratulate his son on his accomplishments for poor people elsewhere and wish him the best, we wonder whether the elder Martinez realizes that good intentions aren't enough to fulfill the expectations he raised when he ran under the slogan exhorting us to "Believe in Brownsville." Rampantly speculating in downtown real estate to the benefit of his friends, keeping the city commission and citizens in the dark on projects never placed before the public for its approval that have sent utility rates skyrocketing because he feels he knows better than the rest of us, and generally encumbering future generations with the debt to pay for all this doesn't seem like a godsend to most of us. Some of us in town now wish that he would please consider doing this onto others, and not us.
"The road to hell," said godless Karl Marx, "is paved with good intentions."
the mayor has good intentions but he is surrounded by a bunch of morons starting with evaristo from permits going all the way up specialy cabler furthermore they got rid of ben medina but instead they put in charge of all the grant money an inexperienced person grant writer come on how do you expect the city to progress
reply 2.54 comment. el alcalde tiene buenas intenciones pero necesita quitarse a todos los corruptos que trabajan con la cuidad.empezando con el gordete de CABLER,siguiendolo el tal LUNA,santana TORRES,EL VIEJO GONZALEZ DE FINANCE,Y TOS LOS QUE TIRAN HUEVA. PERO AHORITA QUE TIENE CONTROLADA LA COMMISION.SR.ALCALDE METALE HUEVOS Y ACABE CON TODOS ESTOS CORRUPTOS .
Evaristo Gamez is an unelected bureaucrat that holds too much sway in the city. The mayors come and go but this turd stays. His holier than thou view on building codes squashes innovation and growth. His fetish with the ICC building codes gives him power to approve or deny anyone's attempt at economic liberty. To have this unelected
bureaucrat hold sway over people's livelihood is a CRIME!!!! Down with the ICC building codes!!!!
thats what the city gets for hiring compadres, camaradas etc etc etc, no professional people there, even i fyou try to get a contract for these professional services they always hire some compadre etc etc , so folks dont complain you get what you pay for make your elected officials accountable. batman
So who is to blame for all this? We are as we dont demand change to the elected officials we put in office. year after year these things go unchanged.
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