Just three days before the announcement that the head Zeta 40, Miguel Angel Treviño Morales, had been captured by Mexican marines in a dirt back road between Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon in the early morning hours Monday, the U.S. Department of State had issued yet another travelers' advisory against travel in northern Mexico.

Media reports indicate that Morales and his fearsome Zeta groups are allegedly responsible for the mass murder and burial of some 256 Central American migrants in the San Fernando area, the arson of the Casino Royale in Monterrey August 25, 2011, that left 52 people dead, the jail break of 37 convicts and massacre of 44 during a jail break at the CERESO (prison) at Apodaca February 2012, and the execution of Jose Eduardo Moreira, son of the ex governor of Chihuahua and nephew of the current governor Ruben Moreira.
Television views who saw the coverage on Televisa last night were surprised to see Treviño and his two companions walking into the military's holding facilities alongside their military custodians without handcuffs.
Cartel experts are predicting a full-blown battle for control of the areas of influence of the Zetas now that Treviño is no longer in command. Many expect his brother – who like Zeta 40 was raised in the Dallas area – will try to take control of the lucrative drug routes and criminal enterprise activities within their sphere of influence.
The latest U.S. State Department travel advisory sates:
"Tamaulipas: Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, and Tampico are major cities/travel destinations in Tamaulipas. You should defer non-essential travel to the state of Tamaulipas. All USG employees are prohibited from personal travel on Tamaulipas highways outside of Matamoros and Nuevo Laredo due to the tenuous security situation.
In Matamoros, USG employees are subject to further movement restrictions between midnight and 6 a.m.
In February 2013, four masked and armed individuals attempted to kidnap a USG employee in Matamoros during daylight hours. All travelers should be aware of the risks posed by armed robbery and carjacking on state highways throughout Tamaulipas, particularly on highways and roads outside of urban areas along the northern border.
USG employees may not frequent casinos and adult entertainment establishments.
Matamoros, Reynosa, Nuevo Laredo, and Ciudad Victoria have experienced grenade attacks in the past year, as well as numerous reported gun battles.
Matamoros, Reynosa, Nuevo Laredo, and Ciudad Victoria have experienced grenade attacks in the past year, as well as numerous reported gun battles.
Nuevo Laredo has seen a marked increase in the number of murders, carjackings, and robberies in the past year. For example, the numbers of murders are up 92.5 percent over last year.
These crimes occur in all parts of the city at all times of the day.
The kidnapping rate for Tamaulipas, the highest for all states in Mexico, more than doubled in the past year.

Traveling outside of cities after dark is particularly dangerous. While no highway routes through Tamaulipas are considered safe, many of the crimes reported to the U.S. Consulate General in Matamoros have taken place along the Matamoros-Tampico highway."
Como dijo el Gobernador Eugenio Hernández a la prensa local, “Aqui nopasa nada. Gran parte de la psicosis ha sido generada por rumores infundados. Quiero hacer un llamado a la población para que no se haga caso de rumores ni de información divulgada por las redes sociales de Internet, porque han hecho mucho daño en Tamaulipas.”
Entonces, en Matamoros no secuestran, extorsionan, asaltan, no cobran piso, no descuartizan, no trafican? No "pos con madre!
bola de pendejos primero vengan a vivir aca a mexico antes de opinar
Para el Mega Pendejo de July 16, 2013 at 2:52 PM:
http://www.borderlandbeat.com/ in English
http://www.tierradelnarco.com/ en Español
http://www.historiasdelnarco.com/ en Español
Y para que sepas, soy de Matamoros, apoco no voy a saber lo que pasa en mi propio patio?
Que hombre... mata a 1000s, pero cuando se le acercan los verdes se mete en la concha. Z40 un cobarde.. no trato de retirase o escapar.. un piedo.. a su gents le exsije que salgan al frente por un pago de perros.. nomas se ponen de pechito y el atras gon millonez.. pos a hor y se le cargo su chin m.....no que muy hombre.. un mata inocentes.. el gobierno mexicano lo puso.. si Los Estados Unidos Americanos entran van a caer governadores.. y hasta el mata esposas piNa neto...es una mafia muy grande.. li pescaro. Con 2 millones si tu... traia 5 se perdieron lis otros 3.. que entre los americanos y se compobe en un aNo. Limpia.. asi podemos if a mexico otra vez como antes.. ya no maten gente inocente.. los grandes contra lis grandes.. el Omar Z42 no va a durar.. el chapo viene con todo.. pinche gobierno mexicano corupto y americano son mamones si en Iraq se meten por petroilio pero aca en Mexico que estan acabando con lo bello de Mexico.. muertes de miles y raptos y torturas no se meten.. yo fui soldado en el U.S.A. y me apunto a ir a buscar y limpiar con todos estos lacras.. Mario, Z42, el kelin, arellanos, el montez, Ariaga, y hasta el chapo...caiga el que caiga.. son ninas no se topan... nomas con gente desarmada.. come on USA.. clean it up... Mexico deserves better. .. yo voy...give me my old R15, I sti have my old bdu' .. who else signs up....
Para 5:31pm.. como vez que el quarenta no se defendio.. ni un disparo el piedo.. comprate una 22 y lis haces correr compa.. nomas se meten a los que se dejan.. a los que se defienden les sacan la vuelta oh les buscan la espalda.. much gente no sabe li que esta pasando... se voltellan al otro lado para no saber.. le sacan a la verdad.. ya no van ni a Garcias por miedo pero sin saber que los z's ya estan aqa y vienen a hacer su mugrero aca.. pero aqui se la van a pe---... aqui se tenrmos con que querer los.. gente si saben de Zetas aqui o alla hablen rapido a la policia.. son ninas se entregan.. CDG no mas cobrar piso.. no levantones.. no sequestros oh si ni siguez tu pelon.. con Todo contra 42...
so if you are not afriad then go visit Mexico adios,
Ay Pepe... yo si voy.. tu vas?? Yo voy hasta la playa bagdad. Voy hasta Victoria, tampico, y demas ranchos. That is why I know how these zetaz attack only the innocent. People who work in ranches anx have no wespons. They rape you g girls and behead all others from children to old folks. You idiot peputo challenge me to ho cuz Im not affraid, u are wrong again. I am affraid but fear is good In times of survival. Cuz I know how to survive is the reason why I would go with any assigned military unit and put those cowards in their place. I hate what they do and how they take advantage of the people. I'm sure we could go find our USA marine and bring him back to his family. It would not be hard. It would be dangerous but not hard. The first "alcon" o "estaca" that we find would take us to the marine. Poor people from Laredo fear to express how they feel about 40, I will help them out,,,, miguel angel trevino morales chin-- mucho a tu pin--e madre. Pin. Maton cobarde.. te hubieras matado como tu garrote lazca que de perdido se enfrento y quedo abatido. So mr peputto de pacas u don't have a clue what you are saying. I'm going across this Friday if u want to go just blog that u want to go..I'll take u to envidias for a good time.. tu dices.
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