After some local commenters went ballistic because we had published a post based partly on an interview with current Cameron County District Attorney Luis Saenz, one of our four reader sent us this photo from a FB page which was taken during a pachanga for Saenz at Basilio Gomez's place on Jefferson Street and Palm Blvd.
At the time, the Carlos Masso-Luis Saenz contest was up in the air and we attended at the invitation of Lucino Rosenbaum Jr. (left) and his son Lucino III. We met a lot of people there, including former Brownsville Navigation District Commissioner Mario Villarreal and his grandson Markie, who had hosted the event.
Many people showed up at Saenz's pachanga. Among some of them was city commissioner John Villarreal, Pct. 2 county commissioner Ernie Hernandez (what's it gonna take for you to get off my ass, Juan?), constable Pete Avila and his challenger (and eventual winner) Abel Gomez, Gabino Vasquez, administrator assistant to Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavidez, among others.

Saenz was the DA back when Lucino was county commissioner.
Rosenbaum has been feeling somewhat poorly lately with at least three visits to the hospital over an infection in his lungs and heart whose source local doctors have been unable to detect. (And some of you thought he had no heart!) Just last week we found out that he had been referred to doctors in Houston who put him through a week-long battery of tests to see what the source of the malady might be. A life of hard living, hard work, some smoking and an occasional tipping the bottle might have taken its toll. We hear he's back in town and hope the Houston whiz kids have finally figured out the cause of his ailments. For the life of us we can't tell whether he's lost any weight. Old photos show him to be quite similar in weight as before (see above).
Lucino's sister Yolanda, who operates the family-owned flower and gift shop on Hortencia, was also in Houston getting medical treatment for a mysterious small lump in her breast that turned out to be cancerous and was successfully removed. We hear she is recovering nicely and we wish her the best. As kids, Yolanda, Lucino, their brother Rene, and I used to attend CastaƱeda Elementary. Rene is now a professor of Economics at Michigan State in East Lansing. That's Bea Rosenbaum (nee Galindo) in the black and white photo. She is the leasing director for the Port of Brownsville. The boy in front of the happy couple is none other than Lucino III (Blue to his friends). The man in the plaid shirt to Lucino's left rear is his late brother Juan, mi tocayo.
The man over Bea's right shoulder wearing Ray Bans is judge Ben Euresti, also making his first run for office.
This pachanga took place in the early 1980s at the home of Joe King, who almost single-handedly started the campaign sign industry. Among those attending was first-time political candidate Gilberto Hinojosa who was making a run for the board of the Brownsville Independent School District and asked us if he could campaign there because he lacked the funds to stage his own.
There are, of course, new friends. The hairy guy on the right is none other than local lawyer and former candidate for state rep Alex Dominguez. Alex has been fairly successful at is profession but is not above doing some pro bono work for needy clients. His run against Rene Oliveira had him in a contest with the Cameron County Democratic machine and all that entails. Nonetheless, the fact that he ran and was not successful does not deter us from considering him a good friend.
Oh, yeah. The guy next to Lucino is Saenz, currently the Cameron County DA. Both Lucino and Luis breed quarter horses and that has helped to cement that decades-long friendship. Lucino says that every time Luis raids an eight-liner he ends up in the hospital with chest pains. But, hey, what's a maquinita or two between friends?
To the party who sent us this photo, thanks for sending us this photo and allowing us to remember good people.
I don't see Bobby Whitman in any of the campaign pictures then and now. Does anybody like or much less trust Bobby and Melissa Zamora? I don't think Melissa ever attended Mr. Saenz campaign functions or even ever posed to show her support to Mr. Saenz. It was known she initially supported Carlos Masso then when she found out Mr. Saenz was picking up the votes she started kissing ass to Zeke to help her get Mr. Saenz ear and help her land a job at the DA office. People seem to forget very easily who helps who once they get what the want. Welcome to Brownsville Politics.. Word to Politicians don't forget to easily because you never know who you many need......
Melissa Zamora is a qualified professional with the appropriate credentials to do the job she is doing. No need to lump her together with the likes of a crackpot like Wightman. Sounds like sour grapes from Zeke Silva from where we sit.
Say JMON, what up with the IMP's blog?
Igor Garcia.
Melissa is a professional alright. Just like Jessica is a professional herself. Wait a minute didn't Jessica post on face book that she was also mistaken for a professional coming out of City Hall by the infamous man inside the red car? It seems Jessica and Melissa have the same credentials. UUUUUYYYYYY From where we sit Bobby and Melissa are cooking something new against Elrrun publisher. Look out Juan they are to get you. Especially after this post. They don't like to hear that you been around the political world long before they came to Brownsville,TX. Both Bobby and Melissa weren't born or raised in Brownsville, TX and do not understand our culture. They think people from Brownsville are Stupid and they know what is best for our community. They look at us as easily persuaded, gullible and easy pickings to take money away from the citizens.
