Wednesday, August 28, 2013


By Juan Montoya
By all accounts, the arraignment of accused serial mail-in abuse voter Sonia Leticia Solis was a ho-hum affair.
She and her attorney Rey Cantu pleaded not guilty, the bond was set, and everyone went on their merry way.
But the real story lurks just beneath the miasma of nonchalance and perfunctory attention to due process. The ugly head of entrenched corruption of the electoral process by ambitious politicians paying brazen abusers of the voting rights of the elderly, mentally impaired, illiterate to gain and remain in elective office.
These tendrils of corruption and deceit were not apparent in the pleading of Solis on Wednesday. In fact, they will only become evident as prosecutors with the U.S. Attorney's Office and the Texas Attorney General's Office began to peel back the layers of concealment that has protected the perpetrators of these purchased votes that have made a mockery of the democratic process and have imposed upon South Texas a distorted view of what the democratic process really is.
It isn't a vote for a tray of sweet bread during early voting; it isn't a half-dozen tamales in return for an open and signed mail-in ballot; a vote in return for a promise of a BBQ chicken plate; etc.,
It also isn't a blank mail-in ballot for a rise to the store, a good word to the sheriff for favored treatment for your incarcerated son, a justice of the peace to dismiss a traffic ticket, etc.
It has gotten to be so bad that any candidate that didn't figure the bought mail-in vote in the election equation knew he couldn't win because they would determine the outcome of any election in south Cameron County. As a result, politicians like Ernie Hernandez and his fixer wife Norma felt entitled to a position on the public dole. Anyone who dared to question their entitlement to the public through became a life-and-death enemy to their interests. With their Ponzi pyramid scheme of politiqueras and capos, they felt they could just about crown any candidate they wished.
In their daughter Erin's election, it became personal if anyone expressed even indifferent support for any other candidate.
"You know how mothers are," Ernie told a county worker after Norma hit up on him when she appeared at the Dancy Building seeking financial support.
But it was precisely this desperation to place their daughter in office that made them reveal their hand so blatantly and out in the open.
All this will be peeled back, layer by layer, and will reveal that the pretty peacock politicians indeed have muddy, scum-stained feet and talons with which they keep their stranglehold on the levers of power and patronage. The best is yet to come.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, we cannot expect local officials to take this case seriously....because this is the corruption that gets them elected. We can't expect the DA, Luis Saenz, or any judges to be impartial....they are all part of or benefit from this election fraud and corruption. We can only wonder how many others voted more than once in elections. Remember, Cameron County doesn't just accept corruption, Cameron County voters demand corruption in the judicial and electoral system.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for speaking the truth

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ya se calentaron los federales,ahi viene el chingaso para todos los corruptos que usaron POLITIQUERAS,se les va a caer el teatrito.

Anonymous said...

It takes the Feds at folks from Austin to tackle corruption here in Cameron County. The local political, legal and judicial system is corrupt to the core and unable to clean it's own house. Nobody elected to public office is free from the taint and stench of corruption. They all swim in the cesspool that is Cameron County politics. There is nobody to blame, but the voters who tolerate this very visible secret. They get the government they want, and it appears they want corruption and dishonesty.

don cleto said...

juan Unfortunately i agree with 5.41 pm local elected officials use the same blanket (covija) to get themselves elected so they sure are NOT going to take this matter seriously since it can hurt them in the future. I for one would like for county clerk joe rivera Aurorita, gilberto hinosa, tony yzaguiree jr, to be asked to testify since they has been here for over 20-30 years and ask them abou this politiquera/os system, i am quite sure they all are well informed of this network of voter taliban that has been in place sine the early 1970's. good day dc.

Anonymous said...

to 11:56 Why don't you run for office?

Anonymous said...

I don't run for office for the same reason I don't swim in a septic tank.

Anonymous said...

Say whatever happened to the Raul Salazar cover-up? Let's not downplay his part in this corruption theatre! The drama, the drama, the drama!

Anonymous said...

Politiqueras have been a part of the game since politics have existed. There are the poor ones like Herminia who are tagged as illegal and unethical and then you have others who are reported on campaign finance reports (like Begum's) as "phone bankers" or "campaign assistants." Same shit. Both do the same job except it's only illegal for the candidate who husteled more and won. It is never illegal for the one who lost because they lost anyway. What I'm trying to say is that people are making a stink about this because Erin won, not because she used them because her opponenets used them too and nobody is going after them.

Anonymous said...

Politiqueras/os are the prostitutes, candidates are the "John's." It's long past the time to arrest those who purchase their jollies.

Anonymous said...

There's a vast difference between being a politiquero (vote stealer) and being a campaign worker doing block walking or phone banking. But I guess you wouldn't know anything about how a legal campaign works...right Erin?
