Wednesday, August 28, 2013


By Juan Montoya
You gotta hand it to Mayor Tony Martinez and City Manager Charlie Cabler.
If anything, they are loyal to those loyal to them.
Never mind that Brownsville Fire Chief Lenny Perez has shown himself to be a vainglorious, petty and back-stabbing bureaucracy survivor. Never mind that current and former firefighters have testified before the city commission that they don't respect or trust him as a leader. Never mind that he has shown more than once
that he is not above stealing the plaudits of valor he never earned.
Lenny, who will do as the administration bids, is their boy.
He has always been the consummate Brownsville bureaucracy survivor. He know just what buttons to push and his unerring sense of tells him just where to put his nose and kiss up to the brass. He's their kind of guy.
But those who know Lenny up close and personal know he's a vindictive, vicious little man who has clawed up his way to the top of the fire ladder stepping on those he can, and discarding the principles that make a fire department a band of brothers. Lenny has none.
We have, in the past, outlined our complaints – as did the firefighters union Tuesday before the city commission – of his foibles and vanity. They are the stuff of squalor and backbiting associated with little people stealing the spotlight from the people who actually perform the deeds.
Thirteen years ago, after the collapse of the Queen Isabella causeway, and when plaudits rained down upon the firefighters and EMS personnel who rescued the victims from the drink below, Perez proudly received recognition in the form of a congressional resolution from then-U.S. Congressman Solomon Ortiz for his personnel and other entities for the gallant rescue of the victims.
Perez accepted the congressional resolution for the firefighters and EMS personnel but failed to mention to the assembled crowd that they hadn't been notified of the impending ceremony and he unilaterally decided to accept it in public on their behalf.
Partly as a result of the media coverage, Perez was elevated from interim chief and selected from among four others to head the BFD.
"He said that if they recognized one or two the rest of the firefighters would be resentful so he decided to receive the recognition himself," said a firefighter who was at the rescue scene. "They claimed they couldn't locate them, when in fact some of them were on duty at the time."
In fact, one of them was given the resolution in his name when he came back to the station after having applied life-saving techniques to an elderly victim of a massive cardiac arrest.
"My supervisor just handed it to me in the hallway and said that Lenny had accepted it on my behalf," said the hero. "He knew exactly where I was because he assigned me there so I wouldn't be able to receive the award."
That same firefigher and paramedic left the BFD and worked in Kosovo and elsewhere and when he returned to Brownsville, Perez refused to rehire him even though he had rehired others who left on bad terms.
This is the same Loony Lenny who never advised the rank and file firefighters and EMS personnel about a ceremony to honor their brothers who fell in the line of duty. But Lenny did make it in time to get a photo taken with Police Chief Orlando Rodriguez and Cheezmeh poster girl Linda Dragustinovis. Ah, the perks of leadership!
You remember Lenny. He's the same Lenny that allowed his underlings to send Station 6 personnel and fire trucks to Vela Intermediate for a Fire Prevention Week presentation only to have a fire break out in an apartment in nearby Coffeeport (now on the stretch renamed Jaime Zapata) that led to the death of a child.
Since the crews were making a presentation at Vela, the fire crew from the station on Old Alice Road had to be sent there, only to arrive too late to prevent the fatality. That resulted in a lawsuit being filed against the city and a settlement paid to the family.
Then there was the occasion where Perez issued an indefinite leave of absence as a disciplinary action to firefighter Marco Longoria after he refused to submit to having a drug test performed on him by an authoritative clinic technician but had it performed at another site by certified personnel that same day.
Lenny took umbrage at Longoria and issued the edict. After costing the city thousands to defend his actions, a panel ruled against the city and Longoria was given his job back and stayed with the department until he retired earlier this year.
Lenny took that to Ric Navarro – the city's Harlingen contract attorney making a mint off mediation – and lost. Navarro smiled all the way to the bank, and still is.
Then there was the case of the pet dog adopted by the firefighters at Station 6 that caused Perez to go ballistic, and he personally went to the station to take custody of the offensive pooch. Even though there was a whole station crew there, Perez singled out members of the union and sought to write them up for the incident.
He lost that one, too.
The latest foible wasn't the one that involved Juan Pablo Casanova, who died after suffering a heart attack at the fire station. Lenny backpedaled from his earlier statements that he would deny his widow compensation and called on his buddy in Austin to cover his back. Everyone else knows what he said and that he only changed his tune when the heat got unbearable. But what would he know about heat? Local firefighters know Perez and the number of fires he has under his belt can be counted on one hand.
But if Cabler and Martinez are willing to overlook those as personal quirks, how about Lenny's recommendation that the city hire a firm to teach a basic paramedic course to 15 firefighters at a cost of $67,000 that turned out not to be certified by the state to teach it? Fifteen firefighters are out of four months of training with nothing to show for it and the city $67,000. The publiccannot count on 15 firefighters to provide their life-saving services.
Just what is the city's threshold on incompetence by this man? Or do they even care as long as he does what he is told?


Anonymous said...

Lenny could make a lot more money by being the stand-in for Guillermo on the Jimmy Kimmel Show on late night TV. Lenny, not only looks like Guillermo's twin, Lenny is just as goofy and willing to look stupid in public.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the water or . . . Aside from grandstanding Lenny, there's always the example of "Peewee" Rodriguez. Today's on-line Herald reports on the Martin Luther King speech that Peewee admits that he "did not know he would be witnessing history when he participated in the March on Washington for Jobs in 1963."

