Thursday, August 29, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Wherever playing people congregate to watch a sporting event – even at local bingos – there is always some side action going on.
People bet on just about everything. Will the Astros score a run now that there's two men on base and their cleanup hitter is coming on? Will the Cowboys score with 15 seconds to go and the ball on the five-yard line?
The possibilities, as the man likes to say, are endless. It's not just the big pot on whether the Pokes win or lose the game. It could also be the margin of the win-loss, handicapped points, points by the quarter, etc.
The same goes for church bingos. For years, players among the faithful at St, Joseph Catholic Church and at the Knights of Columbus had side bets (caballitos) on the order the numbers appeared on the big board as a side bet.
No more say the Catholic Bigwigs.
You can play bingo here, but we don't allow any other action going on, they said.
So now parishioners at St. Joseph and at the KofC are under watch by an enforcer named "Felo," who has been appointed to keep an eagle-eye on the players to prevent and side bets while they play bingo.
Who knows, maybe they feel that they have a monopoly and only their action is permitted there.
Nonetheless, this Felo has taken it upon himself to ask people who are talking together whether they are playing a side bet and if he thinks they are, snitches to the bingo game operator or the priest and even has helped to remove them bodily from the premises. He has even threatened to report them to the police. And don't even think of having a side raffle, as many people do. That's a no-no, too.
This is not sitting well with the bingo-playing public. The majority are note well-to-do. In fact, most of the players are elderly on a limited income who look at these side bets as an opportunity to invest a buck in the hopes that they can take home some money in case they don't win at bingo.
In an email to this blog, they are hoping that the bingo managers reel in Felo so he can stop snooping and harassing people at these games. After all, if they don't attend the bingos, where will the church and KofC get their money?
Will the Catholic Bigwigs listen?


Anonymous said...

Greediness at its highest, if they don't get a cut out of those bets they make them unsacred

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how Luigi could screw it up more than Yesenia Patino but he is finding a way and their mentor is non other than Sylvia Perez herself. Yesenia, Sylvia, Luigi and Sergio Martinez are a bunch of self centered, power hungry people that find ways to take free money from the public. They are still not a non profit 501C and they still haven't given one cent back to the community. I wonder how they will get sponsors this year if the only good credible people they had are gone. They are bunch of dumbasses.

Anonymous said...

(Nonetheless, this Felo has taken it upon himself)

About the only Felo I know of (he's a Knight and his parish is St. Joseph), is about 85 years old. And for a Mexican, that is OOOOLLLDDD.
