Wednesday, August 7, 2013


By Juan Montoya
Well, we were wrong and so were out sources.
All through Tuesday we were assured by various people that former city commissioner and Bond Oversight Committee chair Butch Barbosa would be the choice to replace trustee Christina Saavedra on the board of the Brownsville Independent School District.
That, as out three readers (down from four) know, turned out to be wrong.
Instead, the new trustee is Brownsville resident Cesar Lopez, who board president Enrique Escobedo said had a college degree and business experience.
The vote was 4-2 with trustees Catalina Presas-Garcia and Luci Longoria – who had asked that voters decide Saavedra's replacement through a special election – voting against his appointment.


Anonymous said...

It is a well known secret that Otis, and Hector Chirinos wanted Butch, but Enrique changed it at the very last minute?

It is my business to know, if you don't believe me ask Enrique?

Anonymous said...

The question is how come the Super did not ask Chris Davis how much the BISD election combined with the November election will cost?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that the Cesar Lopez is Enrique, Juarez and Capistran's drinking buddy?

Anonymous said...

you were't wrong Juan... because of fear of proving us all right, they changed at the last moment man...

good job man...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Quorum Report / Border Buzz ^ | January 4, 2005 | Harvey Kronberg
Posted on 1/7/2005 3:58:48 PM by SwinneySwitch

Guerra says inflated revenue projections for federal prison have caused more budget cuts Two former Willacy County commissioners pleaded guilty Tuesday to accepting bribes for their votes on federal prison contracts, the Associated Press reports.

Precinct 1 commissioner Israel Tamez, 58, of Raymondville, and Precinct 4 commissioner Jose Jimenez, 67, of Sebastian, waived indictment and admitted accepting more than $10,000 each from companies competing for work on the Willacy County Adult Correctional Center. The $14.5 million prison was built to house federal inmates.

In 2000, Willacy County commissioners voted 5-0 to select Corplan Corrections, an Argyle consulting firm, and Hale Mills Construction, a Houston general contractor, to construct the 500-bed federal prison. The same companies are currently constructing a $7.5 million county jail.

Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra told Border Buzz that revenue projections for the federal prison were so skewed that the cash-strapped county was having to make further cuts in services and more layoffs.

The rest of the story, subscribers only

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; US: Texas
KEYWORDS: backroomdeals; bribe; bribery; contractbids; corruption; crime; federalcontract; payoff; taxdollarsatwork; texas; willacy; youpayforthis
Wonder if Israel and Jose are demonrats?
1 posted on 1/7/2005 3:58:48 PM by SwinneySwitch
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To: SwinneySwitch
Usually if the party affiliation is missing it is safe to assume they are Democrats.

2 posted on 1/7/2005 4:00:23 PM by MisterRepublican ("I must go. I must be elusive.")
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To: SwinneySwitch
Pretty crappy bribes for a project of this size!!!
They must be republicans as democrats would have gotten much bigger bribes and would have gotten away with it too.

3 posted on 1/7/2005 4:10:07 PM by Eaker ("I am a Scientist ............... and that was fast for me.")
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To: SwinneySwitch
Oh, Willacy with a "c." I was wondering what their being tall and thin had to do with it.

4 posted on 1/7/2005 4:10:55 PM by Mercat (I know my Redeemer lives)
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To: Eaker
"....admitted accepting more than $10,000 each...." Who knows how much and how many other bribes they got!
5 posted on 1/7/2005 4:20:29 PM by SwinneySwitch (Texas, bless God.)
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To: SwinneySwitch
There was a TV character by the name of Jose Jimenez...Nah, probably not the same one.

6 posted on 1/7/2005 4:30:49 PM by FreePaul
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To: MeekOneGOP; CindyDawg; Pebcak; solo gringo; WVNan; weegee; Flyer; VRWCTexan; 3AngelaD; mysto; ...
South Texas Corruption Ping!

7 posted on 1/7/2005 4:44:39 PM by SwinneySwitch (Texas, bless God.)
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To: SwinneySwitch
Rhetorical question, I presume.
I'd like to know, how many words into the first sentence would it have taken the writer to use Republican if these guys were Republicans.