Dear 8/1/13 of 1:36 p.m. Anonymous:
I greatly appreciate your interest in Mr. Montoya's story regarding my recent campaign. However, I must tell you that you are wrong regarding your characterization of Melissa Zamora. Melissa Zamora is a trusted and competent member of my administration. I have the utmost confidence in her loyalty and commitment to the D.A.'s Office. I recognize and respect the fact that you are entitled to your opinion. I would only hope that you take the above facts in reaching your conclusion.
Best wishes to you and yours.
Luis V. Saenz
Zeke did not write that. The comment would contain at least two mistakes if he did.
cream of the cream and the crop i say, the cream rises to the top.
Lucio used to be a regular guest at EX COUNTY COMISSIONER ISRAEL, Israel's daughter pamely got married to the DPS Larrazolo that got busted with a luggage full of money at Golds Gym parking lot.
Raymonville Ex Commissioner Israel's daughter Pamely's mother in Law (DPS Larazolo's mom is a midwife who can fix birth certificates for a nominal fee.
Again Lucio and Pamely's dad Raymonville's Ex Commioner are caca and calzon.
Don't get mad Luis...can't you politicians take a joke? Why does everything have to be sooooo personal? You may trust her but it doesn't mean we have to. Every elected official is entitled to make mistakes and you are no different. Time will only tell of her loyalty.
Of ALL the politicians that Bloggers talk about, you are the first DA or elected official that has actually posted from the County Official Website. Not even Carlos Cascos, Tony Martinez, Rose Gowen. Not Even Ernie Hernandez that has been attacked and his right hand Indicted. From where we sit she is not giving you good advice. Why would you even care about people’s opinion of her? Is she the only one that works for you? From someone who actually cares about our County please stay off the blogs. You should be worried about your reputation and not some employee that has used people to get where she is. She chose a political career and stepped on a lot of people to get there. We want to make sure she doesn’t run for office again or is using her position in the DA office to get money for another election. You are right, we are entitled to our opinion as you are to yours, but posting on ElRRUN as the DA doesn’t mean you are going to bully us into silence. We live in a country where we are entitled to Freedom of Speech, our own opinion and we don’t work for you. If people don’t like their private life or political life exposed then don’t run for Politics or post your life on Facebook for everyone to see and judge. It’s that simple. Welcome Back Luis and stay off the Blogs.
I would only hope that you take the above facts in reaching your conclusion.
Best wishes to you and yours.
I will not sign in fear of retaliation from your office or you
luis ese puro cool aid y la melissa tambien, she is not honest and not trust worhty in my books. We cant do anything to her or luis but God can. i leave it up to God for their judgement or punishment.
luis saez si te dejaras un poquito mas grande el BIGOTE te verias te creas.COMO FIGURA PUBLICA CORTATE ESE bigoteDE MAMADOR QUE TIENES SE TE VE MAL.
Luis remember George Gavito and Mary Lou Munivez???? I wouldn't be praising Melissa just yet. From her posts on Facebook and her Blog (she loves to blog)she is not loyal to no one but herself. I wouldn't stick out my neck our for her this soon. Just ask Carlos Cascos and his staff. Do you actually think your staff will actually tell you the truth about Melissa to your face? Hidalgo County Sheriff had his own son working for him and look where he ended up.. pleading guilty but he is his son. Hidalgo DA own hand picked investigator plead the 5th and just got fired last week in whom he said he also trusted and was loyal to him. So to hear you comment on a blog and praise Melissa doesn't really say a lot about you or your staff. They are so many needy qualified people with less baggage than Melissa and just because you say she is qualified in your eyes, well the public has a different opinion of her. You can't cover the sun with one finger and you can't ignore the fact that she was a public official that left the position with a lot of people upset at how she handled her 4years as commissioner. Sorry Luis but I have to disagree with you. To us she is not trust worthy.
now there is a name i havent heard in a while, Mary Lou Munivez, read somewhere she got a nice settlement for the harassement lawsuit she had filed agins luis and the county a few years ago. Hope you use it wisely girlfriend. chupies
$1000 dollars, mil dolares, wow luis i thought you were smarter than than an iphone hum i guess not, baraton este DA, mil dolares. well lets see where this new pierce of the puzzle take us. I knew he was dirty, cochino, folks say otyherwise but i never beleived it, y ahoa que, I was right cochino. elchupie
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