What a dumbshit. Really? Just what made you so stupid,Peewee?

don cleto said...

juan, mr. lenny es mamon y ass kisser thats why he is where he is today and he will not be removed no matter what, right lenny? dc

Joaquin said...

I can't believe the causeway accident was 13 years ago. It seems like yesterday.

I find your criticism of Perez very fair except for accusing him of being responsible for the death of a child in the apartment fire. That's as silly as the commercial blaming Romney for some guy getting cancer. It's a stretch. Perez can't see into the future and had no way to know a fire would break out at the time a presentation at a school was going on. These presentations go on in schools all the time and using the lawsuit and subsequent settlement as "proof" of wrong doing is dishonest, at best. It would have cost the city way more to fight the lawsuit so they settled.

Anonymous said...

Other firefighters had to cover for the 15 firefighters who attended this non certified training. So all the overtime paid to those other firefighters should be added to the wasted $67,000.00.

The Pissed Off Conservative said...

Montoya, the loyalty Cabler and Martinez are showing is simply a bid to keep a man quiet. He must know something that might put these two (or maybe even more people) in one hell of a pickle. A person who would cost en entity THAT much money and STILL be hired must have one hell of a secret to tell if he doesn't get his way.

But then again this is the Valley, where the good ole boy system still runs rampant all over and incompetence is rewarded instead of being reprimanded.

Anonymous said...

So what else is new in he "balley". Here it only "planca" that matters.

Anonymous said...

Its funny they bring up Jokerson in this again, saying how he left to go work in Kosovo. He didnt leave he quit, but when he found out after a very short time that he couldnt hack it there he came crawling back with his tail between his legs begging for his job back. Don't know of many places that let you quit to make a quick buck and come right back no questions asked. If he is so concerned of the wrong doing there let's talk about his wrong doings of his comany inside our city. I believe it's a city ordinance for private services to do transfers yet he sneaks in daily taking money from the city. Not only those but his co-owner Elizondo would hold transfers and let them back up putting a damper on the 911 system altogether when he was EMS supervisor so he could call in his ambulances to take those backed up transfers bypassing the mutual aid agreements of the surrounding cities. The so called Firefighter Union doesnt have as much unity as they try to portray in the public eye. There are over 180 members in this department and since the unions main focus has steered away from helping firefighters and more towards political mischief many members have dropped bringing the union total to around 50 members. With more planning to drop because of the bullying and name calling and childish ways of the representatives in charge. I would like to see the final petition after it is submitted because I wouldnt put it past these guys to forge those of our signatures whom refused to sign. You guys need to grow up or get out, it seems you forgot the real reason we are here. "To save lives and protect property".

Anonymous said...

Re-call re-call re-call re-call re-call!

Anonymous said...

felicidades al los senores GEORGE LERMA Y CARLOS ELIZONDO.porque tuvieron la valentia de denunciar lo incompetente de el PENDEJO de lenny LERMA Y SR ELIZONDO no le hagan confiansa al marrano de cabler [MUCHO CUIDADO].ahora SR.ALCALDE Y COMISIONADOS [excepto el punetas,raton,ladron,corrupto,y vale madre y se me olvidaba cinico de RICK LONGORIA]por favor es hora de actuar y corran A ESTE PAR DE PENDEJOS[LENNY PEREZ Y EL PENDEJETE Y LADRON DE CHARLIE CABLER]YA BASTA DE TANTAS RATERIAS.

Anonymous said...

Coward why dont you post comments from both sides....

Anonymous said...

What role exactly did Lenny play at the causeway collapse? I don't recall him in any command role. As I remember, one of the volunteer chiefs was a major part of the unified command at the command center.

Anonymous said...

(why dont you post comments from)

Probly because he owns the blog, BITCH!

Anonymous said...

(owns the blog, BITCH!)


Unknown said...

You couldn't save your own life if you wanted to, anonymous dumb-ass. Put your name on it lol.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, politics will always be corrupted. Not even our union is "good". We are still paying for someone's "attorney fees", or so we are told. $100 a month is getting out of hand. We can't even have a "real" union meeting, without these drunk asses and hot heads getting into physical fights. I don't feel safe going to those darn "meetings". All I get out of it is "men" ridiculing each other and more confusion out of whatever topic we were supposed to discuss. The leadership is extremely poor on all ends. From the mayor down to our union. I am ashamed to be part of this department and to work for a city that has nothing but power hungry assholes. All that you guys are doing is making a stressful situation even more stressful. I see noting but wolves in sheep's wool. I wish someday you guys get your crap together and someday, this mess gets cleaned up. This whole bullying and pointing fingers is not getting this department anywhere. If anything you guys are making this department look worse than people already see it. The valley hates BFD. Please, for the love of God, be who you are supposed to be: honest, hardworking men and women who our children and the children around us are looking up to...I'm not on either side on this...All I want is to go to work, do what I need to for the citizens of Brownsville, and go home safe with my family. We get paid enough, more than enough, we get pretty good benefits. All we need is more ambulances for the growing city, and more training on EMS and for the fire guys to stop complaining when we ask for their help. We are exhausted beyond belief. All this tugging back and forth is only causing more of a headache and added stress that is unnecessary. Most of you guys I looked up to, I came into this department proud, but now I doubt all of yal's intentions and have no respect for you guys or our chief.