8 posted on 1/7/2005 4:51:18 PM by bigfootbob
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To: SwinneySwitch
Bad boys! Bad boys!
Whatchagonna do?
Whatchagonna do when they come for you?
Bad boys! Bad boys!
Whatchagonna do?
Whatchagonna do when they come for yoooooouuuuu?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Cortez sentenced: Judge gives ex-county leader three months in prison, two years supervised release


A federal judge in Brownsville sentenced former Webb County Commissioner David Cortez on Tuesday to three months in prison, nearly two years after he was convicted for his involvement in a South Texas extortion scheme.

The court also sentenced him to two years supervised release, including six months’ home confinement after he gets out of prison. Cortez also was fined $25,000.

Cortez’s attorney Mike DeGuerin did not return a call seeking comment Tuesday.

In March 2005, Cortez, who resigned from commissioners court last year, entered a plea bargain in which he accepted responsibility for funneling bribe money to two Willacy County commissioners on behalf of an unnamed company seeking to build a prison there.

Over the next few weeks, the federal Bureau of Prisons will determine at what date Cortez must report to prison, said Nancy Herrera, an executive assistant U.S. attorney.

The prison bureau will also decide where Cortez will serve his time.

According to court documents, Willacy County Commissioners Jose Jimenez and Israel Tamez were convicted in January 2005 of accepting bribe payments in exchange for contract advantages in the construction of the Willacy County Adult Correctional Center in Raymondville.

In March 2005, Cortez admitted to forwarding payments totaling about $39,000 to Jimenez and Tamez from an unnamed company involved in seeking a consulting contract regarding the correctional center, which opened in 2003.

Tamez received six months in prison and three years of supervised release; charges against Jimenez were dismissed following his death earlier this year, according to prosecutors.

Cortez served on Webb County Commissioners Court from 1995 to 1999, and he was elected to the court again in 2002. Several months before he entered his guilty plea, Cortez resigned his position, citing health and personal reasons.

(Clay Reddick may be reached at (956) 728-2582 or by e-mail at


Anonymous said...

Are these the commissioners that accepted brives from some Senators, and Representative?

Anonymous said...

Two charged with bribery

Associated Press

HARLINGEN, Texas (AP) - Two Willacy County commissioners have been accused of taking bribes in return for votes on a federal prison contract.

Commissioners Israel Tamez and Jose Jimenez were charged Thursday under the Hobbs Act, which forbids paying or taking money for public contracts, prosecutor Jim McAlister said Monday. Each is accused of taking at least $10,000 for a nod on a contract awarded by the Willacy County Jail Facility Corp.

The contract was part of a multimillion dollar prison project, McAlister said.

At the county's request, the U.S. Attorney's office agreed to postpone a federal hearing until 2005 to save the cost of a special election should Jimenez be forced to resign. After Jan. 1, Jimenez will have served more than half of his term, allowing county officials to appoint a replacement should he resign. Tamez lost the March primary and will be replaced Jan. 1.

The hearing will be in federal court in Brownsville on Jan. 4.

Tamez could not be reached by telephone late Monday afternoon. Jimenez said, "no comment."

The charges are the latest development in an investigation that started when Willacy County's books came up $2 million in the red, District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra said.

"We went into a deficit from a surplus of $1.5 million in three years," Guerra said. "We started looking at what had happened to the county."

As part of the investigation, auditor Armando Rubalcaba pleaded no contest to embezzling about $65,000 in county funds and has been cooperating with the FBI and Texas Rangers' investigation into the commissioners.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Purchasing Department

The Purchasing Office is responsible for oversight and acquisition of goods, services and professional services requested by the District's schools and departments. It operates within state and federal law, school board policies, and sound business practices.

Business Hours and Contact Information
Vendors may visit the Purchasing Office from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., any day of the workweek. The Purchasing Office location is:

206 W. 6th Street
Mercedes Tx, 78570

Thank you,

Cesar O. Lopez
Purchasing Agent
Mercedes Independent School District

Anonymous said...

Your source is a story tell and probably a drinker like you. They are total story tellers. Everyone knew that those that lost were not ever considered for the position. Sad for you Juanio!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pobres Tanzas, al toda capilla se le lleva su fiestecita.

Don Cleto said...

juan how come ex mayor pat ahumada was not considered here since its only for a short time???

don cleto said...

butch was part of the three amigos circus ring at city hall in brownsville some years ago right? butch, pete benavides and william garza, the powers to be, liek that thomae guy on the county comission years ago too. can you count to three, commissioner?
