Is money, or the love of it, the root of all evil at the Brownsville Independent School District?
Money, or the lack of it available locally for her labor, is what is driving Dr. Christina Saavedra to San Antonio. Tonight she will formally announce what has been on everybody's lips for weeks, that she is on her way to San Wilmas.

She has recently made it known that she was sick of the hostile treatment of the female minority members on the board by board president Enrique Escobedo and the majority that includes Minerva Peña, Jose Chirinos and Otis Powers.
And the BISD administration will recommend that Bertha Peña Area Asst. Superintendent – whose salary is listed by the Texas Tribune before this year's 2 percent raise at $145,748 – be raised by $13,000 for "additional duties." We understand that hardly anyone makes $$160,000 at the college, so Peña probably got the best of both worlds. With that kind of incentive, who wouldn't have opted to stay?
She's not the only one riding that gravy train. Auditor Margie Pinzano will present a report on rising legal fees paid by the district. Her re\port indicates that for the last three years BISD has paid:
2010-2011: $546, 000
2011-2012 $692, 000
2012-2013 $869, 000...and the meter is still running.
Her finding: "We found that there was no formal policy or procedure for processing the disbursements for attorneys."
Her recommendation:The district after this finding has halted cash payments to the attorneys and will use purchase orders.
Will it ever stop?
The low IQs also have much to do with the short sighted scheming for kickback dollars. Powers, Escobedo, Chirinos, Pena, Presas, et al are the scum at the bottom of the trash barrel. They have no clue how to be honest, productive citizens much less how to be good public servants.
The BISD trustees are more focused on greasing their own palms than on the quality of education. I guess the trustees believe that as long as the people in the district are ignorant, have free meals and a solid babysitting program; no one will complain. Ignorance is Bliss in Brownsville and Public Ignorance is bliss for the trustees to continue to play their money games. Corruption exists because the public is blissfully ignorant and don't pay any attention to what's going on....
You pay scale is wayyyyyyyyyy off! But then that is how you run, with stretching the truth!!!!!!!!!
The quality of education at BISD is pathetic and is a symptom of the incompetent stewardship of the BISD board.
To anonny who wrote"You pay scale is wayyyyyyyyyy off! But then that is how you run, with stretching the truth!!!!!!!!!"
How much does Sylvia Atkinson makes? $113,000.00 Plus.
How much does Sandra Powers makes? $123,000.00 plus.
How much does Mary Tolman makes?
How much does Mary Tolman makes?
How much does Mary Tolman's husband makes?
How much does Otis Power's son makes?
How much does Tyron Powers makes?
How much does Charlie Atkinson makes?
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