In the end, former District 404th District Judge got off easy.
After having granted a motion to allow a convicted killer to walk out of the courthouse and disappear and by his own admission getting a kickback from it, subverting the concept of equal justice by taking bribes to issue favorable rulings, and demanding money to make rulings that allowed domestic and child abusers for money, Abel Limas will spend only 72 months in a protected federal facility for having cooperated with federal officials once he "saw the writing on the wall."
He was also ordered by federal judge Andrew Hanen to pay millions in restitution to some of those hurt by his rulings.

Like Amit Livingston, he will be allowed to remain free until he's been ordered to report to a federal prison.
All told, he was charged by federal prosecutors with taking more than $250,000 in bribes while he sat on the bench.
Emma reported that de Leon was not satisfied with the outcome, saying that Limas' corruption had started way before he joined with former state representative Jim Solis, Austin Attorney Marc Rosenthal, former DA Armando Villalobos, and a gaggle of local attorneys to subvert the law for money. Many of those lawyers had held themselves as the pillars of rectitude an morality even after their roles in the corruption and racketeering were aired in federal court. They knew Limas was susceptible to bribes and did it. Those paragons of justice still work among us plying their wares.
"His court was a sham," De Leon said.
"Judge Limas had been denying victims justice before then," De Leon said, noting that many decisions took place in closed chambers.
Judge Hanen asked de Leon if Limas encouraged corruption? "They encouraged graft," she answered.
Judge Hanen asked de Leon if Limas encouraged corruption? "They encouraged graft," she answered.
At least for now, however, the case in federal court is over. Still lingering are the appeals by Villalobos and Rosenthal, but for now the Cameron County judiciary seems to be off the hook.
And still out there, somewhere, are at least two murder suspects that are walking free and countless other former defendants who got off scott free because local lawyers in the know knew that justice for sale in Limas' court.
Nombre, le vieranetido toda la verga. If it would have been a regular citizen we would have already been in the chair awaiting death...even the federal level sucks balls!
Wow!!! That means Mandito is looking at some serious time! You figure that Limas got 6 years, and that was from testifying for the government. Then, Mandito will get the shaft since he did not "blab" about the other crooks in Cameron County or testify against his cousin, Eddie Lucio. I wonder if the government would have gone through a "dog and pony" show to get info out of Eddie Lucio? Anyway, Mandito its coming! You deserve it you backstabbing crooked motherfucker!!!
Al pobre de Conrado Cantu, 20+ years. This piece of shyt gets away with a few years in Club Fed. SMH!
This is the way the Feds operation. The more you sing, the less time you get. Limas snitched on everybody in the courthouse and this is his payment.
Six years to serve will be enough to break Limas and turn him into jelly.
Villalobos and Rosenwhatever, can expect much worse. You help the Feds you get something back. You fight the Feds and they stick it to you.
Juan, you don't get off "scotch" free; it's "scott free."
Let's hope the feds are still investigating Aurora de la Garza. Limas and others could not have carried out all their corruption without assistance from her office. When her baby Joey was charged with fraud, the attorneys and judges circled the wagons to bail her asshole son out....that cover up included the Sheriff, Villalobos and Limas.....all for their love of Aurora....or all to protect their corruption activities.
Todos se tapan con la misma cobija por que sí alguno la
Destapa salpica mierda por todas partes no valen más que puritita verga. Y me quedo corto,
Anon 2:01.
Maybe Juan gets off on free "scotch." Who knows. I know I do.
El limas le dieron un chingaso pa que hablara y viente pa que se csllara... se avento todo el abc en ingles and continued naming more so he used mecican alphabet. .. ch..n' ... ll.. bien oje eel flonque
Who is a bigger whore here? Limas or the Federal government who used Limas as a star witness to bring down other corrupt lawyers. Judge Hanen could have sent a message to all crooked lawyers. Instead he became part of the problem. He let a crook off lightly. SHAME ON YOU JUDGE HANEN.
I can't believe they only gave this cat 6 years. He deserved to get life for letting murderers go free.
Without the cooperation of Limas, et al, there's a good chance all these "crooks" go free. Bartering in exchange for damning testimony is the most effective tool prosecutors have, has been in practice since the beginning of time, and is often "honored" by judges because they know without the cooperation, conviction may not have been gotten otherwise. If you think Limas got less than a "life sentence," think again. His life as he knew it, especially at his age, is over. The toughest sentence he could have gotten is to return to society six years from now with restitution hanging over his head and having to work menial jobs just to eat at an age when many are retiring. Yes, he did bring this on himself, but it's a sentence more severe than most can comprehend.
hey pendejito former marrano! for all we know you were probably a former corrupt city officer bitch!
uy uy uy YA LLEGARON LOS FEDERALESal bote todos los corruptos.
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