Shades of Rene Oliveira!
Remember when a car belonging to the state representative was involved in a DWI accident where the driver – reportedly his girlfriend – smashed into the back of van where two people were riding and careened into a nearby used car sales lot?
Well, this time a tip from a citizen that the strong smell of marijuana was emanating from two cars parked on the 1300 block of Janet Lane Aug. 9 led to the arrest of one man and the suspicion that two others who walked away before they could be arrested by officers of the Brownsville Police Department were involved in a botched drug deal and the confiscation of some 5 lbs. of pot.
Although two of the four suspects walked away before the officers could detain them, they arrested and charged one man identified as Javier Francisco Yanez, 18, and charged him with DUI with marijuana.
But that is not all. When the two suspects fled the scene, they left behind a white BMW. Upon investigation of the car's registration, it was discovered that the car was registered to Phil Bellamy, identified as a a City of Brownsville Municipal Judge.
As police tell it, on the, on Aug. 9, at about 7:50 p.m., a citizen waved down an officer to tell that he had passed near a maroon Suburban and a white BMW and detected a strong odor of marijuana and four men handling packages. When officers responded to the advised location of 1300 block of Janet Lane, they observed four subjects inside the maroon Suburban parked behind the white BMW.
When the men noticed the police, two of them got out of the Suburban and walked away while the driver of the Suburban and a passenger attempted to leave. Police stopped the Suburban and identified the driver as Yanez.
Officers reported that they detected a strong odor of marijuana emitting from the driver and vehicle and arrested Yanez for DUI by Marijuana. They also also found 6.6oz of marijuana in the vehicle for which Yanez claimed ownership. Yanez received a $5,350 bond total and was released when he posted it.

A warrant to search the vehicle was obtained and 4.10 lbs of marijuana were found in the trunk of the vehicle. Case is still under investigation. Yanez received a $5350 dollar bond total and was released when he posted it. His is the only name and photo of the four suspects in the case they have released (right).
Despite repeated media requests fro the police report, the car ownership, and the name of the driver, the city administration so far have not complied with their requests. According to police spokesmen, if a vehicle is involved in illegal activity, the owner faces certain responsibilities. However, up to now no charges have been filed against anyone in the case.
In 2010 Bellamy was involved in an altercation at a local Sam's Club at Walmart Stores Inc. that resulted in his arrest and later to his involuntary confinement in two mental health facilities. Bellamy later filed a lawsuit against Sam's.
According to the lawsuit, the 49-year-old plaintiff, a municipal judge with 10 years on the bench and 20 years in law, he went to purchase some diamond earrings for his wife at Sam’s Club. He claims that the Sam’s employees questioned his purchase of the pricey earrings and a verbal dispute began, ultimately leading to his arrest and confinement in a mental health facility.
His lawsuit was dismissed as was a later lawsuit he filled in federal court against the Cameron County DA and two of his assistants.
Shades of Juan Monoya and Ben Neece, no?
"Justice Deep South Texas Style"
Give it up Juan....Bellamy is a fine man that went through a rough patch in life....You have also seen your times come up; not once but several times...Cut the guy some slack and let his son deal with what may come about from his decision......I'm sure you wanted to stick your hand in the sand when your mugshot was all over the blogs and you were getting heat from every direction...But you made it through and life went on....(Let's see if you post my comment)...Let the man move on with his life..
Political officials here are like a bunch of cats in a litter box, always covering up their shit. Rene Oliviera was given a "pass" but Brownsville Police and officials for his drunken accident and no auto insurance. Chief of Police Garcia gave a "pass" to his son after a battery allegation; now we have Bellamy's son getting a "pass" after this incident. This favoritism is another type of corruption....proving some folks in Brownsville are better or more privileged than the rest of us. This form of political courtesy is just as bad as what Limas, et al, did.
Do not assume things of which you know nothing about. Where did you see or hear that his son got a free pass?
Who are you to say that he should be a certified nut case? So what if the man has a medical condition....he needed help and got it.....I will gladly stand up and say that he is a fair and intelligent man..I am glad to count on him as a friend.
Hey Juan. So what if Bellamy's son got caught. Do you expect them to be perfect than anybody else just because they are son's or daughter's of judges or elected or appointed officials? Let's begin with Limas. Why haven't you written about Limas' being sentenced yesterday? Afraid of something? That his people might come after you to attack and expose you and your past? Phil is a good guy and has no control what his son does out there. If his son made a bad choice, he aint the first or the last. Imagine if all out elected officials accepted responsibility for what their kids do or involved in. We wouldn't have any elected people in office. In Cameron County, who isn't involved in some sort of illegal activity. At least he wasn't caught stealing. So before you go and attack Phil, look at all the stupid mistakes and decisions you have made......
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