Tuesday, August 27, 2013


By Juan Montoya
An unexpected side story has emerged from the fallout following the sentencing for racketeering of former 404th District Judge Abel Limas and former state representative Jim Solis.
As part of the sentencing for each of these men, federal judge Andrew Hanen also imposed fines upon these two for their role in other cases. For example, Hanen ordered Limas to pay restitution to Metro Aviation of $5.9 million, $23,000 to Patrick Kornegay; and $162,005 to USAIG, an aviation insurance company."
He also sentenced him to pay former Cameron County DA Yolanda De Leon $39,207, $38,920 to attorney Peter Zavaletta; and $40,000 to Freedom Communication, the former owners of The Brownsville Herald.
Likewise, at Solis' sentencing, Hanen ordered him to make restitution of approximately $40,000 each to Yolanda De Leon, Peter Zavaletta, and Freedom Communication, former owners of the Brownsville Herald and Valley Morning Star. 
If you'll remember,  De Leon, a former Cameron County District Attorney, was indicted after information was allegedly released by De Leon before the March 2008 primary election to district attorney candidate Peter
Zavaletta relating to the DA’s handling of formal complaints of sexual and other abuse of children. Then-District Attorney Armando R. Villalobos claimed that the information was confidential.
That information was used in political advertisements that appeared in newspapers, including The Brownsville Herald and the Valley Morning Star.
The information belonged to Cameron County’s Children’s Advocacy Center and was not for publication, Villalobos had charged. Zavaletta was Villaobos' opponent in the election.
The DA cited the state’s Family Code on misuse of official information. The code states that “the files, reports, records, communications, and working paper used or developed in providing services under this chapter are confidential and not subject to public release.”
De Leon served on the board of the advocacy center. She resigned from her position after the charges were filed.
Zavaletta was to be indicted also, but his name was removed because he agreed to be a witness in the case. He also entered a pre-trial diversion agreement with the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office in July 2008.
(Coincidentally, [or was it?], the attorney pictured with De Leon in the photo above is none other than Mervyn Mosbacker, the same attorney who defended Solis in the racketeering trial. Now, how is it that Mosbacker can defend De Leon , defend Solis, and then the federal judge awards his former client $80,000 from Limas and Solis [his current client])?
De Leon was initially charged with 10 counts of tampering with governmental records and two counts of aggravated perjury in July of 2008 for her role in the release of confidential information regarding alleged child abuse defendants.
Villalobos agreed to dismiss the charges just two days before the trial was to begin agreeing with her defense attorney that dropping the charges would be a a “just resolution” to the cases.
Villalobos charged that she passed protected records to challenger Zavaletta which were later used in an political advertisement in the Freedom Newspapers' Brownsville Herald and the Valley Morning Star.
As a result, four of the persons named in the advertisement – Juan Antonio Coronado, Francisco Solis Ramirez, Roberto Rivera II, and Ruben Contreras – sued De Leon, Zavaletta, the Brownsville Herald and the Valley Morning Star.
At the time that the records were released De Leon was on the board of directors of Monica’s House, a child abuse advocacy organization.
By entering into the agreement on April 9, 2010, De Leon avoided prosecution and the substantial risk of a conviction at trial before 404th Judicial District Court Judge Elia Cornejo. It was never revealed what the details of that agreement were, except for a vague statement issued by her where she claimed that the charges could be disputed as "a genuine issue of fact."
In a contradictory two-page statement after her agreement with Villallobos, she acknowledged that reports of child abuse are confidential and that the records are created and used to prosecute defendants, but also stated there is “a genuine issue of fact as to whether these documents constitute such records.”
After a series of legal twists and turns which included charges that Limas had issued favorable rulings to the plaintiffs in exchange for cash, a civil case against De Leon and her co-defendants continued through the legal process. Just about three months ago, word got out that De Leon, through her insurance coverage, had reached a hefty settlement in the case with the four defendants.
No details of that agreement have been made available, either, except for rumors that it totaled in the $100,000s.Yet, if one was to listen to her speak about the way Limas managed his court, one would think that she herself was against reproach.
"His court was a sham," De Leon said.
"Judge Limas had been denying victims justice before then," she said, noting that many decisions took place in closed chambers.
Judge Hanen asked De Leon if Limas encouraged corruption? "They encouraged graft," she answered.
The twists and turns of the local legal system sometimes often seem byzantine, with the goal of equal justice just a tantalizing reach away.
In this case, De Leon has managed to conveniently overlook the fact that she may have been a part of a legal system that adhered to the letter, and not the spirit, of the law. In fact, the federal government – in ordering both awards – may be guilty of the same error.


