We believe that the sign in this post is located on the US 77-83 frontage road approaching the intersection of McDavitt
leading to the Gladys Porter Zoo.
We're sure that one wouldn't have to go too far to find signs with misplaced possessives mistaken for plurals, or, in this case, the name of a person being turned into a possessive.
The shame of it is that the signs on the frontage roads are placed there by State of Texas crews with the Texas Dept. of Transportation. One could probably overlook municipal and nominally bilingual county Public Works crews messing up like this, but a state crew with its well-paid supervisors?
We remember when the Brownsville Herald would run a photo feature of misspelled signs around town, but that was a personal mania of Bill Salter, the city editor at the time. It might be time to dust off that section of the paper again.
Don't you think so, Glady?
You have signs like this in places where students are socially promoted and then hired by the city. Brownsville officials don't seem to ever check anything, so as Forrest Gump said "Shit Happens". At least we have signs....twenty years ago the Brownsville City Engineering office assumed that "everyone knew" and there was no need for signs....even from the BRO Airport to SPI....."people know" is a great excuse for inefficiency.
Just a simple reflection of Brownsville. Need to keep all words at 4 letters....gives our high school grads and BISD staff and faculty a better chance of pronouncing it and spelling it.
No seas mamon Juan......No one is perfect. Look in the mirror from time to time.
why you crying juan?
Remember Charles St. and Francis St., that got changed to St. Charles and St. Francis streets by a sign painter in Matamoros? Probably some descendent of that sign painter in Matamoros did Glady's Porter Zoo.
Sign contracts should go to native speakers of English who did not graduate from a BISD school.
Must have been placed by a TSC graduate.
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