The indictment, returned under seal August 13, 2013, was unsealed today following her arrest by federal authorities in Fort Worth. Solis, formerly of Brownsville, (made) her initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeffrey L. Cureton in Fort Worth and is expected to be ordered to Brownsville in the near future.
The indictment alleges Solis was a resident of Brownsville during the 2012 runoff election. At that time, she allegedly cast five votes by absentee ballot in the names of five different individuals.
If convicted, Solis faces a possible federal prison sentence of up to five years and could be ordered to pay a maximum $10,000 fine.
This case was investigated by the FBI and is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Bill Hagen.
An indictment is a formal accusation of criminal conduct, not evidence. A defendant is presumed innocent unless convicted through due process of law.
By Juan Montoya
El Rrun-Rrun
(September 8, 2012)
(September 8, 2012)
The apartment complex off Paredes Line Road on Shidler Drive has seen its better days.
The manager of the half block of two-story brick buildings says they are not apartments, but rather owner-owned "condominiums."
The parking lot sports more than a few large potholes that must be navigated by motorists to prevent damage to their cars. The grass is unkempt. A swimming pool – once the center of social activity – lies empty behind locked wrought-iron gates.
"These units have the bedroom at the top of the stairs," said the manager. "There's a kitchen and a small living room downstairs. You can't have too many people inside at one time."
Yet, from one of these efficiency "condominiums," five mail-in votes were cast in the runoff July 31. The names of the voters does not appear in the door or mail box of the units. And the manager says he does not remember five people living at the unit in addition to a young tenant and his father who now are the only ones to occupy the dwelling. The kicker is that the person who cast those votes listed the reason they were casting mail-in ballots was because they were "disabled."
"There's no way seven people can live in one of those units," he said. "As far as I know, that many people have never lived there. How can you be disabled and still climb the stairs to the bedroom?"
And yet, a statistical analysis of the mail-in votes cast in that runoff election indicate that they made up part of the total cast in that voting precinct in favor of JP 2-2 Erin Hernandez Garcia in her race against Yolanda Begum. And the name of the woman on the mailed envelopes is none other than a well-known politiquera allied with the Hernandezes.
But how could it be that the mail-in votes could have been cast from that unit?
"They were," said Mary Helen Flores, an anti-voting fraud activist with Citizens Against Voter Abuse (CAVA). "We have gone to knock on the door at least three times and the current tenant said that the voters no longer live there. At first he said that they had gone on vacation and would be back later. When we asked when, he said that they would be gone for months."
However, the tenant also told other people – including the manager of the complex – that the people listed as voting from his unit's address had left the apartment at least four months ago. That raises yet another question. If they left the apartment four months ago, how is it that they could have applied for the mail-in ballots from the Brownsville address. And the killer, of course. How could they have voted by mail from that address if they had been gone for two months after the July 31 runoff?
Could it be that someone had applied and received the mail-in ballots, filled them out an returned them, without their consent or knowledge? Did someone have their cards?
"Those people have never lived there," Flores said.
MONTOYA. tenia que pasar ya es demasiado descaro que se use este metodo de ACARREAR jente para votar,y regalar POLLO a los adultos para que voten por los o las politiqueras les indiquen.como ven tenian que entrar los federales para agarrar a alguien a ahora esta muchacha a cantar y echar de cabesa a los o las actores intelectuales,y ya que terminen con este PEDITO de los votos que investiguen los contratos que se dan amanados por funcionarios de la cuidad de browsville y condado,ahi hay mucha 'CACA'Y MUCHA RATERIA.
Democrats, whom you support, say there is no voter fraud so we don't need to worry about it. Why are you spreading lies?
ay juan say it aint so, how did she managed to vote 5 times? Y el cris davies on tv last night sayign it shouldnt had happen, well MR CRIS WAKE UP DUDE, it is and has happen before, and probably will it happen again in the future only time will tell and its on your watch loco. So put some more safe guards on the dumbocrata party cuz those are the ones that use all these politiquera/os. right???? cool
The feds need to look at the slate of 4 who ran for BISD trustees, Minerva,,Jose ,Hector,Otis,Butch. They were being taken around town and shown off by a lawyer who tends to win all lawsuits against BISD (conflict of interest). Joey Gaza (the politiquero) never left Chirinos side. Escobedo threw out legitimate votes in order to give the election to Chirinos during the Re-count. Joe Rivera was walking around the BISD Board room proud that his boys had won and all his dirty work had paid off. That re-count was a big farce and an abuse of power. How about all the deals they are making between school districts. Multi million dollars are being spent on antiquated equipment in order to fill the coffers of the Escobedo brothers. Abuse,Abuse and more abuse.
Why didn't they take Herminia, the Sheriff, Deputy Valerio and others involved in voter fraud. They are all in that crap. Thats why ex Police Chief of Laredo Alvaro Guerra works there too. Brought influence over all politicians. Omar Lucio should be up in Corpus also he is also involved with Limas. Put them all away so that this county can start electing clean candidates...
Absentee voting, no ID required. I don't think the new voter ID law would have mattered in this case.
This is news in Cameron County? So, what else is new?
The news is that they are getting arrested and charged for stealing votes!
Al bote toda la bolita de Democratas, why dont they start with all the elected officals in office already, they all have used system for decades, ask joe rivera, gilberto hinojosa, tony yzaguirrre, aurora de la caca etc. they know how it works and the ins and outs, sk
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