Friday, August 23, 2013


By Juan Montoya
How would you like a gig where in five months you work less than a 40 hour week and get paid $8,332 for it?
Nice work if you can get it, uh?
Or how about if you really put your nose to the grindstone and tally up 46 hours for the same amount of pay ($8,300).
If you paid those two people $16,664 for the 83 hours they actually work, you'd be paying them about $200 an hour.
The hell with that, you say?
Well, according to records at the Rucker-Carrizales unit of the Cameron County corrections department, those are the hours punched in by our two magistrates at the calaboose from April to August. Their salaries are set at $25,000 a year.
And that's not all. Not only do these two magistrates (Adolfo E. Cordova and Alfredo Padilla) punch in as little as seven minutes a day (Padilla, April 13) but they also have clerical and administrative assistants to help them bear their heavy load. And even though their office website lists their office hours as Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.,and Saturday and Sunday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, it is a rare day when the magistrates are there for even one hour on any given day.
Jail administrators were wary of how they spent their time and (being cops at heart) set up a surveillance on court administrator Dora A. Guzman, and part-time clerk Venessa Juarez to see just what it was that they did on county time and found that the girls dis just about everything that a person does when they are not on the public dime.You know, go to the store, take a walk in the mall, visit mom and dad, etc.
Well, we all know it's budget time at Cameron Couonty and that usually means that cuts are made here and there. After being made aware of the sweet deal these two legal eagles have been handed by the county, the move is on to place the new justice of the peace position at Carrizales to lighten the load on the taxpayer. Not all the commissioners knew this was happening so hopefully there will be enough votes (all it takes is three, remember?) to make the change so that county taxpayers can get some relief from this legal gravy train.


Anonymous said...

I heard somewhere that the legislature passed a law that said the magistrates at the detention facility had to be licensed to practice law in the state of texas, in other words, an attorney. Most attorneys of any ilk get $200.00 per hour minimum. However their staff don't fare so well, maybe $10 to $15 per hour actually worked.

Great thought, JP Erin Hernandez is an attorney, she could move her JP office to the jail, however it might cut down on her weddings. Not much of that going around at Carrizales.

Southmost Kid said...

talk of the excess fat at the county this is prime example of how badly taxpayers funds are flushed down the toilet. anyway it dont matter, us taxpayers can and will always foot these bills. que padre???? ayattolla kohemi

Anonymous said...

what do you know about work, juan>?

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake, if there is a way to make ilegal money in Carrizales Erin will happily go

Anonymous said...

The commissioners need to take a good look, now we are taking budgets, at the county fire marshal, bozzo, has a truck, come and goes as pleases, no one seems to check on this 60K bastard.

Anonymous said...

alfredo padilla otro huevon and he has a bail bond company too y special prosecutor, da atty as well, oh well what a convience. amigp de armando villalobos y now de luis saenz, la misma covija

Anonymous said...

Magistrates in Cameron county do many of the chores that the District courts refuse to do anymore. In addition, by involving themselves as magistrates in the jail system they conflict themselves from many cases and clients. Move along nothing to see here...... The legal support staff on the other hand is fair game.

Anonymous said...

Not Adoph Cordova that silver-haired clown from San Benito? No wonder he works for the gov't, keeping his law office open and his wife on as secr/recp. Buena suerte.

Anonymous said...

Aver QUE hace el seƱor Cascos. El QUE ES MUY honrado.
SE me HACE QUE Los majistrales son amigitos de Cascos y los va a protejer. SI no trabajan, corranlos. Aver SI cascos tiene los HUEVOS, o va a protejer a SUS amigitos?
