To hear some Brownsville firefighters speak about their chief, there are more than enough grievances against Lenny Perez that would have led the American colonists to revolt under his rule.
This evening at 7 p.m., the Brownsville Firefighters Association will hold a meeting at the Veterans of Foreign Wars post (behind Hygeia's) and tally the ballots on a no-confidence vote against Perez.

All this has been building over years, say some of Perez's critics, but his recent actions in the handling of firefighter Juan Casanova's funeral broke the camel's back.
In Casanova's case, firefighters say that Perez had instructed the funeral home to give the widow that flag that lined the bottom of the casket and was trying to keep the one on top, the one usually reserved for the dead man's widow. He was also trying to keep the man's badge and used helmet and replace them with others. When firefighters intervened, Perez relented and left the funeral home.
But that was not the unkindest cut, they say.
Casanova was a few months from retirement and Perez could have used the dead man's unused sick leave days to make up the difference and leave his retirement to his widow and Perez refused, even when some of his fellow firefighters volunteered to donate some of theirs.
"Perez was acting like the retirement was his," said one. "Yet he has people under him doing a brisk business selling and buying sick days and he lets it continue."
As a result, it appears that Casanova's widow will not receive anything from the firefighters insurance since Perez has determined that the firefighter did not die on duty even though he was taken from his duties at the firehouse to receive medical care.
Ever since Perez has been fire chief he has garnered a reputation for hogging the spotlight and making decisions that ultimately are overturned on appeal by his targets. He, for example, took credit for the heroic deeds of firefighters and EMS paramedics at the Queen Isabella Causeway disaster by accepting the congressional proclamations and making sure that the real heroes of the day were kept away from City Hall when they were issued.
Just recently, Cameron County held a ceremony honoring first responders who had fallen in the line of duty. As usual, Perez did not inform local firefighters and paramedics of the event but showed up to receive the honors on their behalf decked out in his finest service uniform.
"This is past due," said a firefighter who retired recently. " I'm glad to see that our members are coming to their senses. This poor excuse of a man has been abusing his position of fire chief (and notice I say position because he is no fire chief) for years. It is a shame that a few city commissioners have protected his ineptitude in exchange for for their cronies who need 'uninspected' inspections for their businesses. He is a coward and ends up short of brains. Hes not the capacity to run a department like ours."
PD is going to have to get additional officers on overtime to get all the DWI firefighters coming out of that meeting. Hahaha! Sad but true.
This walking turd who doesn't deserve to be called a chief ! Has made sure that no one ever gets recognized for incredible work that paramedics and firefighters do every Day ! He has always made sure to take the credit for everything. Just to make sure no one comes close and take the chair that he holds. Besides that chair must have a bad smell to it and needs to be burned ! Look at the peace of shit !! That has been seating on it all this years.
He has always made sure no one ever recognizes what paramedics and fire fighter do every day. Do us all a favor and flush yourself down the toilet you peace of Shit !!
now this is sad!!!!!!
I hope the City of Brownsville see's that this idiot is really making them look BAD, whoever is The Fire Chief Boss is ( Direct Supervisor) - YOUR AN EVEN BIGGER IDIOT!!! The Family of FireFighter Cassanova needs to sue the city! Regardless of how he died - He was on duty, on city property, on the clock!
He is no chief ! Just one peace of shit !
Come on people why is anybody surprise he's just another incompetent tit (government) sucking liberal dumbocrap. "...his alleged arbitrary management style that favors some firefighters over others..." HELLO DUMBOCRATS NEVER HIRE, PROMOTE, ASSIGNED people based on MERRIT, only the biggest PROSTITUTE ASS KISSERS get the cushy jobs. DEMOCRATS AND MAYHEM ARE ONE AND THE SAME!!!!!!!!!
This idiot is about as useful as a lawnmower on a snowcap mountain.
The only way we are going to solve these problems is by cleaning house. Stop electing those that know how to play the game and start installing those that know how to work. Fuera!
That fat ass of an imbecile David Hinojosa needs to get the freak out also. Another bastard who takes all the credit and spotlight from others. Then again that's how he got promoted, by kissing ass since he was hired, lazy son of a bitch.
douche bag ese lenny perez, needs to go just another cool arrow, and cable el boss hog where are you at with this, take care of this personnel problem dude, or junior garcia will take care of it for you as soon as he gets in, vamonos, dc
hahaha...4:31, the irony of all ironies!
Imagine, the coked up cops arresting the fueled up firefighters!!
That idiot is jeff johnson
And you being so perfect......go figure
People who have the time and energy to write all that crap about their leader obviously need another job!!! Half the firefighters are cry babies and we ALL know who you are....... You should support your leader as any noble American firefighter would!!
Hino sucking on la loca, probably the other way around worthless. hino always trying to sound intelligent when he talks and whats really funny he doesnt even no that he looks and sounds like a fool sad.
SR.ALCALDE. es tiempo de barrer la cuidad tienes a pura jente que no esta mayoria de los directores no tienen educacion de univesidad ,se necesita sangre nueva y cuidad esta manejada por una sarta de PENDEJOS que no tienen preparacion empezando por el'CITY MANAGER'.este pendejo que preparacion tiene nomas que fue a la escuela del FBIy lo corrieron por penedjo.este fire chief que preparacion tiene ni madre. ya asi te vas a la mayoria de los departamentos que se hacen llamar directores.SR.ALCALDE ahorita que tiene la mayoria en la comision es tiempo de hacer una limpia para que este pueblo crezca.YA BASTA DE TANTA CORRUPCION.
People seem to forget the fact that " UNION" is a strong word!! " BROTHERHOOD" is even stronger..... So when the Dept get's a Noble Fire Chief like other Fire Department's around the State of Texas - He will be supported by his men..... meantime you have Goofy running the show - with Mickey Mouse pulling the strings!!
How many Fire's did this chief fight as a regular firefighter? does even he know what a firehose looks like!! Does he know what the men on the front line endure??
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