The Real Dennis said...

I wonder if Yolanda De Leon slept good last night? That P.H.M.B voicing in court that Abel Limas embarrassed the profession and his court? Well, she had an opportunity to do something about it when she was DA? Why didn’t she? Next, this is a former elected official who ALLOWED the cover-up and shooting of two of Federal agents and the wounding of a CC Deputy. Then get into bed with the powers to be in Harlingen and go after two police officers who wanted the right thing done. Then force retire the two officers when they could not find anything on them. She then forces the HPOA to plea guilty in (of course) who’s court, Migdalia Lopez and pay a $3,000.00 fine.
I don’t agree with what Abel Limas did and justice was served but for this P.H.M.B. to come out and voice her opinion when she has “skeletons” was not right.
Yolanda De Leon attitude toward the Border Patrol incident reminds me of that other P.H.M.B. in Hillary Clinton with that Benghazi murders!

Anonymous said...

I guess the poster @10:32 is referring to the feds shot by the cop's son with an assault rifle that had been turned into the Harl. P.D. to be destroyed but was instead put into use, not secured properly, and used as a murder weapon. How was this covered up? It was in the news from the beginning and in detail. What am I missing, 10:32?
And, Deleon clearly did wrong but that doesn't mean she can not be wronged. Lets say someone is intoxicated and in their car, stopped at a traffic light, and someone rear-ends them. They should not have been behind the wheel so does that let the driver who rear-ended them off the hook? No, the intoxicated driver, waiting at the light was wronged and the person who wronged him/her should have consequences.

The Real Dennis said...

@Anonymous August 28,2013 at 1:58 P.M;

The assault rifle used in the murder of two Federal agents and the wounding of a deputy was an AR-15 turned into the HPD by a doctor for DESTRUCTION! The evidence guy and father of the murderer had it at his residence in a gun safe? I questioned along with two other officers as to why did this evidence guy have the rifle when it was meant to be destroyed? Since he was in the circle of certain Anglo officers along with one token Hispanic, the plan to cover up the incident was dreamed up by the Chief of Police and City Hall. We tried to get anyone and everyone to have someone be disciplined or held accountable for what occurred. To no avail, everyone got into bed with the cover up of the incident. I even went to a Grand Jury with De Leon present and it was a farce! She needed an "out" for her office to be excused as to why they didn't investigate the cover up or the stealing of the weapon from the evidence room. Just so you know, a Federal jury held the City of Harlingen liable and awarded over $35 million to the plaintiffs! De Leon got into bed wit the powers to be in Harlingen thinking that she could count on Harlingen politics to keep her in office? Didn't work!

Anonymous said...

When you jump into Shit River, you just have to keep swimming.

Anonymous said...

Dennis what is a cover up, what you pulled during the Hayes case, or when you were a DA investigator without paying child support, or using tax exempt funds from the HPOA to play politics after being warned criminal sanctions if you do it again. Cover up you bet.

The Real Dennis said...

Here we go with some coward throwing shots without putting his name and allowing me a face to face and hear them out. Hayes case? Child support? Kids are already out grown, pendejo or pendeja! You must have been one of those who rode the coat tails in HPOA and now receiving that nice paycheck with a good treasure cove building because of HPOA or just one of those "whitey" backers who went fishing with them from time to time? Don't hide behind Anonymous, grow some balls! Calling you out!
